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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also angel-fish, 1660s, from angel + fish (n.); so called for its "wings."


n. 1 A freshwater fish, tropical cichlids of the genus (taxlink Pterophyllum genus noshow=1). 2 A marine fish of the family ''(taxlink Pomacanthidae family noshow=1)'', common on shallow tropical reefs.

  1. n. a butterfly fish of the genus Pomacanthus

  2. deep-bodied disk-shaped food fish of warmer western Atlantic coastal waters [syn: spadefish, Chaetodipterus faber]

  3. sharks with broad flat bodies and winglike pectoral fins but that swim the way sharks do [syn: angel shark, Squatina squatina, monkfish]

  4. [also: angelfishes (pl)]


Angelfish may refer to:

  • Several groups of fish:
    • Freshwater angelfish, tropical cichlids of the genus Pterophyllum
    • Marine angelfish of the family Pomacanthidae
    • Atlantic pomfret (Brama brama), sold by fishmongers as "angelfish" in South Africa (where it is a bycatch of the hake fishery)
    • Angel shark of the family Squatinidae
    • Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber)
    • Cave angelfish, a karst-dwelling member of the family Balitoridae, found only in Thailand
  • Angelfish (band), a short-lived Scottish alternative rock band, former band of Garbage's Shirley Manson
    • Angelfish (album), a 1994 album by the band Angelfish
  • Angelfish charity, a UK charity that helps disabled and deprived children in Cambodia
  • Mark Twain's angelfish, a group of young women who served as surrogate granddaughters to author Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) during the last years of his life
Angelfish (band)

Angelfish was a short-lived early-1990s Scottish alternative rock group originating from Edinburgh, Scotland, formed as a side-project to Scottish group Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie, after keyboardist and backing vocalist Shirley Manson was signed as a solo artist to circumvent the Mackenzies' existing record contract. Angelfish released a single self-titled studio album, Angelfish, and two singles of which the first was an EP for minor college radio hit " Suffocate Me".

The music video for "Suffocate Me" was aired once by MTV during 120 Minutes, where it was seen by Garbage co-founder Steve Marker. Manson was asked to join Garbage and accepted. The Angelfish side-project was dissolved, while Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie continued on for another two years without Manson.

Angelfish (album)

Angelfish is the 1994 self-titled debut and only studio album released by Scottish alternative rock group Angelfish, fronted by Shirley Manson. The Angelfish album was born out of necessity when Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie's record distributor MCA expressed interest in recording an album with Manson on lead vocals rather than furthering its commitment to the Mackenzies. The Mackenzies' record label boss Gary Kurfirst signed Manson as a solo artist, with the remaining Mackenzies performing as her backing band to circumvent the band's existing deal with MCA.

Two single releases promoted the album, the first an EP for " Suffocate Me" was released mid-1993, while the second, " Heartbreak to Hate", was released to radio at the time of the album's release. The music video for "Suffocate Me" famously aired once by MTV during 120 Minutes, where it was seen by Garbage co-founder Steve Marker. Manson was asked to join Garbage, and accepted. The Angelfish side-project was dissolved, while Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie continued on for another two years without Manson.

Usage examples of "angelfish".

Three large angelfish drifted just beyond the glass, keeping pace without visible effort.

The three angelfish were already falling behind as they swam in stately formation toward the floating mountains that dominated the distant horizon.

Ascending at a sharp angle, the school of angelfish climbed into the western sky.

Only a few isolated puffs of darkness remained inside the motor home, and the angelfish were methodically herding them outside.

Fitzpatrick looked with bemused curiosity at the aquarium on the inner wall, where angelfish flitted back and forth in an endless exploration of their small world.

The aquarium sat on an end table next to her bed: angelfish gliding through a cube of water.

There were lobsters under every rock, schools of parrotfish, angelfish, triggerfish, surgeonfish, damselfish, hogfish, porgies, even occasional groupers.

All that, before a bottle of Chablis smoothed their way for the lobster, butter running down his thumb onto the white tablecloth, before the light and the aerator were installed and the plants submerged in the tank, before another delivery brought more bills and anonymous personalized invitations and a script indecently titled from a playwriting hopeful thirsting for production and before another rushed a lone angelfish in a plasticized transparency to take up residence among the water sprite and Ludwigia and wavering fronds of Spatterdock enveloped in silence and the eerie illumination neither day nor night, spooky was the word for it as his hand glided over her breasts, now could he feel it?

With her heart still pounding, she moved toward the fish tank, alarmed by the stillness--Esmerelda, her angelfish drifted against the glass, her fins fluttering in the water like ghostly wings.

Since she no longer played a professional role in my life, I was able to invite her out to dine at the Earthscape Restaurant, where angelfish were particularly good, and later to drive out with her to inspect the impact site, once things had cooled down sufficiently.

It was a world of ceralean blues, deep-velvet purples, inked greens, of wide brainstone coral cliffs and deep-bottomed troughs where the sea turned black in the chartless depths--a world of eel and octopus and squid, of the soldier crab and the loggerhead turtle, of jeweled angelfish, gliding manta rays, and great blue marlin.

Rather like a cross between the tropical trumpet and STAR TREK LOG FOR 25 angelfish of the warm Terran ocean, the single fish was beautiful enough.

In the smaller tank I see about a dozen small angelfish, their stripes shaped to form letters.

Thus we will patent the Cadbury clown fish, the British Petroleum stag coral, the Marks and Spencer moray eel, the Royal Bank of Scotland angelfish, and gliding silently overhead, the British Airways manta ray.

The fish were bright with all the colors of the rainbow, from minnows shorter than his little finger, to angelfish, platys, and groupers as big as his leg.