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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
betting shop
offtrack betting
▪ Few states allow offtrack betting.
spread betting
▪ His elucidation of the finer points of betting is also excellent.
▪ On present betting, there is a fair chance the pound will finally join the system by the end of next year.
▪ One of their main features is the heavy betting, often into four figures.
▪ The Pope has put betting - with tax-dodging and reading horoscopes - on a list of sins that risk eternal damnation.
▪ Their activities have nothing at all to do with sport and everything to do with telephone-number betting.
▪ True, Goodwood was over, but betting went on, thank goodness.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bet \Bet\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bet, Betted; p. pr. & vb. n. Betting.] To stake or pledge upon the event of a contingent issue; to wager.

John a Gaunt loved him well, and betted much money on his head.

I'll bet you two to one I'll make him do it.
--O. W. Holmes.

  1. Describing one who bets or gambles. n. The act of placing a bet. v

  2. (present participle of bet English)

  1. n. the money risked on a gamble [syn: stake, stakes, wager]

  2. the act of gambling; "he did it on a bet" [syn: wager]

  3. [also: betting, betted]


adj. preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance; "led a dissipated life"; "a betting man"; "a card-playing son of a bitch"; "a gambling fool"; "sporting gents and their ladies" [syn: dissipated, card-playing, gambling, sporting]

  1. v. maintain with or as if with a bet; "I bet she will be there!" [syn: wager]

  2. stake on the outcome of an issue; "I bet $100 on that new horse"; "She played all her money on the dark horse" [syn: wager, play]

  3. have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis" [syn: count, depend, look, calculate, reckon]

  4. [also: betting, betted]


See bet

Betting (disambiguation)

Betting can refer to:

  • Gambling
  • Betting (poker)
  • Sports betting
  • Betting, Moselle, a commune in France

Usage examples of "betting".

Seven-Stud, no High-Low or twists or wild cards, and the betting seemed to be limited and three raises only.

The pot he could win was shoved to one side and the betting went on in the centre, and all he could do was sit and sweat it out.

He was one of the ones betting against the acceptance of the heir designation.

My expert advice can bring you far more favorable betting opportunities than this.

By the laws of this game, Stile could consider the proxies to be part of his betting assets.

The inconsiderate boaster was guilty of a double mistake for which he paid the penalty of his life, but his adversary was as much wanting in delicacy, for in such matters rightly-minded men do not venture upon betting.

Benardy, Berryer, de Berset, Basse, Betting de Lancastel, Blavoyer, Bocher, Boissie, de Botmillan, Bouvatier, le Duc de Broglie, de la Broise, de Bryas, Buffet, Caillet du Tertre, Callet, Camus de la Guibourgere, Canet, de Castillon, de Cazalis, Admiral Cecile, Chambolle, Chamiot, Champannet, Chaper, Chapot, de Charencey, Chasseigne, Chauvin, Chazant, de Chazelles, Chegaray, Comte de Coislin, Colfavru, Colas de la Motte, Coquerel, de Corcelles, Cordier, Corne, Creton, Daguilhon, Pujol, Dahirel, Vicomte Dambray, Marquis de Dampierre, de Brotonne, de Fontaine, de Fontenay, Vicomte de Seze, Desmars, de la Devansaye, Didier, Dieuleveult, Druet-Desvaux, A.

If I expected to score by betting on fighters and football teams that had been doped with ZAP, I needed Bobby because he knew bookies all over , the country and could cobble up a giant swindle.

MEMOIRS OF JACQUES CASANOVA de SEINGALT 1725-1798 IN LONDON AND MOSCOW, Volume 5c--THE ENGLISH THE ENGLISH CHAPTER X Eccentricity of the English--Castelbajac Count Schwerin--Sophie at School--My Reception at the Betting Club--The Charpillon I passed a night which seemed like a never-ending nightmare, and I got up sad and savage, feeling as if I could kill a man on the smallest provocation.

Max why we might want to consider investing a significant chunk of our betting kitty in a ten-dollar exacta wheel tomorrow night.

There was consequently great excitement and the betting and the bowling of the laughter rose to Furber with such a ring of vulgar, brazen joy that he rushed in anger from his garden, as pale-eyed and black as he could make himself, and flew down among them to stalk stiff-legged like a jackdaw, clacking futilely.

Although there were only the two of us, the meal lasted a long time, as I was anxious for additional information on what I had heard in the morning, especially on the Betting Club.

T-shirts, and warm-up jackets, and crummy polyester suits, and a sleazoid schlockmeister like Pat Parker was betting that he was going to sell plenty of copies of any book called THE WORD ACCORDING TO RALF too.

For nearly a week he went about in a happy trance: and when, by thrift and enterprisethat is to say, by betting Reggie van Tuyl that the New York Giants would win the opening game of the series against the Pittsburgh baseball teamhe contrived to double his capital, what it amounted to was simply that life had nothing more to offer.

Most of the immense, ugly structure, which had always looked like the box some other building had been shipped in, was now occupied only by tax accountants, 3V producers, whores, mosquitoes, anthologists, brokers, blimp-race betting agencies, public-relations firms, travel agents, and other telephone-booth Indians, plus hordes and torrents of plague-bearing brown rats and their starving fleas.