n. (obsolete form of atom English)
Atomus or Atomos was a Jewish Cypriot magician who appears in the Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus working for Felix at Caesarea.
Atomus is described as having been employed by Felix to convince Herod Agrippa II's sister Drusilla to divorce Azizus of Emesa and marry him instead.
The text reads "Simon" in some Latin manuscripts and Hans Waitz (1904) suggested that the magi may have been identifiable as Simon Magus. This is not generally accepted as Atomus was a Jew and Simon Magus was a Samaritan.
Usage examples of "atomus".
The true meaning of the word Monas (as used by Leibniz) should refer to that simple only, which is given immediately as simple substance (for example in self-consciousness), and not as an element of the composite, in which case it is better called an Atomus.
Erdman, however, has shown that Kant has used atomus elsewhere also as masculine.
L’azoto si potrebbe combinare anche con l’ossigeno, ma in modo così lento che gli atomi di carbonio e idrogeno-vapore acqueo (A-I) si trasformano lentamente, attraverso la fotolisi, in un’atmosfera piena di anidride carbonica-azoto-vapore acqueo (A-II).
Vi sono però alcuni atomi di idrogeno il cui nucleo è costituito da un protone e un neutrone.
A quell’epoca erano stati individuati nel gas interstellare anche altri tipi di atomi, come quelli del sodio, del potassio e del titanio.