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bath salts

n. (bath salt English)

bath salts

n. a preparation that softens or scents a bath

Bath salts

Bath salts are water-soluble, pulverised minerals that are added to water to be used for bathing. They are said to improve cleaning, enhance the enjoyment of bathing, and serve as a vehicle for cosmetic agents. Bath salts have been developed which mimic the properties of natural mineral baths or hot springs.

Bath salts (drug)

Bath salts is a term used in North America to describe a number of recreational designer drugs. The name derives from instances in which the drugs were sold disguised as true bath salts. The white powder, granules, or crystals often resemble true bath salts such as Epsom salts, but are very different chemically. The drugs' packaging often states "not for human consumption" in an attempt to circumvent drug prohibition laws. Bath salts have also been similarly disguised as plant food, hookah cleaner, and other products, despite only seeing regular distribution in shops selling drug paraphernalia.

Usage examples of "bath salts".

Broken glass was everywhere, in the tub, on the floor, the remnants of a large bottle of bath salts that had been kept on a high shelf above the bathtub.

The back of the safe opened out into a big recess in the wall, and that recess was stacked with the same elegant tins of bath salts.

The topmost towel on the rail is damp and smells of Miranda's bath salts.

Everything changed hands, from vials of perfumes and bath salts to kegs of brandy.

There is the evergreen leaf, which is easy to recognize because it smells like bath salts and probably pricks you.

A bath was drawn and waiting for her, steaming and fragrant with lavender bath salts.

Chromium, a glass stall shower, monogrammed towels on a rack, a glass shelf for perfume and bath salts at the foot of the tub, everything nice and refined.