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The Collaborative International Dictionary

decorated \decorated\ adj. having decorations. [Narrower terms: beaded, beady, bejeweled, bejewelled, bespangled, gemmed, jeweled, jewelled, sequined, spangled, spangly; bedaubed; bespectacled, monocled, spectacled; braided; brocaded, embossed, raised; buttony; carbuncled; champleve, cloisonne, enameled; crested, plumed having a decorative plume); crested, top-knotted, topknotted, tufted; crested; embellished, ornamented, ornate; embroidered; encircled, ringed, wreathed; fancied up, gussied, gussied up, tricked out; feathery, feathered, plumy; frilled, frilly, ruffled; fringed; gilt-edged; inflamed; inlaid; inwrought; laced; mosaic, tessellated; paneled, wainscoted; studded; tapestried; tasseled, tasselled; tufted; clinquant, tinseled, tinselly; tricked-out] Also See: clothed, fancy. Antonym: unadorned.

Syn: adorned.


bedaubed \bedaubed\ adj. ornamented in a vulgar or showy fashion.


vb. (en-past of: bedaub)


adj. ornamented in a vulgar or showy fashion

Usage examples of "bedaubed".

These men were absolutely naked and bedaubed with paint, their long hair was tangled, their mouths frothed in excitement, and their expression was wild, startled, and distrustful.

In the latter case the bits were dragged over the discs, so that they were well bedaubed with the secretion, and many glands thus irritated.

He was so full of the pathos of their inequality before the world that he did not heed the warning on the door of the pastry-shop near the Schiller house, and on opening it he bedaubed his hand with the fresh paint on it.

These poor wretches were stunted in their growth, their hideous faces bedaubed with white paint, their skins filthy and greasy, their hair entangled, their voices discordant, and their gestures violent.

Here, therefore, they wallowed for a time, being grievously bedaubed with the dirt.