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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Antichamber \An"ti*cham`ber\, n. [Obs.] See Antechamber.


n. (obsolete form of antechamber English)


Antichamber is a single-player first-person puzzle-platform video game created by Alexander Bruce. Many of the puzzles are based on phenomena that occur within impossible objects created by the game engine, such as passages that lead the player to different locations depending on which way they face, and structures that seem otherwise impossible within normal three-dimensional space. The game includes elements of psychological exploration through brief messages of advice to help the player figure out solutions to the puzzles as well as adages for real life. The game was released on Steam for Microsoft Windows on January 31, 2013, a version sold with the Humble Indie Bundle 11 in February 2014 added support for Linux and Mac OS X.

Usage examples of "antichamber".

Meredith, while Lady Anne, in Sir Henry’s antichamber, was telling a bevy of admiring young ladies that her French milliner had fashioned her dress after one of Maria Antoinette’s, “my dear Jasper, is not your cousin looking perfectly lovely this evening?

Collins pointed out, with a rapturous air, the fine proportion and finished ornaments, they followed the servants through an antichamber, to the room where Lady Catherine, her daughter, and Mrs.

It is used therefore within doors to lighten shops, and even in the richest houses for antichambers, stairs, galleries, &c.