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n. (plural of arclight English)

Usage examples of "arclights".

I've got binoculars, and I figure between them and the arclights I'll be able to catch the plates on the cars that cruise down Norton.

To its left the scaffold, still in darkness, cut off by the screen of arclights trained upon the building, waited like an executioner upon the imperial presence.

The oblique arclights glinted on a trumpet, caught the laced panels of the drum.

Below him lay the spaceport, lighted almost to a daytime dazzle by rows of blue-white arclights.

He swayed a little to get his balance, watching the small buzzing cargo dollies that were whirring around the field, the men in black or grayish leather uniforms with the insignia of the Terran Empire, on which the hard blue arclights reflected coldly.

Under the arclights enlarged replicas of chestnut leaves plunged and played on white pillars.

The blackness of the shaped shadows cast by the hard rocks danced together in wild choreography as the arclights swept round them.

The long concrete platform fell silent and empty under its piebald black and white markings of wide-spaced arclights and intervening shadow troughs.

They rumbled off and New Jericho village, hardly seen as yet, receded behind him in a blurred checkerboard of arclights and black squares.

The white Krikkit warship was parked amongst the stark grey crags of the asteroid, alternately flaring under arclights or disappearing in shadow.

The blackness of the shaped shadows cast by the hard rocks danced together in wild choreography as the arclights swept round them.

There were white arclights beating down on us and we felt kind of touchy and raw, and we were an ugly, dangerous mob in that moment.