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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Basketful \Bas"ket*ful\, n.; pl. Basketfuls. As much as a basket will contain.


n. The amount that will fit into a basket


n. the quantity contained in a basket [syn: basket]

Usage examples of "basketful".

And while I was speeding townwards along the rails Judkin would be plodding his way to the vicarage bearing a vegetable marrow and a basketful of dahlias.

Every now and then, bringing with him a gust of resinous smell, a white-clad machinist will come in with a basketful of crude, unwrought little images, and will turn them out upon the table from which we carvers select them.

The Slovaks had, on their own initiative, already lighted two cooking fires, fetched kettles of the clean lake water, and had even bought from the local fishermen a basketful of fogas, the Lake Balaton pike-perch.

She washed her hands, adjusted the basketful of grain on her back, and walked slowly to the cave.

Every year his pear tree produced four basketfuls of fruit which had to be given to the king, a greedy ruler who grew rich at the expense of the poor.

The poor man was beside himself with fear, for the king refused to take less than four basketfuls, and the peasant would be cruelly punished.

On Friday afternoon great basketfuls of buns and cakes were taken into the schools, and great pitchers of milk, the school children had what they wanted.

For more than twenty years the poor woman had never, for a single day, failed to throw upon her garden three or four basketfuls of richer soil, which she was obliged to bring more than half a league.

When a boat brought a cargo of coal to Wurzburg, coal could only be sold in retail during the first eight days, each family being entitled to no more than fifty basketfuls.

Princess Maria will take her there and show them to her, and they will chatter their three basketfuls in their woman's way.

I saw myself exposing the criminal ring, arresting the criminals, carrying back basketfuls of papyri to Walter.

Martha several basketfuls of crabs, snails, grasshoppers, and locusts, which proved to be the ordinary provision of the natives.

Great quantities of bronze tools have been found in different parts of England,— sometimes in heaps, as if they had been thrown away in basketfuls as things of little value.

All they asked in return was help with hunting, some food, and a few basketfuls of the heavy rock from the streams that they showed us how to find.

She had stopped whenever she felt so inclinedat farmers' markets, garage sales and antique shopsand when she stopped for the night, at a motel near Thurmont, Maryland, it would have been hard to say what pleased her more: the basketful of home-baked pastries, country ham and cheese she planned to devour while she reclined on the bed and watched something utterly mindless on TV, or the fact that no one on the face of the earth knew where she was.