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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
baby boomer
▪ One big unknown is whether fund managers and their baby boomer clients will panic if the market continues to drop.
baby boomer

n. A person born in the postwar years (generally considered in the USA and other Allies as between 1945 and the early 1960s), when there was an increase in the birth rate following the return of servicemen at the end of World War II.

baby boomer

n : a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s; "they expanded the schools for a generation of baby boomers" [syn: boomer]

Baby Boomer (video game)

Baby Boomer is an unlicensed action video game created by Color Dreams for the NES. It was developed during 1988 and released in 1989 exclusively for the North American market.

Usage examples of "baby boomer".

It's a highly unnatural approach to the mind/body problem, pretty much the antithesis of every sixties and seventies-tinged philosophy that he ever imbibed from his Baby Boomer elders.

The idea that Jupiter orbit was somewhere you could go was as profoundly counterintuitive as the Internet to a baby boomer.