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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Anoxia \An`ox"i*a\ ([a^]n*[o^]ks"[i^]*[.a]), n. [NL.; Gr. 'an priv. + oxygen.] (Med.) a physiological state in which insufficient oxygen reaches the tissues of the body, especially when of sufficient severity to cause permanent damage.


n. A condition in which a tissue or environment is severely or totally deprived of oxygen, severe hypoxia.


n. severe hypoxia; absence of oxygen in inspired gases or in arterial blood or in the tissues


The term anoxia means a total depletion in the level of oxygen, an extreme form of hypoxia or "low oxygen". The terms anoxia and hypoxia are used in various contexts:

  • Anoxic waters, sea water, fresh water or groundwater that are depleted of dissolved oxygen
  • Anoxic event, when the Earth's oceans become completely depleted of oxygen below the surface levels
  • Euxinic, anoxic conditions in the presence of hydrogen sulfide
  • Hypoxia (environmental), low oxygen conditions
  • Hypoxia (medical), when the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply
    • Cerebral anoxia, when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen, an extreme form of cerebral hypoxia
Anoxia (beetle)

Anoxia is a genus of dung beetle in the family Scarabaeidae.

Usage examples of "anoxia".

Her heart sank even further when she realized that the prolonged anoxia had caused a severe metabolic acidosis as well.

Your heart rapidly goes into anoxia, essentially a massive induced heart attack.

But he was slowing and weakening drastically, once again losing the urge to breathe, a symptom of anoxia, of oxygen starvation.

Of course it was impossible to take her helmet off, even momentarily, without risking a collapse from anoxia, because of the depleted airnot to mention deafness.

They found that as death approaches and anoxia sets in there's massive presynaptic activity in the CNS: the dying axons release huge amounts of chemically encoded data into the cerebro-spinal fluid.

Mandrake says the lights and tunnel vision produced during anoxia experiments are completely unlike the ones his patients describe.