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Crossword clues for beadier


a. (en-comparativebeady)

  1. adj. small and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button; "bright beady eyes"; "black buttony eyes" [syn: beadlike, buttony, buttonlike]

  2. covered with beads or jewels or sequins [syn: beaded, bejeweled, bejewelled, bespangled, gemmed, jeweled, jewelled, sequined, spangled, spangly]

  3. [also: beadiest, beadier]


See beady

Usage examples of "beadier".

Their eyes were less joyful but slightly beadier, so it was something of an even trade.

Detective Constable David Sparkington, owner of the beadier pair of eyes.

An underpaid sleuth with a cubby-hole and a nightstick and a remit to keep one eye on the shifty characters who walked in off the street and an even beadier eye on the dodgy ones who worked there.