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Amasis may refer to:

  • Amasis I, Pharaoh of Egypt in 1550–1525 BC
  • Amasis II, Pharaoh of Egypt in 570–526 BC
  • Amasis (Persian general), Achaemenid military commander in Egypt in ca. 525 BC
  • Amasis Painter, ancient Greek vase painter of the black figure style
  • Amasis (wrestler), American professional wrestler
Amasis (Persian general)

Amasis was a Persian of the tribe of the Maraphii, who was sent by Aryandes, the governor of Egypt under Cambyses, at the head of an army to assist Pheretima, the mother of Arcesilaus III, king of Cyrene. In one of his works, philologist Edward Pococke associates the Maraphii with the Berhi-pae of Kartakeyu. He took Barca by stratagem and treachery, and made an unsuccessful attempt upon Cyrene. He was then recalled by Aryandes. On its march back the Persian army suffered severely from the Libyans and a little later it is claimed they appointed the soon to be Egyptian king Amasis II as their leader.

Amasis (potter)

Amasis was an ancient Attic potter, active in Athens between 560/550 and 530/520 BC. Amasis’s pottery workshop also employed a well-known painter, who is conventionally named the Amasis Painter after the potter, and generally considered as one of the best Archaic vase painters. His works are mostly black-figure, but some red-figure vase paintings by him do occur. He and Exekias produced the first major painted amphorae with a narrative image on front and back, respectively. Famous works:

  • Amphora: Satyrs harvesting grapes ( Würzburg, Martin-von-Wagner-Museum)
  • Amphora: Dionysos with a kantharos and youths with slain hares and foxes; ''( Munich, Staatl. Antikensammlungen) ''