Crossword clues for biassed
alt. (en-past of: bias) vb. (en-past of: bias)
n. a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation [syn: prejudice, preconception]
a line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side of the fabric [syn: diagonal]
v. influence in an unfair way; "you are biasing my choice by telling me yours"
cause to be biased [syn: predetermine]
See bias
Usage examples of "biassed".
Baynes, too good a churchwoman to be worldly, would have been the last to admit--she often heard her husband describe old Jolyon as extremely well off, and was biassed towards his granddaughter for the soundest of all reasons.
As it is, our judgement must be biassed by that characteristick specimen which Sir John Hawkins has given us: 'Poor Thrale!
Her observations touching the loss of the chain were such as a suspicious woman, biassed by hatred and envy, would naturally make.
Thirdly, the judgment of the multitude is apt to be biassed by that surprise which is the effect of seeing an artist foiled at his own weapons, by one who engages him only for amusement.
Flexibility of mind, a disposition easily biassed by others, is an attribute which you know I am not very desirous of obtaining.
I have told Monsieur de Marquet that the man's threats had biassed the examining magistrate against him.
He had been brought up on a diet of caviar and bell-boys' legs in half the capitals of Europe, and it was pure luck that his mother had nervous prostration and had to delegate his education to less tender, less biassed hands.
When she had left us we recalled the detective, and still, as it were, touching the delicate matter with the tips of our tongues, so as not, being men of the world, to seem biassed against anything, we definitely elicited from him her profession and these words: "If she's speaking the truth, gentlemen.