Crossword clues for articles
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Chapiter \Chap"i*ter\, n. [OF. chapitel, F. chapiteau, from L. capitellum, dim. of caput head. Cf. Capital, Chapter.]
(Arch.) A capital [Obs.] See Chapital.
--Ex. xxxvi. 38.(Old Eng. Law) A summary in writing of such matters as are to be inquired of or presented before justices in eyre, or justices of assize, or of the peace, in their sessions; -- also called articles.
n. 1 (plural of article English) 2 (context slang English) breeches; coat and waistcoat. 3 (context legal English) the period during which a person works as an articled clerk; articling
Usage examples of "articles".
Surely you remember those articles in the International Review on the subject of 'The Evils of Bureaucracy in the Near East'?
The writer of those articles in the International Review can lay just claim to political power.
She reserved to herself complete freedom of action to send any articles or reports she chose to English or foreign Press.
How they manage to smuggle their articles through the post I for one cannot for the life of me make out.
All that you need do is to send your articles and letters in a sealed packet undercover to me.
My articles will contain the truth, and the censor will have not power over them.
Philip writes those articles which appeared in the Evening Post and caused such an outburst of sympathy for the Hungarians of Transylvania throughout Great Britain.
How could a boy be called effeminate who staked his life time and again, every time he rode into Cluj with those newspaper articles of his in his pocket?
For a long time we could not find out how certain pernicious articles, injurious to the good reputation of Roumanian, found their way into the English and American press.
Anna Heves was arrested and she will be brought to trial because she was found-actually found, mind you-smuggling newspaper articles, defamatory to the Government of this country, for insertion in foreign journals.
Two children, one under eighteen, the other not yet twenty, arrested in their beds at dead of night, brought to trial for having smuggled a few newspaper articles through the post.
Naniescu went on with slow deliberation, shedding his affected manner as a useless garment no longer required to conceal his thoughts, "the children have done us an infinity of mischief, in the eyes of the British and American public, by the publication of articles defamatory to our Government.
You may, in your articles, begin by stating the truth, if you like, and say that my Government invited you to come over to Transylvania in order to investigate the alleged acts of tyranny that are supposed to be perpetrated against the minority nationals.
Only," he continued very slowly and very deliberately, "let me assure you once and for all that young Imrey and Anna Heves will appear before the military courts on a charge of treason unless a series of articles written in the spirit I have had the honour to outline before you, and bearing your distinguished name, appear in-shall we say The Times?
On the day that the last of your brilliant articles will have appeared in The Times Imrey and his cousin will receive a free pardon from the Government which they have outraged.