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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But during the day pity for Joe invades me once more. How selfish I am.
▪ Don't be so selfish, Andrew.
▪ How can you be so selfish?
▪ How could she be so selfish?
▪ She couldn't bear him to think she was so selfish that she didn't care what harm she caused.
▪ In fact, she was a very selfish, disagreeable, bad-tempered little girl.
▪ I think you are being very selfish.
▪ Men as a rule are very selfish and still believe that women are born to serve them.
▪ She seems very selfish to us and not a good example of a true friend.
▪ At some stage a bereaved person usually begins to feel that he or she must be very selfish indeed.
▪ I realise now it was very selfish of me.
▪ The situation would, to an outsider, have seemed very selfish.
▪ This is very selfish of me.
▪ The long reach of the gene An uneasy tension disturbs the heart of the selfish gene theory.
▪ They were times of fresh resolve, novel encroachments of the selfish gene.
▪ Amy, don't be selfish. Let the others have a turn.
▪ Carter has never been a selfish player.
▪ He's completely selfish.
▪ It's not that I'm selfish. I just don't loan out my tools anymore.
▪ She agreed to go along for purely selfish reasons.
▪ Sometimes it's all right to be a little selfish, and forget about everyone else for a change.
▪ Any answer that is not basically a selfish one should be regarded with suspicion.
▪ As a result, commercial interactions better society even though the interests of each participant are purely selfish.
▪ But it's a selfish family, I'd say.
▪ Content with humiliation, satisfied with disappointment, I had been too selfish to reach out.
▪ If I was a selfish individual, I would be happy making $ 3-plus million a year.
▪ Nepotism is selfish behaviour having the appearance of altruism since it benefits relatives as well as ones own concerns.
▪ Please don't-it would be selfish and damaging.
▪ You blamed Gran-gran for being selfish, but what about you?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Selfish \Self"ish\, a.

  1. Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard, or at the expense, of those of others.

    They judge of things according to their own private appetites and selfish passions.

    In that throng of selfish hearts untrue.

  2. (Ethics) Believing or teaching that the chief motives of human action are derived from love of self.

    Hobbes and the selfish school of philosophers.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1630s, from self- + -ish. Said in Hacket's life of Archbishop Williams (1693) to have been coined by Presbyterians. In the 17c., synonyms included self-seeking (1620s), self-ended and self-ful.Let us understand what our own selfish genes are up to, because we may then at least have the chance to upset their designs. [Richard Dawkins, "The Selfish Gene," 1976]\nRelated: Selfishly; selfishness.\nSimilar formations in German selbstisch, Swedish sjelfvisk, Danish selvisk.


a. 1 Holding one’s self-interest as the standard for decision making. 2 Having regard for oneself above others’ well-being.


adj. concerned chiefly or only with yourself; "Selfish men were...trying to make capital for themselves out of the sacred cause of civil rights"- Maria Weston Chapman [ant: unselfish]

Selfish (song)

"Selfish" is the debut single from Asia Cruise, from her unreleased debut album, Who Is Asia Cruise?. The song was written and produced by Dwayne Nesmith and Pierre Medor—better known as Tha Cornaboyz—and Tyrrell Bing. The song spent nine weeks on the Billboard Rhythmic Top 40 chart, peaking at number thirty-three.

Selfish (disambiguation)

Selfishness refers to taking interest in oneself.

Selfish may also refer to:

  • "Selfish" (House), an episode of the TV series House
  • "Selfish" (song), a song by Asia Cruise
  • "Selfish", a song by Britney Spears from Femme Fatale
  • Selfish (book), a 2015 photobook by Kim Kardashian West
Selfish (House)

"Selfish" is the second episode of the seventh season of the American medical drama House. It aired on September 27, 2010. House ( Hugh Laurie) treats a patient with sickle cell trait, while dealing with the effects of his burgeoning relationship with Lisa Cuddy ( Lisa Edelstein) on his work.

(She's So) Selfish

"(She's So) Selfish" is a hit song written by Doug Fieger and Berton Averre that was first released by the Knack on their #1 debut album Get the Knack in 1979. It also appeared on a number of live and compilation albums. It was intended for release as a single, but was prevented by its "scatological" lyrics. It was inspired by the same woman who inspired the band's #1 single " My Sharona." It was praised by critics for its hooks and style, but criticized for its nastiness and sexism.

Selfish (book)

Selfish is a coffee table photobook written by television personality Kim Kardashian. It was released on May 5, 2015 by the Universe imprint of the art bookseller Rizzoli. The book features Kardashian's personal selfies, collecting various images previously posted on Kardashian's social media accounts. The photobook received positive reviews from critics.

Usage examples of "selfish".

They are not only secretive, appropriative, selfish, and self-defensive, but when redundant are aggressive and tend to destructiveness, the gratification of animal indulgence, intemperance, and debauchery.

His politeness for the fair sex has already been hinted at by Miss Rebecca Sharp--in a word, the whole baronetage, peerage, commonage of England, did not contain a more cunning, mean, selfish, foolish, disreputable old man.

Though he knew de Batz to be an ardent Royalist, and even an active adherent of the monarchy, he was soon conscious of a vague sense of mistrust of this pompous, self-complacent individual, whose every utterance breathed selfish aims rather than devotion to a forlorn cause.

In return, he cursed them for their selfish brutishness, and blows and kicks and curses were rained upon him.

It will then seem to the rest of the human government that for our own selfish purposes we are trying to hide the actions of the Diaboli, that we have, perhaps, a special understanding with them.

At present, the rage is for experimentation, although it seems least wanted, for which rage THE SELFISH AND IGNORANT WORLD IS MOST TO BE BLAMED.

Now her long, beautiful ministry was over, for Horace Everidge, serenely selfish to the last, had fallen into the slumber which knows no earthly waking, and Aunt Marthe was free.

The mental ability to organize, arrange and acquire things overbalances, leading us into greed, miserliness, and manipulation of other people in order to acquire more than we need and to achieve our own selfish ends.

Lincoln is thankful Chase is at Treasury and not Cameron, who is utterly ignorant, selfish, and openly discourteous to the President, and a notorious crook.

The practice of constantly aiming to destroy the credit of those professional and business creditors who refuse to remain at the mercy of those who would serve only their own selfish aims, is a notorious failing which, the sooner outgrown or uprooted, the better.

As for her companions here on the farm, they had been thrown together by chance, and they were none of them perfect: Carausias an overtrusting old fool, Severus lazy, selfish, and sullen, Marina timid and lacking initiative, and Cartadear Carta, now terribly weakened.

They were unable to stand against the coldness of the king, against the hostility of the powerful and selfish faction of Bedford Whigs, and, above all, against the towering predominance of William Pitt.

The grand design once again could be seen at its mysterious work: unknown to me, my entirely selfish efforts on behalf of Charlie-Charlie Rackett, my representation to his parole board and his subsequent hiring as my spy, had been noted by all of the barnie-world.

As for all other men, like Sam Reddon and the artists Jack brought to the house, they began to have for her the aspect of coarse and rather silly beings, essentially selfish and sensual.

He who can turn churlishly away from contemplating the felicity of his fellow-beings, and can sit down darkling and repining in his loneliness when all around is joyful, may have his moments of strong excitement and selfish gratification, but he wants the genial and social sympathies which constitute the charm of a merry Christmas.