analyse/test a sample
▪ All the samples were tested for bacteria.
▪ Data from these nine patients were then analysed further.
▪ Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils were too few to count and could not be analysed further.
▪ These descriptive trends are analysed further in two ways.
▪ Brenner, Subrahmanyam and Uno went on to analyse further the deviations from the no-arbitrage price.
▪ Each of these can be analysed further.
▪ Petipa divided movement into seven categories which other teachers have analysed further.
▪ Those points that fall outside this envelope can be further analysed directly by pointing to a particular location.
▪ It is now generally recognized that the attempt to analyse consciousness in terms of behaviour amounted to flying in the face of the facts.
▪ But until now the very volume of data involved has defeated attempts to analyse it.
▪ This is an attempt to explore and analyse the potential interaction between events.
▪ We may even analyse such behaviour in semi-anthropomorphic terms.
▪ This leads me to analyse political behaviour, especially as it relates to conflict.
▪ The software differs from existing fraud-detection systems because it analyses behaviour dynamically.
▪ Get it to analyse specific behaviour and situations rather than to censure you as a person.
▪ It is now generally recognized that the attempt to analyse consciousness in terms of behaviour amounted to flying in the face of the facts.
▪ Second, the hedonic pricing method would analyse the behaviour of economic agents whose prices reflected the value of voluntary labour.
▪ The aim of the project is to analyse the effects of changes in the funding climate on innovatory research topics.
▪ The project makes extensive use of quantitative methods and also analyses institutional and organisational changes.
▪ Data will also be collected to analyse the effect of changes in accounting procedure upon firms in the industry.
▪ The arbiter model has been developed to analyse major institutional changes in post-war liberal democracies by Poulantzas' concept of authoritarian statism.
▪ Such reformulations can not be analysed in terms of a change of plan, since they themselves are part of a plan.
▪ The research will analyse whether expenditure changes are related to the change in the degree of accountability faced by different local authorities.
▪ Moreover, we are now in a position to examine how effectively research has analysed this change.
▪ In this chapter we analyse the nationalized industries, explain how they have been run, and assess their performance.
▪ This chapter analyses the problems associated with the relocation of organisations and with individuals moving within Britain and overseas.
▪ In Chapter 8 I analyse the manner in which experiences themselves present themselves to us in a biographical context.
▪ Later chapters will analyse particular aspects of this situation in closer detail.
▪ This chapter will analyse the abstract nature of the search space drawing on relevant aspects of state-space search theory.
▪ In Chapter 10 I analyse the inter-subjective conditions of objective validity and the relation between objective validity and truth.
▪ Much of the remainder of this chapter is devoted to analysing this distortion.
▪ This chapter will attempt to analyse some of the possibilities for the teaching of information skills in the primary school curriculum.
▪ The data will be analysed and a decision made as to whether to carry out a similar experiment during the busy summer months.
▪ Now we hope to build a data base to analyse why one last is more successful than another.
▪ The data analysed represented 65 developments from 54 companies in the four countries.
▪ SaO 2 and pulse rate data were analysed by two methods.
▪ In the first method, data were analysed against set criteria for hypoxia and tachycardia.
▪ It will produce the hard data needed to analyse resource utilisation and will trigger an alarm mechanism allowing managers to control access.
▪ Correlation data were analysed using the Spearman rank correlation method.
▪ This data will be analysed for any patterns or trends of activity.
▪ The later authority was, of course, Exparte Saunders, which the Divisional Court proceeded to analyse in detail.
▪ Just about everything is analysed in detail.
▪ Two YACs, yA136E7 and yA4C5, were analysed in most detail.
▪ These particular degenerate cases will be analysed in more detail in the next section.
▪ In the following sections and chapters the singularity and global structure of particular solutions will be analysed in more detail.
▪ Thus, the interest in analysing the details of development was as much a political as it was an academic matter.
▪ This ignores the objects and would appear as: This could be analysed in more detail to include, for example, sub-groupings.
▪ A number of studies based primarily upon private sector organisations have analysed the impact that these variables will have.
▪ The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making.
▪ Psychometric methods were used to collect and analyse the information.
▪ Most local authorities now have a research and intelligence unit to collect and analyse information on their areas.
▪ Another factor causing untoward proliferation of spreadsheet files is the need to analyse the same information in different ways.
▪ The Board could become responsible for collecting and analysing such information and for drafting recommendations.
▪ Psycholinguists have analysed how humans combine information and a number of models have resulted.
▪ Does it help you to analyse the information?
▪ The project makes extensive use of quantitative methods and also analyses institutional and organisational changes.
▪ In the first method, data were analysed against set criteria for hypoxia and tachycardia.
▪ It is therefore necessary to consider other methods of analysing spontaneous speech samples.
▪ Statistical methods of analysing the large amounts of data which can arise from such studies are at present inadequate.
▪ The applicability of this method in analysing DNA-protein interactions is, however, hindered by several disadvantages.
▪ Previously, MacGregor used experimental methods to analyse the stresses.
▪ These are applied to construct appropriate statistical methods to analyse the course of technological development.
▪ It is important that we bear these differences in mind when we attempt to analyse the formal nature of public sector organisations.
▪ This chapter will analyse the abstract nature of the search space drawing on relevant aspects of state-space search theory.
▪ But much depends on your own skills and whether you have analysed the true nature of the difficulty correctly.
▪ This will analyse network performance, maintain equipment inventories, and log software use within the system.
▪ Each sector and the separate segments were then analysed according to performance - pre-tax and turnover - and market valuation.
▪ I'd heard Dad and Eva in the bar analysing the performance as if it were Miles Davis's farewell appearance.
▪ In order properly to analyse the performance of the firm, we must also take account of these considerations.
▪ It was exhausting and she did not know enough to analyse each problem properly.
▪ This chapter analyses the problems associated with the relocation of organisations and with individuals moving within Britain and overseas.
▪ Take the normal Law Commission Report which analyses the problem and then annexes a draft Bill to remedy it.
▪ Working Model Working Model is award-winning desktop based software for analysing and solving engineering problems involving 2D and 3D motion and mechanisms.
▪ Who has analysed and solved this problem - evolution, or the bees themselves?
▪ Corbett chewed absent-mindedly on the bread whilst analysing the problem which faced him.
▪ Both motivation and emotion will be analysed as processes concerned with the control of human action.
▪ There is a good deal of confusion over the use of concepts to analyse the institutions and processes of policy-making.
▪ Thus it is important to analyse these processes as well as deconstructing them.
▪ The aim of the project is to analyse the effects of changes in the funding climate on innovatory research topics.
▪ The purpose of this project is to analyse some of these forecasts and discover their similarities and differences.
▪ The project also analyses the responses of young people themselves, using the techniques of Identity Structure Analysis developed at Bristol.
▪ The project will analyse the distribution over households of various indicators of living standards.
▪ This project will analyse multiple victimisation using statistical modelling techniques.
▪ Of course, analysing any relationship depends upon the angle from which it is viewed.
▪ This paper analyses the relationship between A-level grades and degree results in Britain.
▪ When the effects of this additional factor are analysed, the direct relationship between economic development and institutional performance disappears.
▪ The problem is the difficulty of selecting the key variables and then analysing the relationships between them.
▪ The major advantage of the line graph is that it is easy to analyse the relationship between variables.
▪ Second, it analyses the changed relationships between the government and major interests and pressure groups.
▪ The research will analyse the changing structure of leadership and the conditions which give rise to political stability and instability.
▪ This is where the market research which is analysed in the first three parts of the planning cycle can help.
▪ It also contributed to the construction of the contemporary image of the elderly - a process this research is concerned to analyse.
▪ Problems with international marketing research Instead of analysing just one national market, international marketing researchers must analyse a number of national markets.
▪ The research will analyse whether expenditure changes are related to the change in the degree of accountability faced by different local authorities.
▪ Moreover, we are now in a position to examine how effectively research has analysed this change.
▪ There is no incentive to run tests and analyse the results.
▪ I resisted the temptation to analyse the results until all information had been gathered in case I sub-consciously distorted the data-gathering process.
▪ Post-mortem Experimentation is wasted unless you stop to analyse what the result of it was.
▪ Although the data from the first study are still being analysed, initial results are promising.
▪ The Assembly adopted a resolution approving the 1991 socio-economic development plan and analysing the results of 1990's plan.
▪ We are interested in analysing the factors that result in participation or non-participation in active sport.
▪ Now you need to analyse the results of the survey.
▪ Many laboratories have cooperated at short notice and are analysing large numbers of samples.
▪ It is therefore necessary to consider other methods of analysing spontaneous speech samples.
▪ The pitfalls in analysing the samples of anonymised records have not yet become fully clear.
▪ The foreign policy behaviour of states depends on how individuals with power perceive and analyse situations.
▪ By analysing simple situations, with essential features in common, we can gain insight into the behaviour of these complicated beams.
▪ Students huddle round a politics teacher who analyses the current situation.
▪ All other aspects of demand can then be deduced once we have analysed this consumer choice situation.
▪ I analysed the situation as extraordinarily simple.
▪ She was not a woman who would see both sides of a question, or want to analyse a given situation.
▪ Get it to analyse specific behaviour and situations rather than to censure you as a person.
▪ Some guidance in analysing these potential situations is available via transactional analysis, described in Chapter 11.
▪ The second method tries to analyse the structure of the fossil almost as if it were a piece of engineering.
▪ The research will analyse the changing structure of leadership and the conditions which give rise to political stability and instability.
▪ They focus on the family, analysing both its internal structure and its functions for the wider society.
▪ The research project explores the substantive and technical issues of analysing hierarchical structures and in particular develops general purpose computer software.
▪ Consequently it is not possible in general to analyse the singularity structure in such detail.
▪ What principles do children rely on as they analyse the structure of words and make use of their knowledge?
▪ Some of its theories stress the role of local processes, whilst others analyse national structures.
▪ The rules of grammar are intended to analyse the structure underlying this discursive order.
▪ That this is important was shown by one of the authors in two studies analysing sentences in the London courts in 1983.
▪ Although the data from the first study are still being analysed, initial results are promising.
▪ Case studies are analysed, and teams are then set to develop their own models of teamwork.
▪ This study aimed to analyse H pylori infection within family groups.
▪ Three large studies have analysed Holter recordings at 10 days following myocardial infarction.
▪ In the present study we also analysed the relation between active H pylori infection and serum pepsinogen-I and pepsinogen-II concentrations.
▪ Academics study and analyse films in lecture rooms.
▪ The study will analyse difference in the pay of individuals in the public and private sectors of the economy.
▪ The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making.
▪ Students will therefore need courses that will equip them for observing, collecting and analysing linguistic data.
▪ Psychometric methods were used to collect and analyse the information.
▪ Most local authorities now have a research and intelligence unit to collect and analyse information on their areas.
▪ Data will also be collected to analyse the effect of changes in accounting procedure upon firms in the industry.
▪ Carcasses will be collected and analysed.
▪ When the data had been collected, it was analysed in order to identify the real causes of the problem.
▪ Computers are also used in bureaux to collect and analyse enquiry statistics.
▪ First, revisions to the national income accounts will be described, quantified and analysed.
▪ The Marketing Mix may effectively be described and analysed on the basis of the Four P's.
▪ A number of particularly important a.c. bridges will now be described and their circuits analysed to find their individual double balance conditions.
▪ These are described and analysed in the final section of this paper.
▪ Schools were also expected to recognise that the curriculum could be described and analysed in a variety of ways.
▪ If we try to analyse the conception of possession, we find two elements.
▪ In calmer times I try to analyse, weighing up the pros and cons.
▪ Preobrazhensky was in fact trying to analyse Soviet economy without reference to the specific historical features of that formation.
▪ I think many people who have tried to analyse Rottweiler characters have not realized how much this unique mix plays a part.
▪ We can, of course, go further still in trying to analyse the transactions of learning.
▪ She gave up trying to analyse Guy Sterne's character on the basis of his bookshelves.
▪ But if we can not recognise something as it stands we try to analyse it into parts that we can recognise.
▪ It will try to analyse your potential and get you motivated - there are lot's more races out there.
▪ Psychometric methods were used to collect and analyse the information.
▪ The first part of the research uses game theory to analyse wage bargaining and employment decisions in models with explicit institutional setups.
▪ Imagery of the Lake District has been used to analyse the lineament pattern of the region.
▪ Transmission electron microscopy was used to analyse the morphological features of the growing cells.
▪ Previously, MacGregor used experimental methods to analyse the stresses.
▪ He used this classification to analyse the writing of 9, 13 and 17 year olds.
▪ We use a special computer program to analyse all the sales figures.
▪ Collect in, and analyse the first ten or fifteen errors.
▪ He analysed the dreams of both himself and his patients.
▪ I thought maybe I was just being selfish, it's so difficult to analyse your emotions.
▪ In the equal-opportunities field observers can analyse the talk which occurs in a mixed class.
▪ These descriptive trends are analysed further in two ways.
▪ With the apparatus, researchers should be able to analyse an item in 15 minutes when the current technique takes days.