Crossword clues for augite
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Augite \Au"gite\ ([add]"j[imac]t), n. [L. augites, Gr. a'ygi`ths, fr. a'ygh` brightness: cf. F. augite.] A variety of pyroxene, usually of a black or dark green color, occurring in igneous rocks, such as basalt; -- also used instead of the general term pyroxene.
n. (context mineral English) A variety of pyroxene, usually of a black or dark green color, occurring in igneous rocks, such as basalt.
n. dark-green to black glassy mineral of the pyroxene group containing large amounts of aluminum and iron and magnesium
Augite is a common rock-forming single chain inosilicate mineral with formula (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)O. The crystals are monoclinic and prismatic. Augite has two prominent cleavages, meeting at angles near 90 degrees.
Usage examples of "augite".
Shergotty and Zagami meteorites show that both diabase stones consist mainly of the pyroxenes pigeonite and augite, and of maskelynite, a shocked plasgioclase glass.
This is more especially true of chlorite, schorl, hornblende and augite.
Afternoon concert: gneisses, some augite, hornblende, slate, mica, Mozart, twittering eunuchs from the Kyrie to the chorale Dona nobis: polyphonic peeping -- but no sign of a teacher under a Bismarck hat.