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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Baptisia \Baptisia\ prop. n. A genus of North American plants with showy pealike flowers and an inflated pod.

Syn: genus Baptisia.


n. (context gardening English) Any of various ornamental plants of the genus (taxlink Baptisia genus noshow=1)


Baptisia (wild indigo, false indigo) is a genus in the legume family, Fabaceae. They are flowering herbaceous perennial plants with pea-like flowers, followed by pods, which are sometimes inflated. They are native to woodland and grassland in eastern and southern North America. The species most commonly found in cultivation is B. australis.

Baptisia species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, including the jaguar flower moth, Schinia jaguarina.

Usage examples of "baptisia".

Give the Golden Medical Discovery, the value of which may be greatly enhanced by adding one-half ounce of the fluid extract of baptisia to each bottle, in doses of a teaspoonful four times a day.