n. The juice of apples as a drink.
n. the juice of apples
Apple juice is a fruit juice made by the maceration and pressing of Apple. The resulting expelled juice may be further treated by enzymatic and centrifugal clarification to remove the starch and pectin, which holds fine particulate in suspension, and then pasteurized for packaging in glass, metal or aseptic processing system containers, or further treated by dehydration processes to a concentrate. Due to the complex and costly equipment required to extract and clarify juice from apples in large volume, apple juice is normally produced commercially. In the United States, unfiltered fresh apple juice is made by smaller operations in areas of high apple production, in the form of unclarified apple cider. Apple juice is one of the most common fruit juices in the world, with world production led by China, Poland, the United States, and Germany.
Usage examples of "apple juice".
One very simple trap consists of putting apple juice in the bottom of a glass or plastic jug and setting it out where the wasps are a nuisance.
A French physician has found that the bacillus of typhoid fever cannot live long in apple juice, and therefore recommends doubtful drinking water to be mixed with cider.
Even if the family's product had been apple juice, it would have been a bad idea to partake of the quantities that Uncle Crank consumed when he was in a mood to pop some meth or poke it.
Joanna watched until she'd chewed, swallowed, and taken a sip of her apple juice, and then sat down on the chair and read through the rest of the NDE.
To make apple juice, cover the apples with water, stew down, and strain the juice through thick muslin.
For these are sticky puddles of freshly squeezed grape juice, and apple juice, and peach juice, juice of plum, pear, or raspberry, strawberry, cherry ripe, blackberry, black currant, white currant, red.
Kahlan ate some carrots and berries, and drank the apple juice, but she pushed away the plate with the cheese.
I would change his diaper and give him some apple juice and play with him until Mama was finished with the twins' piano lesson.
Equal quantities of Elderberry juice and apple juice, and apple juice from peeling, will require 3/4 lb.
Keith thought that in twenty years they'd have lap blankets, drink apple juice, and talk about their health and their childhood.