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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Companies that donate books or equipment to schools that collect their tokens are not being entirely altruistic - after all, you have to buy the products to get the tokens.
▪ You can't expect a large corporation to be altruistic.
▪ But what constabulary safeguards do those altruistic groups maintain?
▪ Given that annuity markets are imperfect, people may leave substantial estates even though they have no altruistic feelings towards their heirs.
▪ He has to give up his egocentricity and develop the beginnings of a more altruistic point of view.
▪ Second, an animal might direct altruistic acts towards genetic relatives of those with which it was raised.
▪ Some, like dreams of providing a great service, are altruistic.
▪ The political concern is not altruistic.
▪ Their motives were partly altruistic and partly economic.
▪ These are not purely altruistic ventures.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Altruistic \Al`tru*is"tic\, a. [Cf. F. altruiste, a. See Altruism..] Regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish; -- opposed to egoistic or selfish.
--Bain. -- Al`tru*is"tic*al*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1853, from French altruiste (adj.), from altruisme (see altruism) + -ic.


a. regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish


adj. showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others [syn: selfless] [ant: egoistic]

Usage examples of "altruistic".

Not all those recruited for training were altruistic or even merely greedy.

Not only was she unconnected, but also she was genuinely altruistic and quite willing to sacrifice herself for the good of others.

Is there not hope for democracy if in the places of its greatest strain and stress, in the midst of its fiercest passions, there is a deliberate, affectionate, intelligent striving toward cities that have been revealed not in apocalyptic vision but in the long-studied plans of terrestrial architects and engineers and altruistic souls, such as that of Jane Addams, cities that to such amphionic music shall out of the shards of the past build themselves silently, impregnably--if not in a diviner clime, at any rate in a diviner spirit--on shores and slopes and plains of that broad valley of the new democracy, conterminous in its mountain boundaries with New France in America?

After that altruistic exploit Stevie was put to help wash the dishes in the basement kitchen, and to black the boots of the gentlemen patronising the Belgravian mansion.

Assad is exactly what he appears to be, an eccentric trillionaire novelist with altruistic tendencies and a flair for reality.

Whereupon she must have assumed the attitude that she was being given an altruistic lesson for her own benefit, which notion she here continued.

But if he was reporting on drug activity strictly for altruistic reasons, he was an exception to the rule.

Many of these methods were, therefore, altruistic in motive, many more escapist or with intent to acquire power over their fellows.

The irony here, however, rested in the fact that although the machine provided all these ends, altruistic or otherwise, the majority of users became enslaved by the very device that set them free.

But a group of thirty brilliant and altruistic souls of the Archi-magical College, including the great Varcour, decided to remain and do what they could to repair the terrible damage that humanity had caused.

As she regained her strength she took up her social duties, and she tried to resume her studies, her music, her reading, and she occupied herself more and more with the charities and the fortunes of her friends who were giving their lives to altruistic work.

Their public policy consists of appeasing their worst enemies, placating their most contemptible attackers, trying to make terms with their own destroyers, pouring money into the support of leftist publications and “liberal” politicians, placing avowed collectivists in charge of their public relations and then voicing—in banquet speeches and full-page ads—socialistic protestations that selfless service to society is their only goal, and altruistic apologies for the fact that they still keep two or three percent of profit out of their multi-million-dollar enterprises.

If, according to collectivist caricatures, the greedy rich indulged in profligate ma­terial luxury, on the premise of “price no object”—then the social progress brought by today’s collectivized mentalities consists of indulging in altruistic political planning, on the premise of “human lives no object.

He was as unhappy about contacting the Ryxi as Varian but for a less altruistic motive.

This was Alicia Dammers, the novelist, who ran Women's Institutes for a hobby, listened to other people's speeches with genuine and altruistic enjoyment, and, in practice the most staunch of Conservatives, supported with enthusiasm the theories of the Socialist party.