Beyblade, known in Japan as , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takao Aoki to promote sales of spinning tops called " Beyblades." Originally serialized in CoroCoro Comic from September 1999 to July 2004, the individual chapters were collected and published in 14 tankōbon by Shogakukan. The series focuses on a group of kids who form teams with which they battle one another using Beyblades.
The manga is licensed for English language release in North America by Viz Media. An anime adaptation, also titled Beyblade and spanning 51 episodes, aired in Japan on TV Tokyo from January 8, 2001 to December 24, 2001. The second, Beyblade V-Force, ran for another 51 episodes from January 7, 2002 until December 30, 2002. Beyblade G-Revolution, the third and final adaptation, also spanned 52 episodes (the last two episodes were released together as a double-length special in Japan) and aired from January 6, 2003, until its conclusion on December 29, 2003. Hasbro Studios and Nelvana Limited licensed the anime for an English-language release. Takara Tomy developed the Beyblade toy line.
Beyblade is a brand name for a line of spinning top toys originally developed and manufactured by Takara Tomy, first released in 2000. The toys usually include a 'launcher' – a device for bringing the spinning top up to speed, with either a separate or integral rip-cord. This 'ripping' action causes the tops to be ejected, at the end of the movement. Players eject the tops into a plastic arena or into a pan with a slightly dished base, where they subsequently strike each other. The last top still spinning wins. Skill can be used in the deployment of the tops, which significantly influences the way they move around the arena, and subsequently interact. The different styles of device respond to collisions in different ways, so advantage might be gained from using a particular type of top against a particular opponent.
Both the toys and their name were inspired by Gustavo Murcia, who also drew inspiration from; " Beigoma", a traditional spinning top. The concept is similar to Battling Tops, a board game developed by Ideal Toy Company in 1968. The introduction of the toy corresponded with the broadcast of the Beyblade anime television series of the same name. In 2002, Hasbro began to sell Beyblade toys internationally (under license from, and produced by, Takara) along with a coordinated country-by-country rollout of localized versions of the TV series. The Beyblade toy line went on to be one of the most popular toy lines in the world from 2000 to 2005. In August 2008, Takara Tomy released a new generation of Beyblade with a metal outer layer; the first incarnation of the toy in three and a half years. from the Basic System through the Heavy/Hard Metal System, Beyblades were categorized as Attack, Defense, stamina, or balance Types, but when the Hybrid Wheel System was introduced, the Combination and Endurance Types were renamed as Balance and Stamina Types, respectively. These Beyblades may have pictures on them that symbolizes a creature (known as a Bit-Beast or the Face-Bolt ) which shows what the Beyblade does, or looks like. In Beyblade Metal Fusion, they have symbols on them that represent one of the 88 named constellations in space, while in the 4D series, beyblades are named after planets and constellations ex: Pegasus, medusa (in the original) and sagittario (real name Sagittarius).
This is a list of episodes for the first season of the anime series Beyblade. Beyblade is made up of three seasons and a spin-off series.
This is a list of episodes for the second season of the anime series Beyblade. Beyblade is made up of three seasons and a spin-off series.
This is a list of episodes for the third season of the anime series Beyblade. Beyblade is made up of three seasons and a spin-off series.