Berkhof or Berkhoff is a surname from Dutch / German origin. The name means literally `birch- farm´ or `birch- farmhouse´ and falls as such under the so-called farm names. Such a name served as an address when street names were not commonly used. To leave no doubt there would have stood a birch tree in the yard.Both Debrabander as Winkler gives as meaning of the surname: “farm of/with birches (hof van/met berken)”. In his Middle Dutch dictionary Verdam explains the word “berke” as “birch (berkenboom)” and “hof” as “1. enclosed yard, place; 2. farmhouse, farm, homestead (1. omheinde ruimte, plaats; 2. boerewoning, boerderij, hofstede)”.
Debrabander, F., Dictionary of family names in Belgium and northern France (Woordenboek van de familienamen in België en Noord-Frankrijk) (Amsterdam/Antwerpen rev. 2003), pag. 115
Verdam, J., Dictionary of Middle Dutch (Middelnederlandsch Handwoordenboek) (Den Haag 1932 unalt. 1981), pag. 77 and 253
Winkler, J., Dutch Surnames, their origins, history and meanings (De Nederlandse geslachtsnamen in oorsprong, geschiedenis en betekeenis) (Haarlem 1900), pag. 406