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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ An emissary would be permitted to leave Berwick to apprise the so-called Regent of this arrangement.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Apprise \Ap*prise"\, n. Notice; information. [Obs.]


Apprise \Ap*prise"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Apprised; p. pr. & vb. n. Apprising.] [F. appris, fem. apprise, p. p. apprendre to learn, to teach, to inform. Cf. Apprehend, Apprentice.] To give notice, verbal or written; to inform; -- followed by of; as, we will apprise the general of an intended attack; he apprised the commander of what he had done.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to notify," 1690s, from French appris, past participle of apprendre "to inform, teach," literally "to lay hold of (in the mind)," another metaphoric meaning of Latin apprehendere (see apprehend). Related: Apprised; apprising.


vb. (context transitive English) To notify, or to make aware; to inform.

  1. v. give information or notice to; "I advised him that the rent was due" [syn: advise, notify, give notice, send word, apprize]

  2. make aware of; "Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike?" [syn: instruct, apprize]

  3. gain in value; "The yen appreciated again!" [syn: appreciate, apprize, revalue] [ant: depreciate]

  4. increase the value of; "The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark" [syn: appreciate, apprize] [ant: depreciate]

Usage examples of "apprise".

The amendment does not accord a right to be apprised of the names of witnesses who appeared before a grand jury.

But, notwithstanding the diligence of the public messengers, a friend of Macrinus found means to apprise him of the approaching danger.

It did not take long for Pandan to decide that this information would prove to be of enormous importance to the present chief of the tribe, and that this personage, Xangan, would reward with his favor the individual who was first to apprise him of this turn of events.

Later she would drive out to Pennistone Royal as arranged and apprise her of the situation.

William had given strict orders that his gifts were always to be announced, so he knew that Penworth was apprised of his efforts.

Neurath, the compliant Foreign Minister, called in the ambassadors of France, Britain and Italy, apprised them of the news from the Rhineland and handed them a formal note denouncing the Locarno Treaty, which Hitler had just broken - and proposing new plans for peace!

I was obliged to apprise you that your wife, the Baroness Roos, and Lady Lake are without, and will not be denied admission.

When we are apprised that some few of our middle-aged citizens, who sustained the stroke of that literary scimetar so long ago, still survive among us, I think we may argue from strong data for the salubrity of our climate.

Order having been apprised of the possible tergiversation of one of our number by a Master of the Knights Hospitaler of Saint John, Jerusalem, our Senior Abbot has given orders that the monk in question, one Fraire Eleus, is to be questioned.

The abbot threw up his hands, apparently having already been apprised of what had ensued when, on the previous day, the prioress of the House of Saints Ehlaina and Faiohdohra foolishly remained adamant in the face of this resolute and unbiddable lord.

Well, if you are successful in your suit, be good enough to apprise me as early as possible of the fact, so that I may clear out of Barramunda without delay.

I had thought, before I was clearly apprised of the nature of Bina, cheap slave beads, that perhaps the men had supposed that I was to be chained at the rock, adorned with some rare and valuable necklace, worth perhaps a fortune.

He wanted to keep the North Carolinian well informed, just as Hudson had promised to keep Starbuck apprised of any threats on his southern flank.

Both Arsia and Cydonia commands will be apprised of the unfortunate circumstances for the delay.

A glance in the direction toward which he was looking was sufficient to apprise me of his aims and at the same time to fill me with the dread of dire apprehension, for, streaming in from all directions across the meadow, from out of the forest, and from the far distance of the flat land across the river, I could see converging upon us a hundred different lines of wildly leaping creatures such as we were now engaged with, and with them some strange new monsters which ran with great swiftness, now erect and now upon all fours.