Atomidine is a proprietary liquid iodine preparation currently made and marketed since 1973 by The Heritage Store, now Heritage Products. Other preparations use the term and even reference the Edgar Cayce claim for it (that it was recommended as a therapeutic measure in over 600 "readings" (channelled writings) by Edgar Cayce) but are of varying specification from the original.
The basic production method is a "detoxification process" involving a combining of elemental iodine with chlorine gas to produce iodine trichloride, notably absent of potassium. This was then tinctured with proprietary herbs, resulting in what original documentation claimed was a non-toxic and 99% bio-available form of iodine.
Mr. Cayce added to this a recommendation for a detailed secondary process that involves electricity being passed through the substance; the result is "electrified atomic iodine." However it was called "atomidine", even though the electrification process was not used by its various producers until at least 1973. The current Heritage Store website for the product claims its product does incorporate the electrification step. (The Heritage Storespecializes in reproducing Cayce recipes exclusively.)
Cayce regarded this specially formulated “atomic” iodine as far easier to assimilate than other forms. However there had been marketed in America and Europe organic preparations of elemental Iodine, that were without feared side effects, at least since 1910. These were in turn acknowledged based on even earlier Ayurvedic preparations (Hindu). The history of Atomidine began in 1913 when a Dr. Bisey, an Ayurvedic Western Trained East Indian National, self-treated with a thick black tarry preparation used to treat fevers, and recovered from near-fatal Malaria, prompting him to apply analytical chemistry to refine it, which he then marketed by 1917 as BESLIN ("Best Liquid Iodine.") Dr. Bisey sold this company to a larger pharmaceutical in 1923.
Cayce's specific contributions included that he published the need for a way to eliminate the toxicity of Iodine, and this attracted the attention of Dr. Bisey, who in 1927 received Cayce's blessing for what was Beslin. And this resulted in the formation of a second company to produce a similar formula under a new name - Atomidine.
According to Cayce's readings the iodine mineral is a vital element in the makeup of the human body, and is essential to the process of building new cells. It also was valued for its stimulating, balancing and purifying effect on the endocrine glands.
In order to gently stimulate the system and then give it time to adjust, Atomidine was to be taken in cycles that alternated several days of dosage with several days of rest. Many readings recommended only one drop per day for this purpose, although others increased this dose by a drop a day for several days—a regimen adopted by the A.R.E. Clinic after studying some 75 different plans.
In these extracts from some of his readings about Atomidine he says:
''The Atomidine—that is activative in the glands, especially the thyroid, the adrenal and all the ductless activities through the atomic forces in iodine, the one basic force with potash—makes for a balance throughout the functionings of the body itself ''(636-1).
''Within a few weeks…the system will be changed, and also the vibrations through the glandular forces that control the lymph circulation in alimentary canal as well as organs of the pelvis…the Atomidine acts as a gland purifier—causing especially the thyroids and the glands of the stomach, particularly the pyloric portion of the stomach and throughout the duodenum, to change in the form of secretions thrown off—and this affects directly the circulation ''(3104-1).
(the numbers that follow each quote from the readings refer to the reading filing code in the A.R.E. files)