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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
be ashamed/loath to admit sth
▪ He was ashamed to admit that he had lied to her.
▪ All the other literary women he knew were old bags of whom he would be bitterly ashamed.
▪ All the people of Sligo feel bitterly ashamed for what happened.
▪ She was amazed by her own behaviour and between episodes was bitterly ashamed of what was happening to her.
▪ She felt bitterly ashamed of the way she'd fallen into Rohan's arms.
▪ She rebuked herself, feeling deeply ashamed, for having given way earlier to despair and self-pity.
▪ Immediately afterwards I felt deeply ashamed.
▪ All the girls were deeply ashamed.
▪ She dropped her eyes to the tablecloth, suddenly confused and deeply ashamed of herself.
▪ The worry which most perturbed Winnie was one of which she was deeply ashamed.
▪ When I happen in, they look so ashamed of their poor clothes.
▪ I felt tremendous guilt the whole time, I felt so ashamed of these terrible thoughts locked inside me.
▪ He had never felt so ashamed.
▪ I've never been so ashamed in my life.
▪ We are so ashamed of ourselves that we keep quiet about the whole sorry business.
▪ I felt so ashamed afterwards, so very ashamed.
▪ But she had been so ashamed.
▪ On the whole we are too ashamed to use inconvenience as a way of changing behaviour because it seems dishonest and inefficient.
▪ I am too ashamed to speak the secret wish: I want to write.
▪ He's too ashamed to let folks see.
▪ Our buckets and bowls are almost always empty, but we are too ashamed to say anything to each other.
▪ For a long time I was ashamed of my father and the fact he never finished school.
▪ I didn't want anyone to know I'd been fired because I felt ashamed.
▪ I realize now that you were telling the truth, and I'm ashamed that I didn't believe you.
▪ She really needed me but - I'm ashamed to admit it - I didn't help her.
▪ She was so ashamed of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.
▪ The knowledge that I had caused him to lose his job made me bitterly ashamed.
▪ There's nothing to be ashamed about - lots of people have money problems.
▪ You ought to be ashamed of yourself - coming home drunk like that!
▪ And finally: If things are done that the enemy would be ashamed to do, there is an advantage.
▪ For a second, their generosity towards him made me feel ashamed.
▪ He had felt ashamed the first time he put it on: it brought him back to his ugliness.
▪ I was ashamed of myself, you see.
▪ It made him feel that maybe she was ashamed of him.
▪ It was the booze talking, John understood that, but he still felt baffled and ashamed.
▪ She felt ashamed of being such a failure.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ashamed \A*shamed"\, a. [Orig. a p. p. of ashame, v. t.] Affected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt, or a conviction or consciousness of some wrong action or impropriety. ``I am ashamed to beg.''

All that forsake thee shall be ashamed.
--Jer. xvii. 13.

I began to be ashamed of sitting idle.

Enough to make us ashamed of our species.

An ashamed person can hardly endure to meet the gaze of those present.

Note: Ashamed seldom precedes the noun or pronoun it qualifies. By a Hebraism, it is sometimes used in the Bible to mean disappointed, or defeated.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English asceamed "feeling shame, filled with shame," past participle of ascamian "to feel shame," from a- intensive prefix + scamian "be ashamed, blush; cause shame" (see shame (v.)). The verb is obsolete, but the past participle lives on. Meaning "reluctant through fear of shame" is c.1300.

  1. Feeling shame or guilt. v

  2. (en-past of: ashame)


adj. used of persons; feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse; "are you ashamed for having lied?"; "felt ashamed of my torn coat" [syn: ashamed(p)] [ant: unashamed]

Ashamed (film)

Ashamed , also known under the international title Life Is Peachy, is a South Korean queer film written and directed by Kim Soo-hyeon. This is Kim's second feature film after 2004's So Cute. Ashamed was released in theaters on December 8, 2011, but had already been making the rounds on the festival circuit. The film had its world premiere in the New Currents section at the 15th Busan International Film Festival and screened in the Panorama section at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival.

Ashamed (1950 film)

Ashamed (Persian: Sharmsar) is a 1950 Iranian drama film directed by Esmail Kushan.

Usage examples of "ashamed".

Then all the satisfaction she had derived from what she had heard Madame Bourdieu say departed, and she went off furious and ashamed, as if soiled and threatened by all the vague abominations which she had for some time felt around her, without knowing, however, whence came the little chill which made her shudder as with dread.

My voice had an accent of forced bravery in it, and I was ashamed of my paltry stratagem.

He was so ashamed of breaking ahimsa that his body fell slack and the other boys managed to pin him to the floor.

If a feeling of modesty does not deter you from shewing yourself tender, loving, and full of amorous ardour with me in his presence, how could I be ashamed, when, on the contrary, I ought to feel proud of myself?

First Consort, andlet us continue to call him Noyokithis man Noyoki was the last son of the Third Consort, who would be ashamed to have given birth to him were she still alive.

He stared at the dim armory, ashamed of the way he had treated the only man who had remained his friend throughout this whole mess.

As he arose, he found himself clutching the relic of the Saint behind him as if ashamed to display it.

I guess Elnora was ashamed all right, for to-night she stopped at the old case Duncan gave her, and took out that pail, where it had been all day, and put a napkin inside it.

Belle and Jimmy had given up chasing the dog, and angry and ashamed, stood waiting half a block away.

I am ashamed to go to him in splendid condition and admit that I was having such a fine time I forgot to come home.

He was ashamed to revel in sweetmeats alone, and as he was fond of his gray-haired landlady, a woman old as the hills, he would share them with her.

Sefakas had been relieved at getting him out of the house, for he was ashamed to call him son.

He knew for what purpose his guest had come, and was ashamed to appear before him pale and debilitated.

And yet he felt ashamed that he, as pasha, had not the courage to order a halt, to strike the knives from the hands of the agas.

At first they had been ashamed, because they were not used to begging but hunger had compelled them.