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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
be taken/rushed/airlifted to hospitalBritish English, be taken/rushed/airlifted to the hospital American English
▪ Three people were taken to hospital after a crash on the motorway.
▪ His first column was a paean to the ingenuity, resolve, and bravery represented by the massive Berlin airlift.
▪ In mid-June 1948 Truman ordered the airlift.
▪ Thanks to the airlifts, the average daily death rate now is 12.
▪ The airlift had now stopped and people were being moved on to Myitkyina, hoping to get a plane there.
▪ The first planes of this airlift arrived in Beletuen on the same day.
▪ The increase is partly accounted for by the airlift of refugees from Kosovo.
▪ The plan seems to be to use airlift escorted by fighter planes.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also air-lift, 1893 as a type of pumping device; 1945 in the sense "transportation of supplies by air," from air (n.1) + lift (n.). As a verb by 1949; popularized in reference to the response to the West Berlin blockade. Related: Air-lifted; air-lifting.


n. 1 The transportation of troops, civilians or supplies by air, especially in an emergency. 2 Such a flight. 3 (context archaeology English) A pipe that is used to suck up objects from the sea bed. vb. (context transitive English) To transport (troops etc) in an airlift.

  1. n. transportation of people or goods by air (especially when other means of access are unavailable) [syn: lift]

  2. v. fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means; "Food is airlifted into Bosnia" [syn: lift]

Airlift (disambiguation)

Airlift is the act of transporting people or cargo from point to point using aircraft.

Airlift may also refer to:

  • Airlift (dredging device), a suction device for moving sand and silt underwater
  • Airlift (film), a 2016 film about the evacuation of Indians based in Kuwait, starring Akshay Kumar and Nimrat Kaur
Airlift (dredging device)

An airlift is device based on a pipe, used in nautical archaeology to suck small objects, sand and mud from the sea bed and to transport the resulting debris upwards and away from its source. It is sometimes called a suction dredge. A water dredge or water eductor may be used for the same purpose.

Typically, the airlift is constructed from a 3-metre to 10 metre long, 10 cm diameter pipe. A controllable compressed air supply vents into the inside, lower end of the pipe (The input end always being the lower end). Compressed air is injected into the pipe in one to three second bursts with an interval long enough to let the resulting bubble to rise to the higher, output end of the pipe. The bubble moves water through the pipe sucking debris from the lower end and depositing it from the upper end of the pipe. Ejected debris can be either cast off (as in simply removing overburden) or collected in a mesh cage for inspection (as more often is the case in nautical archaeology). It is often designed to be hand-operated by a diver.

Airlift pumps are used by water utilities, farmers and others to extract water from deep wells. In such cases the pipes can be 30, 60 or more meters deep underground. Airlift pumps are governed by the physics of two-phase flow.


An airlift is the organized delivery of military supplies or military personnel primarily via military transport aircraft.

Airlifting consists of two distinct types, strategic and tactical airlifting. Typically, strategic airlifting involves moving material long distances (such as across or off the continent or theater), whereas a tactical airlift focuses on deploying resources and material into a specific location with high precision.

Depending on the situation, airlifted supplies can be delivered by a variety of means. When the destination and surrounding airspace is considered secure, the aircraft will land at an appropriate airport or airbase to have its cargo unloaded on the ground. When landing the craft, or distributing the supplies to a certain area from a landing zone by surface transportation is not an option, the cargo aircraft can drop them in mid-flight using parachutes attached to the supply containers in question. When there is a broad area available where the intended receivers have control without fear of the enemy interfering with collection and/or stealing the goods, the planes can maintain a normal flight altitude and simply drop the supplies down and let them parachute to the ground. However, when the area is too small for this method, as with an isolated base, and/or is too dangerous to land in, a Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System drop is used.

Airlift (film)

Airlift is a 2016 Indian war thriller film directed by Raja Krishna Menon, starring Akshay Kumar and Nimrat Kaur. The script, written by Raja Krishna Menon developed the idea after studying the whole incident of the war, and which he subsequently expanded. The film follows Ranjit Katyal ( Akshay Kumar), a Kuwait-based businessman, as he carries out the evacuation of Indians based in Kuwait during the Invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

With a budget of , the film premiered worldwide on 22 January 2016. The marketing of the film played an important role in the film's promotion and collaborated with the flight company Air India, who had a major contribution in the evacuation of record-breaking number of Indians during the war.

Usage examples of "airlift".

Operations for Air Force One and Two and other governmental VIP flights were conducted out of Andrews Air Force Base by the 89th Military Airlift Wing.

All have been airlifted to a secured hospital ward at Gowen Field Air Base in Boise.

ARTHUR HAILEY In 1975, with the fall of Saigon imminent, Minh, his wife and two children were among the all-too-few lucky ones airlifted from the U.

As a Vietnamese working for CBA News, Minh had survived extraordinary perils in the Vietnam war, near the end managing to get his wife and two children airlifted from the country before the fall of Saigon and all the while taking superb pictures of history on the run.

They armed and trained the Taliban and provided considerable support in the form of logistics, communications, intelligence, airlift, fire support, and combat advisers.

As a result, the Taliban lost an important source of supplies, airlift, ground transportation, intelligence, and even command and control.

For example, how much the Air Force should spend on airlift forces is not cast in terms of what the envisaged requirement is for airlift, ton miles per day, to support the mythical scenarios.

As a result, costly airlift was used to move forces that should have traveled by land and sea.

The pizza boys would be stuck in the embassy or a safe house until a heli could get in sometime tomorrow and airlift them out of the country, unless there was a U.

They had provided her with facilities and equipment sufficient to handle even major surgery, but for anything serious she usually had patients airlifted by jet helicopter to far more elaborate facilities in one of the nearby friendly island nations.

Beginning two weeks before Christmas, groups of 200 were airlifted to the island for forty-eight to seventy-two hour basket leaves.

Passing behind splendorous, townhouse-size lounges that had been airlifted in, they came to a service area cluttered with waiting piles of food, beverages, catering supplies, and tech-support equipment.

Three enormous hairy banthas airlifted in from somewhere, two converted GoCorp Arunskin 32 cargo skiffs, and a Ubrikkian HAVr A9 floating fortress with two heavy blaster cannons waited on the other side of the rise.

Ogden, who had taken two bullets in the shoot-out, had been airlifted by chopper to the Hennepin County Medical Center, where he was listed as stable after three hours of surgery.

The slaves we questioned had been airlifted to North America, where there's another concentration camp, and from there transposed to this Esaron Sector time line where I found them.