alt. infection by the hookworm (taxlink Ancylostoma genus noshow=1). n. infection by the hookworm (taxlink Ancylostoma genus noshow=1).
Ancylostomiasis (also anchylostomiasis or ankylostomiasis) is a hookworm disease caused by infection with Ancylostoma hookworms. The name is derived from Greek ancylos άγκυλος "crooked, bent" and stoma στόμα "mouth."
Ancylostomiasis is also known as miner's anaemia, tunnel disease, brickmaker's anaemia and Egyptian chlorosis. Helminthiasis may also refer to ancylostomiasis, but this term also refers to all other parasitic worm diseases as well. In the United Kingdom, if acquired in the context of working in a mine, the condition is eligible for Industrial Injuries Disability Benefit. It is a prescribed disease (B4) under the relevant legislation.§
Ancylostomiasis is caused when hookworms, present in large numbers, produce an iron deficiency anemia by sucking blood from the host's intestinal walls.