Crossword clues for asia
- Gobi Desert's continent
- Gobi Desert setting
- Egypt's locale, in part
- Continent-inspired prog-rockers?
- Continent where Buddhism originated
- Continent that includes the Middle East
- China's location
- Chennai's continent
- Cambodia setting
- Brunei's home
- Brunei locale
- Biggest of the seven
- Biggest of seven
- Biggest of a big seven
- Big land mass
- Bhutan setting
- Bangladesh's location
- Babylon's continent
- An Alexander the Great conquest
- Almost a third of all land
- Alaska's neighbor
- Afghanistan is there
- About 30% of the world's land mass
- About 30% of Earth's landmass
- About 30% of Earth's land area
- 12-territory section of a Risk board
- "The Travels of Marco Polo" land
- "Bamboo curtain" locale
- "Alpha" band
- '80s supergroup
- ''The Travels of Marco Polo'' subject
- You'll find the most people here
- Yemen's continent
- Yellow River's continent
- Yangtze location
- Xinjiang's continent
- World piece
- Where water buffalo roam
- Where Vladivostok is
- Where Vietnam and Japan are
- Where to spend yen or yuan
- Where to find most people?
- Where to find most people
- Where to find Indians
- Where tigers come from
- Where the Yangtze flows
- Where the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers flow
- Where the world's tallest building is
- Where the world's lowest land is
- Where the world's highest mountains are found
- Where the water buffalo roam
- Where the Olympics were held for the first time in 1964
- Where the Lena flows
- Where the Ill flows
- Where the Himalayas rise
- Where the four most widely practiced religions all originated
- Where the countries Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are
- Where the Brahmaputra flows
- Where the Bactrian camel is native
- Where Tet and Spring Festival are celebrated
- Where South Korea is
- Where Singapore and Taiwan are
- Where North Korea is
- Where never to get involved in a land war, per Vizzini in "The Princess Bride"
- Where most of us live
- Where most of us are?
- Where most Indians were born
- Where most Indians live
- Where most Indians are from
- Where most Georgians live
- Where most Buddhists reside
- Where Mongolians barbecue?
- Where Marco Polo went
- Where Laotians live
- Where Laos lies
- Where kimchi and umeboshi are staples
- Where Kashmir is
- Where Jordan is
- Where Japan and China are
- Where Iran is
- Where Iran and Iraq are
- Where India, Israel, and Indonesia are
- Where India and China are
- Where Honshu is
- Where Hong Kong is
- Where dogs are believed to have been domesticated 10,000+ years ago
- Where chess originated
- Where Cambodia is
- Where Buddhism and Taoism originated
- Where Bhutan and China are
- Where bells of Ireland grow
- Where Bangladesh is
- Where 60% of earth's population lives
- What one of the five Olympic rings represents
- Water buffalo's home
- Vast spice trade region of yore
- Vast land expanse
- Vacation choice for some
- Uzbekistan's continent
- Uzbek's home
- Two-sevenths of the territories on a Risk board
- Turkmenistan setting
- Turkmenistan locale
- Turkey's spot
- Turkey's place, partly
- Turkey's place, for the most part
- Turkey's locale, in part
- Turkey's continent, partly
- Turkey locale, in part
- Troubled continent
- Tigers' milieu
- Tigers' habitat
- Tiger's natural habitat
- Tiger terrain
- Tien Shan locale
- Tibetan Plateau's locale
- Tibet's location
- Tibet site
- Tian Shan's continent
- Three oceans bound it
- They didn't sing "Africa" - that was Toto
- The Romans' name for Turkey
- The right side of the Urals
- The only continent where pandas live in the wild
- The nations of the East, collectively
- The most populous continent
- The Maldives are part of it
- The Jordan Valley is its low point
- The giant ibis is native to it
- Thailand setting
- Thai's land
- Taklamakan Desert site
- Tajikistan's locale
- Tajikistan's continent
- Tagore was the first Nobelist from there
- Syria's continent
- Subsection in The Economist
- Steve Howe "Sole Survivor" band
- Sri Lanka's continent
- Spanner of eleven time zones
- Southeast ___ (region home to Laos)
- Southeast ___
- Source of a big percentage of U.S. auto imports
- Site of the world's tallest mountains
- Site of the Karakum, Thar and Gobi deserts
- Site of a Polo crossing
- Site of a 1997 economic crisis
- Singapore's setting
- Singapore's region
- Singapore locale
- Sinai's locale
- Sinai's continent
- Sinai is in it
- Siberia's setting
- Shanghai's continent
- Shaanxi's continent
- Setting of the Gobi Desert
- Setting of Korea and Cambodia
- Setting of Anatolia
- Setting for every piece of China
- Self-titled #1 album of 1982
- Section of The Economist
- Section of Disney's Animal Kingdom park
- Section of a Risk board containing 12 territories
- Section in Disney's Animal Kingdom
- Sayr Usa locale
- Roughly a third of Earth's land area
- Roughly 30% of Earth's total land area
- Roughly 30% of Earth's land area
- Rock band named for a continent
- Region with heavy monsoons
- Region that consists of more than 17,000,000 square miles
- Region that borders the Pacific and Indian Oceans
- Region that awards the most bonus armies in Risk
- Region east of the Urals
- Region east of Europe
- Prog rock supergroup
- Prog rock band with two former Yes members
- Polo's itinerary
- Polo's destination
- Polo played there?
- Place of many
- Place for Polo, once
- Part of Turkey is in it
- Part of Istanbul is here
- Part of APEC
- Pangaea section
- Pacific Rim side
- Origin of most mainstream religions
- Oranges' origin
- Only continent larger than Africa
- One-third of the earth's land
- One side of the Turkish Straits
- One side of the Strait of Dardanelles
- One Olympic ring, symbolically
- One of the Olympic rings
- One of seven big things
- Not Europe
- Neighbour of Europe
- Neighbor of Europe
- Nearly 9% of the Earth
- Nearly 9% of Earth's surface area
- Nearly 60% of the world's home
- Musical act whose popularity was highest in the 1980s
- Much of the Silk Road is in it
- Much of the Rug Belt
- Much of the Pacific Rim
- Much of a world atlas
- Mount Everest's home
- Mount Everest setting
- Most populous place
- Monsoon setting
- Monsoon season setting
- Mongols' milieu
- Mongols' area
- Mongolia's place
- Mongolia locale
- Minor place
- Minor location?
- Minor leader
- Minor land?
- Minor introduction?
- Minor continent?
- Massive land mass
- Massive continent
- Map mass
- Maldives is its smallest country
- Malaysia's location
- Malaysia's continent
- Major section of a world atlas
- Major region with a minor part?
- Major manufacturing continent
- Major continent
- Major chunk of Earth's surface
- Macau is considered part of it
- Location of the Spratly Islands
- Locale of the Gobi Desert
- Locale of the 2018, 2020 and 2022 Olympics
- Locale of Occidental tourists?
- Locale of most of Turkey
- Locale of both the highest and lowest points on the earth's surface
- Locale of both the 2018 and 2020 Olympics
- Lo mein domain, broadly
- Largest region in the board game Risk
- Largest of a group of seven
- Largest of a global septet
- Largest of a geographical seven
- Large section of a world atlas
- Large section of a Risk game board
- Large part of the earth
- Large part of planet Earth
- Large part of Earth
- Large part of an atlas
- Large part of a world map
- Laos's continent
- Laos, Tibet, etc
- Laos is here
- Landmass in Risk
- Landmass east of Europe
- Landmass bounded by a mountain chain and three oceans
- Land of the Pamirs
- Land mass in Risk
- Land in ferment
- Land east of the Suez
- Land east of Europe
- Land bounded by three seas
- Land bordered by three oceans
- Land across the Date Line
- Kyzylkum Desert site
- Kunlun Mountains locale
- Kubla Khan's continent
- Korean's home
- Korea locale
- Kim Jong-il's place
- Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, . .
- Kazakh's home
- Kashmir's locale
- Kashmir locale
- Karakorum's home
- Kamchatka's setting
- Kamchatka's Risk continent
- Kamchatka Peninsula site
- K2's continent
- K2 setting
- Jordan's place
- Jordan's locale
- Jordan's continent
- Jordan River's continent
- Java's place
- Java's home
- Java Sea setting
- Java container?
- Japan, Iran, etc
- Japan locale
- Japan and Jordan's continent
- J-pop continent
- Its westernmost point is Cape Baba
- Its southeast contains Laos
- Its smallest country is Maldives
- Its separated from North America by the Bering Strait
- Its population nearly quadrupled in the 20th century
- Its capital once was Ephesus
- It's west of Alaska
- It's touched by three oceans
- It's represented by one of five Olympic rings
- It's quite continental
- It's hard to hold in Risk
- It's bounded by three oceans
- It's bounded by the Pacific to the east
- It touches the Pacific Rim
- It takes up roughly 9% of the Earth
- It includes India and Israel
- It has Earth's highest and lowest points
- It has billions
- It has a lot of Turkey in it
- It has a "Minor" part
- It has 12 territories on a Risk board
- It has 12 territories in Risk
- It has 11 time zones
- It could be Major or Minor
- Israel's locale
- Israel and India are both part of it
- Irrawaddy River locale
- Irkutsk or Yakutsk location in Risk
- Iraq's home
- Iraq is about 1% of it
- Iraq and Iran are in it
- Iran's home
- Iran's continent
- Iran and Iraq's continent
- Iran and Iraq are in it
- Ipoh's continent
- India's location
- India's in it
- India's home
- India joined it about 50 million years ago
- In part, it's minor
- Hong Kong's location
- Hong Kong home
- Home to zero World Cup winners
- Home to zero winners of the FIFA World Cup, surprisingly
- Home to the majority of earthlings
- Home to the Great Wall and the Wailing Wall
- Home to the Gobi
- Home to the biggest city and the highest mountain
- Home to seven "-stan" countries
- Home to part of Egypt
- Home to Pakistan and Afghanistan
- Home to over three billion
- Home to over half of humans
- Home to over four billion
- Home to much of the Silk Road
- Home to much of Azerbaijan
- Home to most of the Silk Road
- Home to more than half of humanity
- Home to more than four billion
- Home to more than 4 billion
- Home to many Russians
- Home to many Pacific Rim nations
- Home to many Buddhists
- Home to Malaysia and Mongolia
- Home to lots of yaks
- Home to Lebanon and Laos
- Home to Laos
- Home to Korea and Kyrgyzstan
- Home to Kabul and Kathmandu
- Home to K2
- Home to Iran, Iraq, India, and Israel
- Home to Bahrain and Bhutan
- Home to all wild tigers
- Home to Afghanistan
- Home to about 60% of humans
- Home to a small part of Egypt
- Home to a part of Egypt
- Home to 48 countries
- Home of yaks and zebus
- Home of the world's six tallest buildings
- Home of the world's five tallest buildings
- Home of the Salt Range
- Home of the Mongol
- Home of the Kara Kum
- Home of the Indians
- Home of the highest and lowest points on land
- Home of the highest and lowest points on earth
- Home of the Abominable Snowman
- Home of tarsiers and tigers
- Home of Sri Lanka
- Home of seven countries ending in -stan
- Home of roughly 60% of the world
- Home of over four billion
- Home of most people
- Home of most Indians
- Home of Baikal, the world's deepest lake
- Home of about 25% of U.N. member states
- Home of 60% of the world's people
- Home of 48 states
- Home for two billion or so
- Home for most people
- Himalayas locale
- Himalayan setting
- Himalayan locale
- Himalayan continent
- Hard-to-defend continent in Risk
- Halfway around the world
- Guangzhou's continent
- Green section of a Risk board
- Green region on a Risk board
- Green part of a Risk board
- Green countries on a Risk board
- Great Wall setting
- Great land mass
- Gobi's region
- Gobi's place
- Gobi's continent
- Gobi Desert container?
- Gobi container
- Global giant
- Giant pandas' continent
- Giant panda's domain
- Giant panda's continent
- Georgia's home
- Georgia's "Minor" locale
- Georgia locale
- Geoff Downes band
- Genghis Khan's domain
- Fusion cuisine influence
- Flying dragon's habitat
- Fertile Crescent's continent
- Egypt, in part
- Eastern land mass
- Eastern area
- East Timor's location
- Difficult area to maintain control of in the game Risk
- Destination for Marco Polo
- Cyprus locale
- Could be major or minor
- Continentally named prog rock band
- Continent-influenced '80s band
- Continent within Australia?
- Continent with twelve territories, in Risk
- Continent with the world's two most populous countries
- Continent with the shortest name
- Continent with the second-most countries
- Continent with the longest coastline
- Continent with ten or so cities larger than New York
- Continent with over four billion people
- Continent with over 4 billion people
- Continent with nearly 50 countries
- Continent with Earth's highest and lowest spots
- Continent with about twenty cities larger than New York
- Continent with a larger population than all the others combined
- Continent with 49 U.N. member states
- Continent where the Himalayas are
- Continent where Malala Yousafzai was born
- Continent where China is
- Continent that's home to tigers
- Continent that's home to more than half the world's population
- Continent that's also a name
- Continent that the Yangtze River runs through
- Continent that sounds like a Steely Dan album title
- Continent that shares Turkey and Russia with Europe
- Continent that Marco Polo wrote about
- Continent that Marco Polo explored
- Continent that Marco Polo crossed
- Continent that includes seven countries whose names end in "-stan"
- Continent that includes Nepal and Bhutan
- Continent that includes China
- Continent that borders three oceans
- Continent that borders Africa via Egypt
- Continent that awards seven bonus armies in Risk
- Continent prone to typhoons
- Continent on the west side of the Pacific Ocean
- Continent north and northwest of Australia
- Continent home to every country ending in "stan"
- Continent explored by Marco Polo
- Continent east of Europe
- Continent crossed by Polo
- Continent crossed by Marco Polo
- Continent connected to Europe
- Continent closest to Australia
- Continent bounded by three oceans
- Committee for Free ___
- Clouded leopard's habitat
- Civilization's cradle
- China/Korea continent
- China, India, etc
- China setting (10)
- China locale
- China is there
- Carl Palmer band
- Cambodia's location
- Burma locale
- Borneo's locale
- Borneo setting
- Borat's home continent
- Birthplace of the largest religions
- Biggest continent
- Big territory in Risk
- Big septet member
- Big part of an atlas
- Big part of a Risk board
- Big continent
- Big chunk of the atlas
- Big chunk of a world atlas
- Big atlas part
- Bhutan's setting
- Bay of Bengal setting
- Bangkok's locale
- Bangkok's continent
- Bangkok locale
- Bangkok continent
- Band with the albums "Alpha," "Astra," "Aqua"... (you get the point)
- Band that's from England, actually
- Band from Europe, despite its name
- Bahrain and Bhutan are part of it
- Azerbaijan's locale, in part
- Argento of "XXX"
- Area traversed by Marco Polo
- Area that takes up about 30% of Earth's land mass
- Area in "Risk"
- Area explored by Marco Polo
- Aral Sea locale
- Angkor Wat's continent
- An Olympic ring
- Amu Darya setting
- Altai Mountains' continent
- Almost 30% of all land
- Alma-Ata's continent
- Actor ___ Kate Dillon
- About one-third of Earth's land area
- About nine percent of the land
- About nine percent of Earth's surface
- About a third of the world's land mass
- About a third of Earth's land area
- About a third of all land
- About 95% of Turkey
- About 77% of Russia
- About 6% of Egypt
- About 30% of Earth's land
- About 30 percent of Earth's land area
- About 3/4 of Russia
- About 25% of the UN
- About 1/3 of Earth's land
- About 1/11 of the globe
- A large part of the earth
- A large chunk of the world
- A is A (anag)
- A continent
- 8.7% of the earth's surface
- 50-or-so-country group
- 48-nation region
- 48-country continent
- 40+-country region
- 33,000 miles of coastline
- 30% of the world
- 1982 self-titled debut album
- 1980s band with a continental name
- 1980s band known for "Heat of the Moment"
- 17+-million square-mile region
- 17+ million square miles of the earth
- 11-billion-acre region
- #MagandangMorenx creator Jackson
- "The Travels of Marco Polo" setting
- "Sole Survivor" supergroup
- "Only Time Will Tell" singers
- "Heat of the Moment" band named for a continent
- "Don't Cry" supergroup
- '82 supergroup debut
- '80s "Sole Survivor" band
- '80s "Heat of the Moment" band
- '80s "Don't Cry" band
- ''Prometheus Unbound'' character
- __ Society (Pacific Cities Sustainability sponsor)
- __ Minor (Turkey's region)
- Main oar is repaired here in Turkey
- Pacific Rim locale
- The East, to the West
- Part of SEATO
- About 17 million square miles
- Where Marco Polo traveled
- Nepal's location
- 30% of the world's land
- Siberia's site
- Minor place?
- The Kara Sea is on its north
- Atlas section
- Area east of the Bosporus
- Where India is
- Populous place
- One of seven big things in the world
- Southeast ___ (region that includes Thailand)
- It has a Minor part
- Where Myanmar is
- Land east of the Urals
- ___ Minor (region where most of Turkey is)
- Globe part
- Polo grounds?
- Pacific rim region
- Where the Gobi is
- China setting?
- Home of 3.5 billion
- Largest of seven
- About 30 (percent) of the earth
- Three oceans touch it
- Source of much West Coast trade
- Daughter of Oceanus
- Where China is set
- Bhutan's locale
- Marco Polo crossed it
- Home to billions
- Concern for 90's investors
- The biggest of seven
- The Urals are west of it
- One of the Oceanides, in Greek myth
- Home to some elephants
- See 23-Down
- Nepal's locale
- What one of the five Olympic rings stands for
- 17 1/2 million square miles
- Java is in it
- Where 62-Across is
- It's east of the Urals
- Siberia's locale
- Korea's home
- SEATO part
- Flu source
- The Kara Sea touches it
- One flu source
- Where Alexander the Great conquered
- Where Japan is
- Polo field?
- Home to most Turks
- Where Indians live
- Where 37-Down is
- Indian's home
- About 30% of the Earth's land mass
- 32-Across is part of it
- *Eastern ... vast ... Marco Polo
- Where Korea is
- Where Sikkim is
- Spanner of 11 time zones
- China's continent
- A big chunk of an atlas
- Tibet's environs
- See 6-Down
- Western edge of the Pacific Rim
- One side of the Urals
- Home of ancient Chaldea
- Where Nepal is
- Largest continent on Earth
- Where the Himalayas are
- See 45-Across
- Part of the Old World
- Where the Ob and Indus flow
- It touches three oceans
- Fertile Crescent's place
- Sri Lanka's locale
- Large section in an atlas
- Where pomelos grow
- Where SARS originated
- Continent explored by 9-Across
- Where Tibet is
- Where many Indians live
- "Prometheus Unbound" character
- Where tigers roam
- Locale for two Summer Olympics to date
- Big atlas section
- One side of the Bering Strait
- India's locale
- Toucher of the Pacific Rim
- Laos's locale
- Newspaper foreign news desk
- Where 6-Down is
- Where Marco Polo explored
- Silk Road locale
- Mongolia's home
- ___-Pacific (geopolitical region)
- Part of a famous septet
- Minor area?
- 1980s hit-makers with a geographical name
- Where most of Russia is
- One edition of the Wall Street Journal
- Largest of a septet
- Vietnam's continent
- Home to more than half the world's population
- Everest setting
- Korea's continent
- Java setting
- Land west of the Pacific
- Big holding in Risk
- It's west of the Sea of Okhotsk
- It's not Occidental
- Province of ancient Rome
- Part of Istanbul is in it
- Polo setting
- Area worth the most bonus troops in the game Risk
- Mongols' home
- Large part of a world atlas
- The "A" in SEATO
- Band whose self-titled 1982 album was #1 for nine weeks
- See 96-Down
- Land shared by Iraq and Iran
- Altogether it's worth the most bonus troops in Risk
- Part of Georgia is in it
- It's north of the Indian Ocean
- Most of Turkey is in it
- One of six World Cup qualifying zones
- See 67-Across
- Wall Street Journal ___
- Home for a 123-Across
- Where woolly mammoths once roamed
- Place for tiger woods?
- It's east of Europe
- Part of 39-Down
- Where Kyrgyzstan is
- Where 36-Down is
- Home to most 11-Down
- It's west of the International Date Line
- One of a geographical septet
- Where the world's 100 tallest mountains are found
- Locale of many emerging markets
- Where China and India are
- Where the "tiger cub economies" are
- Locale of three Summer Olympics
- Home of India and Indonesia
- Home to the Himalayas
- Where many emerging markets can be found
- See 68-Down
- Turkey's place, in large part
- Where the World Cup has been held only once
- Home of about 60% of the world's population
- Where Vietnam is
- It's west of the Pacific
- It's on one side of the Urals
- One side of the Bosporus strait
- Where the 27-Down is
- One side of the Pacific
- Himalayas setting
- Self-titled debut album of 1982
- It spans 11 time zones
- The nations of the Asian continent collectively
- Where Laos is
- Tiger's milieu
- Where Burma is
- Tibet is here
- Sikkim's site
- Bengal's milieu
- Large land mass
- Where to see tigers
- Where a part of Turkey is located
- Where to follow yaks' tracks
- Where Bhutan is
- Area having over 17 million square miles
- One of seven continents
- Wife of Prometheus
- Brunei is here
- Hindu Kush's locale
- One of the Oceanids
- Mongolia is here
- Myanmar, Kampuchea, etc.
- European neighbor
- Where the Irrawaddy flows
- Land of Zhob and Zor
- Far East, etc.
- Location of Henzada and Harbin
- Tatar turf
- Gobi's site
- Where Brunei is
- A sister of Europa
- Bhutan's location
- Bhutan's continent
- Locale covering over 17 million sq. miles
- Afghan's continent
- Where Tuva is
- Global area
- Vast continent
- Mongol turf
- Global landmass
- Hindu Kush locale
- Where most people live
- "Heat of the Moment" rock group
- Where Mongolia is
- Polo ground?
- Gobi Desert site
- Area named after a Greek nymph
- Land mass with the most masses?
- Huge land mass
- Kiribati's locale
- Map segment
- Vast land mass
- Largest land mass on Earth
- Minor preceder
- Kipling's "The Eyes of ___"
- Europe's neighbor
- Its northernmost point is Cape Chelyuskin
- Far East area
- Continent with 11 time zones
- Bhutan's larger locale
- Whence a flu flew in
- Huge land area
- Where SEATO once functioned
- Where Singapore is
- Most populous continent
- Area east of the Urals
- Where to meet lamas and gurus
- Where yaks and zebus roam
- Source of a certain flu
- Where to see pagodas
- "Region of the rising sun"
- Where the Ob flows
- Where Polo originated
- Japan, Iran, etc.
- A Gunther subject
- It has a Minor but no Major
- Land mass beyond the date line
- Himalayas' locale
- Polo began here
- See 35-Down
- Large continent
- Where Kuwait is
- Site of the Dead Sea
- Continent east of the Urals
- "Lakme" setting
- Myanmar's locale
- Where the ginkgo grows
- Background for Kipling works
- Anatolia, with 55 Across
- Part of the Eastern Hemisphere
- Vast land area
- World area
- Tatar's locale
- Shortest continent, in a way
- Gunther's "Inside ___"
- About 17 million sq. mi.
- Where Iraq is
- General locale of Nazareth
- With 14 Across, a land mass
- Vietnam is here
- Tibet's continent
- Gunther subject
- One of Gunther's subjects
- Site of Mongolia and Bhutan
- Singapore's location
- One of the Minors
- One of Mohammed's four perfect women
- Pakistan's locale
- Group providing support for The Cars is back in the continent
- Continent, one occupying a small area
- China's locale
- China is ascending here?
- English rock band, once big in the East?
- Elevated area is area in large land mass
- Where most people are held back in appraisals
- When Hoskins was essentially continent?
- When army leader seizes one big piece of ground!
- Warship oddly ignored a land mass
- Korea's locale
- A country once seen as deficient in its larger setting
- North-south route across southern Australian land mass
- Faustina regularly seen in huge region
- A Welsh girl abandoning centre of Conwy for continent
- Part of the world, mostly unchanged area
- Part of the Burma-Siam landmass
- Part of Georgia is actually to the west of here
- Borders of ageless India here?
- Is back among drinkers dry and continent
- India's continent
- Just like me, overlooking millions in the continent
- Japan's continent
- Tibet's locale
- The Orient
- Vast expanse
- Cambodia's continent
- Lots of land
- Largest of the seven
- Calcutta's continent
- "Heat of the Moment" band that's named for a continent
- Nepal's continent
- Shortest-named continent
- Seoul setting
- Laos locale
- Tibet setting
- Marco Polo destination
- Gobi Desert locale
- __ Minor (Turkish region)
- Land area
- It's continental
- Far East, etc
- Minor intro?
- Zagros Mountains locale
- Singapore site
- Nepal setting
- Home of the Himalayas
- Brunei's locale
- -- Minor
- Where Siberia is
- Thailand's continent
- Taj Mahal location
- Singapore setting
- Where over half the world lives
- Where billions live
- One of the five Olympic rings
- Mongolia's continent
- Minor in geography?
- Massive landmass inhabited by masses
- Major land mass
- Large section of an atlas
- Huge expanse
- Home to many Indians, but few cowboys
- Gobi setting
- World's largest continent
- World map dominator
- Vast landmass
- Tibet's place
- The largest continent
- Shortest-named of Earth's seven
- Populous continent
- Panda's home
- Marco Polo's destination
- Land of plenty?
- It has Java in it
- Bamboo Curtain locale
- About a third of Earth's land mass
- "Only Time Will Tell" band
- '70s supergroup
- Singapore's locale
- Saudi Arabia's continent
- Risk territory
- Qatar locale
- Pacific Rim continent
- One of the seven continents
- Lebanon's locale
- Home to most of Turkey
- Home to most humans
- Gobi's location
- Everest's continent
- Europe neighbor
- East of the Urals
- Cantonese is spoken here
- Where to find Java
- Where most people are
- Where most of Turkey is
- Where most live
- Where K2 is
- Tiger's habitat
- Sri Lanka setting
- Singapore's continent
- Siberia setting
- Risk region with 12 territories
- Polo explored it
- Polo destination
- Part of the globe
- One market for U.S. exports
- Myanmar's continent
- Much of the Old World
- Mt. Everest locale
- Mount Everest's continent
- Locale of Laos
- Large landmass
- Large atlas section
- Laos location
- Kazakhstan's locale
- Kabul's continent
- Japan's locale
- It borders three oceans
- Home to most of Russia
- Globe area
- Fertile Crescent locale
- European connection?
- Earth's largest continent
- China placement
- Big globe section
- Bhutan locale
- About 30% of all land
- A large chunk of Earth
- "Heat of the Moment" group
- ____ Minor
- Where to find China
- Where the Mekong flows
- Where the Amur flows
- Where Thailand is
- Where Sri Lanka is
- Where Polo traveled
- Where Israel is
- Where Indonesia is
- Where Borneo is
- Turkey site
- Turkey setting
- Tian Shan locale
- Thirty percent of the Earth's land surface
- Steve Howe's post-Yes band
- Steve Howe band
- South Korea's continent
- Risk area
- Region in Risk
- Populous global area
- Polo crossed it
- Pakistan's place
- One of a world seven
- One of a global septet
- Oman locale
- Nepal is part of it
- Nearly 30% of Earth's land
- Myanmar locale
- Minor start?
- Minor leader?
- Mekong River locale
- Major market for U.S. exports
- Largest of the continents
- Large chunk of Earth
- Land bounded by three oceans
- Kolkata's locale
- Java locale
- Its lowest point is the Dead Sea
- It's about 17 million square miles
- Indonesia locale
- Home to most people?
- Home to four billion
- Home to about four billion
- Himalayas' home
- Green area on a Risk board
- Great Wall continent
- Gobi Desert continent
- Georgia's locale, in part
- Georgia's continent
- Forbidden City location
- Everest locale
- Continent that's east of Europe
- Continent that spans 11 time zones
- China's place
- China placement?
- Burma's site
- Big chunk of an atlas
- Afghanistan's continent
- Actress Argento
- About one-third of the world's land mass
- World-atlas section
- World Cup qualifying zone
- World atlas section
- Where to find most of us
- Where to find most humans
- Where the Ravi flows
- Where the Indus flows
- Where Pakistan is
- Where most people eat and sleep
- Where most humans reside
- Where Laos and Lebanon are
- Where Java may be found
- Where Izmir is
- Where India and Indonesia are
- Where Georgia is
- Where billions are
- Where Bhutan and Bangladesh are
- Where Afghanistan is
- Well-populated place
- Tiger's turf
- Tibet locale
- The world's largest continent
- The Bosporus borders it
- The A in SEATO
- Thai's home
- Taiwan's continent
- Sri Lanka locale
- Silk Road setting
- Silk Road location
- Silk Road continent
- Siberia's continent
- Shanghai locale
- Several oceans touch it
- Setting for Singapore
- Region of a Risk board
- Recent Olympics site
- Popular continent in '82?
- Polo goal
- Part of it's Minor
- Pakistan's continent
- One of the continents
- One of a well-known septet
- One of a very large seven
- One market for exports
- Old World continent
- Notably populous place
- Nepal locale
- Nearly 30% of all land
- Much of an atlas
- Much Arctic Ocean coastline
- Mount Everest locale
- Most of Russia
- More than half of us are here
- Mongolia setting
- Minor area
- Market for US exports
- Market for U.S. exports
- Maldives locale
- Major target in Risk
- Major landmass
- Lebanon locale
- Largest section of a Risk board
- Largest of a well-known septet
- Largest of a certain seven
- Largest landmass
- Large section of a Risk board
- Large portion of habitable Earth
- Laos' land
- Laos' home
- Laos setting
- Land of the obi and the Gobi
- Land east of the Suez Canal
- Kyrgyzstan's locale
- Kurdistan's locale
- Kuala Lumpur locale
- Kolkata's continent
- Katmandu's place
- K2 locale
- John Wetton's band
- John Wetton band
- Java can be found in it
- Japan is in it
- Its longest river is the Yangtze
- It's home to billions
- It's about 17.2 million square miles
- It's about 17,000,000 sq. miles
- It has about 60 percent of the earth's population
- It covers plenty of ground
- It covers about 17.2 million square miles
- Indians can be found there
- Huns' home
- Huge landmass
- Huge continent
- Home to some Egyptians
- Home to part of Azerbaijan
- Home to over 4 billion
- Home to nearly four billion
- Home to much of Russia
- Home to most of us
- Home to most Indians
- Home to more than 4.5 billion
- Home to many earthlings
- Home to about 4.5 billion
- Home to 4+ billion
- Home of the highest point on Earth
- Himalayas' continent
- Heavily populated place
- Group with the albums "Aqua" and "Aria"
- Great Wall locale
- Great place for Chinese or Russian cuisine
- Great landmass
- Gobi's locale
- Gobi locale
- Gobi Desert's locale
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
c.1300, from Latin Asia, from Greek Asia, speculated to be from Akkadian asu "to go out, to rise," in reference to the sun, thus "the land of the sunrise."
n. 1 A continent located east of Europe, west of the Pacific Ocean, north of Oceania and south of the Arctic Ocean. 2 (context Greek God English) A daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, the wife of the Titan, Iapetus, and mother of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius. 3 (context astronomy English) Short for (w: 67 Asia), a main belt asteroid. 4 (given name female from=place names) of modern usage, from the continent. 5 (context historical English) A province of the Roman Empire located in what is now western Turkey.
Asia is Earth's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres and sharing the continental landmass of Eurasia with the continent of Europe. Asia covers an area of 44,579,000 square kilometers, about 30% of Earth's total land area and 8.7% of the Earth's total surface area. The continent, which has long been home to the majority of the human population, was the site of many of the first civilizations. Asia is notable for not only its overall large size and population, but also dense and large settlements as well as vast barely populated regions within the continent of 4.4 billion people.
In general terms, Asia is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. The western boundary with Europe is a historical and cultural construct, as there is no clear physical and geographical separation between them. The most commonly accepted boundaries place Asia to the east of the Suez Canal, the Ural River, and the Ural Mountains, and south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black Seas.
China and India alternated in being the largest economies in the world from 1 to 1800 A.D. China was a major economic power and attracted many to the east, and for many the legendary wealth and prosperity of the ancient culture of India personified Asia, attracting European commerce, exploration and colonialism. The accidental discovery of America by Columbus in search for India demonstrates this deep fascination. The Silk Road became the main East-West trading route in the Asian hitherland while the Straits of Malacca stood as a major sea route. Asia has exhibited economic dynamism (particularly East Asia) as well as robust population growth during the 20th century, but overall population growth has since fallen. Asia was the birthplace of most of the world's mainstream religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism (or Daoism), Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastranism, as well as many other religions.
Given its size and diversity, the concept of Asia—a name dating back to classical antiquity—may actually have more to do with human geography than physical geography. Asia varies greatly across and within its regions with regard to ethnic groups, cultures, environments, economics, historical ties and government systems. It also has a mix of many different climates ranging from the equatorial south via the hot desert in the Middle East, temperate areas in the east and the extremely continental centre to vast subarctic and polar areas in Siberia.
Asia are a British progressive rock band. The band was formed in 1981 as a supergroup of four members from different progressive rock bands: John Wetton (former bassist/vocalist of bands including King Crimson, Family, Roxy Music, Uriah Heep, UK and Wishbone Ash), Steve Howe (guitarist of Yes), Geoff Downes (keyboardist of Yes and The Buggles) and drummer Carl Palmer (of Emerson, Lake & Palmer, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, and Atomic Rooster). With their debut album Asia from 1982 reaching No. 1 in several countries, Asia ranks as one of the most popular progressive rock bands in history.
The band has undergone multiple line-up changes during its history, but in 2006, the original line-up reunited. As a result, a band called Asia Featuring John Payne exists as a continuation of John Payne's career as Asia's frontman from 1991 until Wetton's return in 2006. In 2013, Howe retired from the band to continue with Yes and pursue other projects, and was replaced by guitarist Sam Coulson, completing the current lineup.
Asia is the self-titled debut studio album by the British rock supergroup Asia, released in 1982. According to both Billboard and Cash Box, it was the #1 album in the United States for the year 1982. It contains their biggest hit " Heat of the Moment", which reached #4 in the US on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Asia is a geographical continent containing the central and eastern part of Eurasia.
Asia may also refer to:
The Roman province of Asia or Asiana , in Byzantine times called Phrygia, was an administrative unit added to the late Republic. It was a Senatorial province governed by a proconsul. The arrangement was unchanged in the reorganization of the Roman Empire in 211.
Asia is a residential skyscraper on Brickell Key in the Brickell district of Downtown Miami, Florida, United States. The tower rises , with 36 floors. Asia was topped out in mid-2007, and was completed structurally in January 2008. It is currently the 20th-tallest building in Miami. The tower is one of several new residential developments taking place in Miami, and is a part of the city's recent Manhattanization wave. The architectural firm who designed the building was J Scott Architecture. Asia Miami features 123 total residences serviced by 5 private elevators.
Asia in Greek mythology was a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. According to Apollodorus, she was the wife of the Titan Iapetus, and mother of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius, although, Hesiod gives the name of another Oceanid, Clymene as their mother. It is possible that the name Asia became preferred over Hesiod's Clymene to avoid confusion with the Clymene who was mother of Phaethon by Helios in some accounts and must have been perceived as a distinct figure. Herodotus (4.45.1) records the tradition that the continent Asia was named after Asia whom he calls wife of Prometheus rather than mother of Prometheus, perhaps here a simple error rather than genuine variant tradition. Both Acusilaus and Aeschylus in his Prometheus Bound call Prometheus' wife Hesione.
Herodotus relates also the Lydian tradition: "yet the Lydians claim a share in the latter name, saying that Asia was not named after Prometheus' wife Asia, but after Asies, the son of Cotys, who was the son of Manes, and that from him the Asiad clan at Sardis also takes its name".
- redirect Disney's Animal Kingdom#Asia
Category:Asian culture Category:Themed areas in Walt Disney Parks and Resorts
Asia was a popular American magazine in the 1920s and 1930s that featured reporting about Asia and its people, including the Far East, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East. From 1934 to 1946, it was edited by Richard Walsh, with extensive contributions from his wife, Pearl S. Buck. Under their influence, the journal published many prominent Asian literary and political figures and American authorities. In 1946, after many years of financial trouble, it was merged into a new journal, United Nations World.
A number of sailing ships have been named Asia:
- Asia, of 783 tons (bm), was launched at Bombay Dockyard in 1798 for Blythe Bros., London.
- Asia, of 457 tons (bm), was launched at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1799 for Grieg and Co. On 23 November 1833 her registration was cancelled as she had been lost at sea.
Asia is the twenty-second studio album by Japanese rock band Boris. It was first announced via the band's Facebook page on April 30, along with simultaneous releases of urban dance and warpath. They were first available on tour with Endon, making their release date May 2.
The album is almost entirely noise experimentation, with elements of drone music as well, and is entirely instrumental, all in keeping with the styles used on its simultaneously-released companions, as well as previous drone albums like The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked - Chronicle.
Curiously, the cover art posted by the band is inaccurate to the physical product, which features a young Japanese girl dressed as a ballerina.
A number of ships with the name Asia served the British East India Company (EIC) as East Indiamen:
- Asia (1764 EIC ship) — of 657 tons (bm), launched by Perry, Blackwall, in January 1764; made four voyages for the EIC. On her fifth voyage she arrived at Calcutta where she was surveyed, condemned on 13 October 1774 and sold for breaking up.
- Asia (1780 EIC ship) — of 816 tons (bm), launched by Perry, Blackwall, in November 1780; made six voyages for the EIC. She was present at the battle of Porto Praya and participated in the action of 10 September 1782. On 6 December 1793 her master, John Davy, received a letter of marque for the Asia, ship, 816 tons (bm). She was described as having a crew of 100 men and being armed with twenty-six 9-pounder guns and six swivel guns. In 1799 her owners sold her to Beatson & Co., London, for the London-Lisbon trade. On 31 March 1802 Beatson sold her to buyers in Embden who renamed her Reine Louise de Prusse. She returned to the Far East trade and her ultimate fate is unknown. She is last listed in Lloyd's Register for 1808 on the London-Batavia trade.
was the Asia, of 735 tons (bm), which was launched at Bombay in 1797 for the British East India Company (EIC). The Royal Navy purchased her in 1805 and she served as the 32-gun fifth rate frigate Sir Francis Drake until 1825 when the Admiralty sold her on condition that she be broken up.
- Asia (1798 EIC ship) - of 819 tons (bm), launched 8 December 1798 by Humble, Liverpool. She made five voyages for the EIC, three under the command of Captain Robert Wardlaw, and two under the command of Captain the Honourable Henry Pindarves Tremenheere. The alternated command to a certain degree so received a new letter of marque each time command changed. Each time Asia was described as a ship of 871 tons (bm). Crew size varied between 99 and 120 men. The first letter (dated 15 March 1799) gave her armament as twenty-six 18-pounder guns; the subsequent three (dated 12 March 1804, 6 February 1806, and 25 July 1808) described her armament as thirty-two 18-pounder guns. Asia was wrecked on a sandbank in the Hoogly River on 1 June 1809, during her fifth voyage.
- Asia (1811 EIC ship) - of 958 tons (bm), launched 16 November 1811 by Barnard, Deptford. She made ten voyages for the EIC. Her master for her first voyage, Captain the Hon. Henry Pindarves Tremenheere, received a letter of marque on 16 January 1812. It described Asia as a ship of 1012 tons (bm), with a crew of 120 men, and armed with thirty-two 18-pounder guns. On 20 September 1831 she was sold for £6500. She changed hands twice more before she was surveyed, condemned, and hulked in 1840.
- Asia (1813 ship) was a merchant barque of 458 tons (bm), built at Whitby in 1813. She made one voyage to India for the EIC in 1820-21, and one voyage to Van Diemen's Land in 1827-28. Asia then traded to the Mediterranean, but mostly to Quebec. She was last listed in 1850.
- Asia (1815 ship) was a merchant ship launched at Calcutta in 1815. She made four voyages transporting convicts from Great Britain to Australia, and two voyages under charter to the British East India Company (EIC) between 1826-1830.
- Asia (1816 ship), of 410 tons (bm), was a merchant brig built at Shields in 1816. During her career, she made one voyage for the British East India Company (EIC), and one transporting convicts from England to Van Diemen's Land. She is last listed in 1833.
- Asia (1818 ship)
Usage examples of "asia".
Achilles is a war between the assembled armies of the Achaean cities and Troy, a rich, fortified city on the coast of Asia Minor near the Hellespont, the narrow western outlet of the long passage from the Black Sea to the Aegean.
Troy to beat the Achaian Greeks and go on to establish an empire that would link Asia and Europe.
But although Acheulean tools have been found throughout Africa, Europe, and western and central Asia, they have almost never been found in the Far East.
Ionian, Aeolian, and Dorian Greek cities and seaports of Asia Province made absolutely sure they treated this eastern potentate with all the obsequious prostrations his sort desired.
Amerikan Peace Movement whose theory of justice was that the brutal Amerikan Army should move out of Southeast Asia so that the Cambodians could fertilize their fields with the bodies of Cambodians so that the Vietnamese could prey on the corpse of a decimated nation so that the Chinese could punish the Vietnamese so that the Vietnamese could drown their own Chinese in the sea.
Russia, not from Asia but from Europe itself, to infect the radical intelligentsia: the plague of a moral amorality based on egoism and culminating in a form of self-deification.
The staples were wheat and rice from the original Anatolian agricultural package, but supplemented by quince originally from the Caucasus, millet from Central Asia, cucumber, sesame, and citrus fruit from India, and apricots and peaches from China.
The antinuclear protests in Asia during the past decades had been heavily funded by Japan, and had succeeded in spite of rumors in the Western press that Japan itself was working on a new type of nuclear weapon.
If such was the poverty of Laodicea, what must have been the wealth of those cities, whose claim appeared preferable, and particularly of Pergamus, of Smyrna, and of Ephesus, who so long disputed with each other the titular primacy of Asia?
There are, however, complications, revealed particularly by the linguistic work of Isidore Dyen, who has suggested that the most likely homeland for the Austronesian languages is eastern Melanesia, not east Asia.
That is the great river Euphrates, which begins in the hills of Asia Minor and traverses the whole plain, joining at last with the Tigris and flowing into Bahr el Fars--the Persian Gulf--below Bassorah.
The form of these they drew on the sand, their long necks convincing Balboa that they were camels, and that the land indicated must be Asia.
Apart from the immensely thorough medical examinations their specialists had given him - and this hospital at Ulan Bator was the main therapy centre for WHO in all Asia, with staff commensurate - there were such minor luxuries as this chair in which he sat.
Ulan Bator, which for your information is the black market downloading capital of Asia.
All the long-haired cats originated from the Indian Bengalese, Thibetan, and other wild cats of Asia and Russia.