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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
angle brackets
at a jaunty angle
▪ Her hat was set at a jaunty angle.
obtuse angle
right angle
▪ Hold the brush at right angles to the surface.
▪ The oral shield is approximately rounded triangular, often with an acute proximal angle and a distal projection.
▪ The ventral arm plates are pentagonal with an acute proximal angle, a slightly indented distal edge, and separated from one another.
▪ Nor do they branch off at acute angles or form perfect oblongs.
▪ Has more yellow on bill than smaller Bewick's Swan, reaching below nostril at an acute angle.
▪ You must have the ability to turn at acute angles at speed and you must be able to stretch and bend.
▪ The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped with an acute proximal angle and separated.
▪ His grey hat, which he swept off with a flourish as the ladies approached, was set at a jaunty angle.
▪ In essence problem solving presents a new and challenging angle on a site or feature.
▪ Funds will be expended to explore the situation from a number of new angles.
▪ She changed it, sharpened it, honed it, every night a new angle, a fresh thought.
▪ Twice she got caught in the reeds and had to back off and pick out a new angle of approach.
▪ The learner may view the problem from a new angle and introduce fresh ideas for consideration.
▪ Looked at from this new angle, the smears were only smears.
▪ Approach this murder from some new angles.
▪ The new angle is sitting in front of a client who specifies we maintain six choices right to the end of service.
▪ After a few embarrassed minutes the mourners slowly departed, leaving Flaubert jammed into the ground at an oblique angle.
▪ You can make it look two or three times thicker that way, by cutting on a really oblique angle.
▪ Coastal Refraction alters the bearings, particularly when bearings are at an oblique angle to the coastline. 6.
▪ One is to enter a drama at an oblique angle to the main issue.
▪ The ventral arm plates are wider than long, pentagonal with an obtuse proximal angle and a slightly convex distal edge.
▪ The oral shield is rhombic but often with an obtuse proximal angle and a convex distal edge.
▪ The distal ventral arm plates are more pentagonal with an obtuse proximal angle and a wide convex distal edge.
▪ We shall never know because the obtuse camera angle, from midwicket, provided insufficient evidence.
▪ And a couple of Action Man dolls in uniform, their limbs splayed at odd angles.
▪ Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
▪ His head, she realised was at an odd angle.
▪ Fun-house reflections: deformations and odd angles.
▪ The streets went off at odd angles.
▪ There are small patches with the emblems of sports cars sewn at odd, playful angles on the front.
▪ His feet turned capricious, slipping off at odd angles.
▪ As the building went up, the cross-section changed: the floors became smaller, with more odd angles and corners.
▪ There was Philippa Mannering looking avid in a beautifully cut check suit and a brown beret at a rakish angle.
▪ But some were written at rakish angles.
▪ A black, felt bowler sits on his head, tilted slightly forward at a rakish angle.
▪ Hold the bag at right angles to the surface to be iced, with the nozzle a fraction away.
▪ Quarters are the halves cut crosswise at almost right angles to the backbone. 7.
▪ The cleavage planes are at right angles to one another.
▪ If it is at right angles to the duct, it is closed.
▪ To repair the defect, first use a sharp knife to make two cuts at right angles across the blister.
▪ For rails that meet at right angles, the cut should be 45 degrees.
▪ But the imaginary time direction is at right angles to real time.
▪ From the low ceiling hung large, black metal frames with little pear-shaped leather bags and black metal pipes at right angles.
▪ When the latter were realigned or made anew they often met the earlier roads at a sharp angle on the parish boundaries.
▪ Before long he was huffing and puffing, his dark neck thrust out at a sharp angle.
▪ A slight change of angle and a full wing shape becomes distorted into a thin one.
▪ His wig was now at a slight angle.
▪ Christabel's tombstone leaned over at a slight angle.
▪ Both chairs are placed securely, with the free chair at a slight angle to where the patient is sitting.
▪ She went about with her head at a slight angle and her eyes permanently narrowed, to avoid the smoke.
▪ Sometimes it can be a steeper angle than somewhere else.
▪ Within that band the kite will move from steep to shallow angles against the oncoming wind.
▪ The second bullet was fired from close to where Doyle was lying, and at a very steep angle.
▪ He had a beard and his forehead sloped back at a steep angle.
▪ In distinctive display flight flaps upwards at a steep angle and then glides down with wings scarcely upraised.
▪ In two species examined the crystals lie parallel to the surface and in another two they lie at a steep angle.
▪ They form the links, at various angles to their neighbours, of a continuous chain.
▪ Have the students observe the light from various angles and tell what they see.
▪ They should enter into those ideas, and see them from various angles.
▪ Add the remainder of the milk and again have the students observe the bowl from various angles.
▪ Only the one chosen background material has been used but it has been presented at various distances and angles.
▪ It is as if the painter had moved freely around his subject, gathering information from various angles and viewpoints.
▪ The objectives were to obtain some feeling for this environment, and also to compare the readings at various angles of view.
▪ Media Studies investigates this world from various angles, eg historical, economic and sociological.
▪ It is also, merely, the story of a pop group but viewed through a wide angle lens.
▪ As you see, the light was spread out uniformly over a wide angle.
▪ Nikon for instance produce a telephoto lens, several wide angle lenses and a fish-eye for their range of models.
▪ The early studies were wide angle studies of impressions of the Course, based around questionnaires and structured interviews.
▪ Fix the batten in place with angle brackets, then attach the blind with touch-and-close fastener.
▪ A simple solution is to use small angle brackets which support the tile but are not actually fixed to it.
▪ This creates a rather spooky atmosphere and because of the many camera angles gives the impression that you are being watched.
▪ A low camera angle can make a slight anchor look imposing.
▪ Some of the pictures have silly camera angles because Oliver was fooling around.
▪ The courts and arena settings are beautiful, with smooth camera angles and timely commentary.
▪ We shall never know because the obtuse camera angle, from midwicket, provided insufficient evidence.
▪ Filmgoers, unfortunately, are subjected to the unnecessary trauma of seeing the brutal crime depicted from arty camera angles.
▪ The discs accommodate eight language tracks, 32 subtitle tracks and provisions for alternate endings and multiple camera angles.
▪ His grey hat, which he swept off with a flourish as the ladies approached, was set at a jaunty angle.
▪ One platoon splits off and marches toward the crowd, their bayoneted rifles set at a 45-degree angle.
▪ These teeth are also shorter and set at a different angle from the other teeth.
▪ If the two filters are set at identical angles, then the two photons always behave identically.
▪ It contains a fluorescent tube and can be set at different angles and at varying distances from the working surface.
▪ Be sure your chair is comfortable and your computer screen set at an appropriate angle.
▪ The tips can be set at three reduced angles from neutral, but only one increased angle.
▪ Firstly the side rail joints are set out at an angle as the seat increases in width towards the front.
▪ As the backswing progresses, the shoulders turn around the spine angle which is pre-set at the address position.
▪ You must have the ability to turn at acute angles at speed and you must be able to stretch and bend.
▪ He turned randomly at right angles, and set off at a lolloping run.
at a rakish angle
▪ A black, felt bowler sits on his head, tilted slightly forward at a rakish angle.
▪ But some were written at rakish angles.
▪ There was Philippa Mannering looking avid in a beautifully cut check suit and a brown beret at a rakish angle.
at right angles (to sth)
▪ The aisles intersect at right angles to form the shape of a cross.
oblique angle
▪ After a few embarrassed minutes the mourners slowly departed, leaving Flaubert jammed into the ground at an oblique angle.
▪ Coastal Refraction alters the bearings, particularly when bearings are at an oblique angle to the coastline. 6.
▪ One is to enter a drama at an oblique angle to the main issue.
▪ You can make it look two or three times thicker that way, by cutting on a really oblique angle.
▪ a 45-degree angle
▪ Advertisers need to find the right angle to make their product appeal to consumers.
▪ I avoided the angle of the coffee table in the darkened room.
▪ The article gives the reader a fresh angle on pop culture.
▪ They wanted an ordinary worker's angle on the new system.
▪ Thompson says his committee has looked at the problem from every possible angle.
▪ At this angle, in the uncertain light, he resembled an eighty-year-old man, wide-eyed with fear.
▪ First, the meteorites crossed the dome traveling at an angle of only twenty-seven degrees to the horizon.
▪ He made the decision to lessen the angle of impact by closing the throttle, applying hard up elevator and full right rudder.
▪ One hip shifted her weight to that side, and suddenly every angle softly flowed into another.
▪ The Chesterfield, on to which he was ready to drop, was no longer at its usual, comfortable angle to the television.
▪ The latter alters the angle of the front roller, to prevent the best running off centre.
▪ The slightly sweet fruit has five angles and when sliced, the pieces are shaped like stars.
▪ This is the so-called imaginary direction of time, at right angles to real time.
Angle your forearms slightly downward.
▪ The mirror was angled to reflect light from a window.
▪ A bare bamboo washing-pole, angled like the bowsprit of a yacht, projects above the street.
▪ A black leather swivel chair was angled to face in the direction of the television.
▪ It's not fancy-just nine stools angled around the kitchen, plastic utensils and paper plates.
▪ The content of the release Does the release need to be angled differently for the different sections of the list?
▪ The police launch slowed at the harbor entrance, then angled toward the Sham Shui Po wharf.
▪ The way you angle your feet determines the posture of the lower body.
▪ Ward was angling across the slope above to cut him off.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Angle \An"gle\ ([a^][ng]"g'l), n. [F. angle, L. angulus angle, corner; akin to uncus hook, Gr. 'agky`los bent, crooked, angular, 'a`gkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish-hook, G. angel, and F. anchor.]

  1. The inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a corner; a nook.

    Into the utmost angle of the world.

    To search the tenderest angles of the heart.

  2. (Geom.)

    1. The figure made by. two lines which meet.

    2. The difference of direction of two lines. In the lines meet, the point of meeting is the vertex of the angle.

  3. A projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.

    Though but an angle reached him of the stone.

  4. (Astrol.) A name given to four of the twelve astrological ``houses.'' [Obs.]

  5. [AS. angel.] A fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod. Give me mine angle: we 'll to the river there. --Shak. A fisher next his trembling angle bears. --Pope. Acute angle, one less than a right angle, or less than 90[deg]. Adjacent or Contiguous angles, such as have one leg common to both angles. Alternate angles. See Alternate. Angle bar.

    1. (Carp.) An upright bar at the angle where two faces of a polygonal or bay window meet.

    2. (Mach.) Same as Angle iron.

      Angle bead (Arch.), a bead worked on or fixed to the angle of any architectural work, esp. for protecting an angle of a wall.

      Angle brace, Angle tie (Carp.), a brace across an interior angle of a wooden frame, forming the hypothenuse and securing the two side pieces together.

      Angle iron (Mach.), a rolled bar or plate of iron having one or more angles, used for forming the corners, or connecting or sustaining the sides of an iron structure to which it is riveted.

      Angle leaf (Arch.), a detail in the form of a leaf, more or less conventionalized, used to decorate and sometimes to strengthen an angle.

      Angle meter, an instrument for measuring angles, esp. for ascertaining the dip of strata.

      Angle shaft (Arch.), an enriched angle bead, often having a capital or base, or both.

      Curvilineal angle, one formed by two curved lines.

      External angles, angles formed by the sides of any right-lined figure, when the sides are produced or lengthened.

      Facial angle. See under Facial.

      Internal angles, those which are within any right-lined figure.

      Mixtilineal angle, one formed by a right line with a curved line.

      Oblique angle, one acute or obtuse, in opposition to a right angle.

      Obtuse angle, one greater than a right angle, or more than 90[deg].

      Optic angle. See under Optic.

      Rectilineal or Right-lined angle, one formed by two right lines.

      Right angle, one formed by a right line falling on another perpendicularly, or an angle of 90[deg] (measured by a quarter circle).

      Solid angle, the figure formed by the meeting of three or more plane angles at one point.

      Spherical angle, one made by the meeting of two arcs of great circles, which mutually cut one another on the surface of a globe or sphere.

      Visual angle, the angle formed by two rays of light, or two straight lines drawn from the extreme points of an object to the center of the eye.

      For Angles of commutation, draught, incidence, reflection, refraction, position, repose, fraction, see Commutation, Draught, Incidence, Reflection, Refraction, etc.


Angle \An"gle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Angled; p. pr. & vb. n. Angling.]

  1. To fish with an angle (fishhook), or with hook and line.

  2. To use some bait or artifice; to intrigue; to scheme; as, to angle for praise.

    The hearts of all that he did angle for.


Angle \An"gle\, v. t. To try to gain by some insinuating artifice; to allure. [Obs.] ``He angled the people's hearts.''
--Sir P. Sidney.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

member of a Teutonic tribe, Old English, from Latin Angli "the Angles," literally "people of Angul" (Old Norse Öngull), a region in what is now Holstein, said to be so-called for its hook-like shape (see angle (n.)). People from the tribe there founded the kingdoms of Mercia, Northumbia, and East Anglia in 5c. Britain. Their name, rather than that of the Saxons or Jutes, may have become the common one for the whole group of Germanic tribes because their dialect was the first committed to writing.


"to fish with a hook," mid-15c., from Old English angel (n.) "angle, hook, fishhook," related to anga "hook," from PIE *ang-/*ank- "to bend" (see angle (n.)). Compare Old English angul, Old Norse öngull, Old High German angul, German Angel "fishhook." Figurative sense is recorded from 1580s.It is but a sory lyfe and an yuell to stand anglynge all day to catche a fewe fisshes. [John Palsgrave, 1530]\nRelated: Angled; angling.


"space between intersecting lines," late 14c., from Old French angle "angle, corner," and directly from Latin angulus "an angle, corner," a diminutive form from PIE root *ang-/*ank- "to bend" (cognates: Greek ankylos "bent, crooked," Latin ang(u)ere "to compress in a bend, fold, strangle;" Old Church Slavonic aglu "corner;" Lithuanian anka "loop;" Sanskrit ankah "hook, bent," angam "limb;" Old English ancleo "ankle;" Old High German ango "hook"). Angle bracket is 1875 in carpentry; 1956 in typography.


"to move at an angle, to move diagonally or obliquely," 1741, from angle (n.). Related: Angled; angling.\n


Etymology 1 n. 1 (senseid en geometrical figure)(context geometry English) A figure formed by two rays which start from a common point (a plane angle) or by three planes that intersect (a solid angle). 2 (senseid en measure of such a figure)(context geometry English) The measure of such a figure. In the case of a plane angle, this is the ratio (or proportional to the ratio) of the arc length to the radius of a section of a circle cut by the two rays, centered at their common point. In the case of a solid angle, this is the ratio of the surface area to the square of the radius of the section of a sphere. 3 A corner where two walls intersect. 4 A change in direction. vb. 1 (context transitive often in the passive English) To place (something) at an angle. 2 (context intransitive informal English) To change direction rapidly. 3 (context transitive informal English) To present or argue something in a particular way or from a particular viewpoint. 4 (context snooker English) To leave the cue ball in the jaws of a pocket such that the surround of the pocket (the "angle") blocks the path from cue ball to object ball. Etymology 2

n. A fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod. vb. 1 (context intransitive English) To try to catch fish with a hook and line. 2 (context informal English) (with ''for'') To attempt to subtly persuade someone to offer a desired thing.

  1. n. the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians

  2. a biased way of looking at or presenting something [syn: slant]

  3. a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons

  1. v. move or proceed at an angle; "he angled his way into the room"

  2. to incline or bend from a vertical position; "She leaned over the banister" [syn: lean, tilt, tip, slant]

  3. seek indirectly; "fish for compliments" [syn: fish]

  4. fish with a hook

  5. present with a bias; "He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders" [syn: slant, weight]


In planar geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle. Angles formed by two rays lie in a plane, but this plane does not have to be a Euclidean plane. Angles are also formed by the intersection of two planes in Euclidean and other spaces. These are called dihedral angles. Angles formed by the intersection of two curves in a plane are defined as the angle determined by the tangent rays at the point of intersection. Similar statements hold in space, for example, the spherical angle formed by two great circles on a sphere is the dihedral angle between the planes determined by the great circles.

Angle is also used to designate the measure of an angle or of a rotation. This measure is the ratio of the length of a circular arc to its radius. In the case of a geometric angle, the arc is centered at the vertex and delimited by the sides. In the case of a rotation, the arc is centered at the center of the rotation and delimited by any other point and its image by the rotation.

The word angle comes from the Latin word angulus, meaning "corner"; cognate words are the Greek (ankylοs), meaning "crooked, curved," and the English word " ankle". Both are connected with the Proto-Indo-European root *ank-, meaning "to bend" or "bow".

Euclid defines a plane angle as the inclination to each other, in a plane, of two lines which meet each other, and do not lie straight with respect to each other. According to Proclus an angle must be either a quality or a quantity, or a relationship. The first concept was used by Eudemus, who regarded an angle as a deviation from a straight line; the second by Carpus of Antioch, who regarded it as the interval or space between the intersecting lines; Euclid adopted the third concept, although his definitions of right, acute, and obtuse angles are certainly quantitative.

Angle (disambiguation)

An angle is a geometrical figure that divides a circle.

Angle may also refer to:

ANGLE (software)

ANGLE (Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine) is an open source, BSD-licensed graphics engine abstraction layer developed by Google. The API is mainly designed to bring high performance OpenGL compatibility to Windows desktops and to Web Browsers such as Google Chromium by translating calls to Direct3D, which has much better driver support. There are two backend renderers for ANGLE: the oldest one uses Direct3D 9.0c, while the newer one uses Direct3D 11.

ANGLE is currently used by a host of software including Google Chrome, Firefox, and the Qt Framework. It's also used by Windows 10 for the compatibility with Android Apps.

Angle (album)

Angle is an album by English jazz pianist Howard Riley, which was released on CBS in 1969 as part of their Realm Jazz Series, and reissued on CD by Columbia in 1999. It features his working trio of that period, with bassist Barry Guy and drummer Alan Jackson. The fully notated "Three Fragments" is a flute-piano duet with Barbara Thompson.

Angle (astrology)

The angles are the four Cardinal points of an astrological chart: the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Descendant and the Imum Coeli.

The astrological chart is a schematic representation of the sky at any given moment of time, projected upon the ecliptic--or the apparent path of the Sun as seen from the Earth—which forms the circle in which the chart is enclosed. The longitudinal positions of the planets are plotted onto this circle, because the planets (except Pluto) and many stars, lie very close to the Sun's path in celestial latitude.

How this map of the sky is seen from the Earth is determined by where the horizon is at the time for which the chart is cast. The horizon forms the boundary between what can be seen, or the visible sky, and sky which exists on the opposite side of the earth, which exists at the same time and space, but cannot be seen.

The line of the horizon cuts across the circle of the chart horizontally, and forms the most important angle of the chart: the Ascendant, or the exact place where the Sun's path crosses the horizon in the East. It is at this point that all planets and many stars appears to rise up out of what cannot be seen and become apparent to the observer. This is because the Earth's daily rotation reveals sky objects from East to West, and makes them appear to be moving from the eastern horizon across the sky to the western horizon, where they disappear again to the observer, dipping down again to the unseen sky. The western horizon, where the Sun's path meets the horizon in the West, is called the Descendant.

The other very important angle of the chart is the Midheaven (also called the M.C. for the Latin Medium coeli, or "middle of the sky.") The Midheaven represents the highest point in the sky reached by the Sun, or its culmination, as it crosses from one horizon to the other—the noon point in a chart which is plotted for dawn. At the Earth's equator, it is the point on the ecliptic which is directly overhead from the observer; as the observer moves north or south from the Equator, the midheaven appears to withdraw, so that from points north of the equator, the noon point of the Sun appears to lie in the southern sky, and south of the equator, it appears in the northern sky.

The point opposite the Midheaven, which is in the unseen sky, and would be the midnight point in a chart cast for dawn, is the anticulmination of the Sun, or the Imum Coeli, which is Latin for the "bottom of the sky." This is the last of the four angles.

The angles are crucial to the understanding of the meaning of the sky map to the individual or event for which it was cast. There are no more individual points in chart. Much has been made by astrologers (deriving from the Theosophical tradition that is closely linked to much of modern astrological practice) of the quality of "coming into being" that they represent, as they represent going from the unseen to the seen. Since Theosophical astrology was tied to the idea of manifesting from the spiritual to the bodily form, the angles have come to symbolize this connection. However, even if this theory is discounted, as Bernadette Brady has noted, to all ancient peoples, the horizon was the place where the gods came into contact with the earth and became available to human supplication. Without this connection, the spiritual realm and the world had nothing to do with one another, and for that reason, astrology, which seeks to communicate between the two spheres, must use this place of connection to derive significance for the world from the sky.

For delineation of each of the angles, see:

  • Ascendant
    • Accidental Ascendant
    • Equatorial Ascendant
  • Midheaven
  • Descendant
  • Imum Coeli
  • Angular house
  • Succedent house
  • Cadent house

Usage examples of "angle".

She toyed withBrinkerhoff, walking to the window and angling the readout for abetter view.

The guns of those ships, being disposed along the sides, were for the most part able to bear only upon an enemy abreast of them, with a small additional angle of train toward ahead or astern.

Five minutes later the Lackawanna, Captain Marchand, going at full speed, delivered her blow also at right angles on the port side, abreast the after end of the armored superstructure.

The two loops may be connected by an appending ridge provided that it does not abut at right angles between the shoulders of the loop formation.

No angle is present as the ending ridge does not abut upon the curving ridge which envelopes it.

The tented arch is formed by the angle made when the curving ridge above the dot abuts upon the ridge immediately under and to the left of the dot.

It must be free of any appendages abutting upon the outside of the recurve at a right angle.

For example, a loop with an appendage abutting upon its recurve between the shoulders and at right angles, as in illustration 56, will appear sometimes as in illustration 57 with the recurve totally destroyed.

When figure 188 is examined, it will be noticed that the recurve is spoiled by the appendage abutting upon it between the shoulders at a right angle, so it must also be classified with the tented arches.

An appendage abutting upon a loop at right angles between the shoulders is considered to spoil the loop, while an appendage which flows off smoothly is considered to leave the recurve intact.

The one on the left, however, has an appendage abutting upon the shoulders of its recurve at a right angle.

Points A, B, and X are merely bifurcations rather than an abutment of two ridges at an angle.

There are three loop formations, each one of which is spoiled by an appendage abutting upon its recurve between the shoulders at a right angle.

It cannot be classified as a whorl of the double loop type because the formation above the lower loop is too pointed and it also has an appendage abutting upon it at a right angle.

If examined closely the pattern will be seen to have an appendage abutting at a right angle between the shoulders of each possible recurve.