Alliesthesia ( (allós) - other, and (aísthēsis) - sensation, perception ; French : alliesthésie, German : Alliästhesie) describes the dependence of the perception of pleasure or disgust perceived when consuming a stimulus on the " milieu intérieur" of the organism. Therefore, a stimulus capable of ameliorating the state of the interior milieu, will be perceived as pleasant. In contrast, a stimulus disturbing the milieu interne of the organism will be perceived as unpleasant or even painful. The sensation elicited therefore depends not only on the quality or on the intensity of the stimulus, but also on internal receptors, and is subjective.
Alliesthesia is a physiologic phenomenon and should not be confounded with the pathologic symptom of allesthesia.
Another phenomenon based on sensory cues and not to be confound with alliesthesia is " sensory-specific satiety".