Crossword clues for airdrop
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n. The act of delivering goods or personnel by dropping them from an aircraft by parachute. vb. To delivery goods or personnel by dropping them from an aircraft by parachute.
n. delivery of supplies or equipment or personnel by droppng them by parachute from an aircraft; "until then, front line troops will be supplied by airdrop"
[also: airdropping, airdropped]
AirDrop is an ad-hoc service in Apple Inc.'s OS X and iOS operating systems, introduced in Mac OS X Lion (OS X 10.7) and iOS 7, which enables the transfer of files among supported Macintosh computers and iOS devices without using mail or a mass storage device.
Prior to OS X Yosemite (OS X 10.10), and under OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, and Mavericks (OS X 10.7 - 10.9, respectively) the AirDrop protocol in OS X was different from the AirDrop protocol of iOS, and were therefore not interoperable with each other. However, OS X Yosemite and later support the iOS AirDrop protocol (uses both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth), which is used for transfers between a Mac and an iOS device as well as between two 2012 or later Mac computers. Legacy mode for the old AirDrop protocol (only uses Wi-Fi) between two 2012 or older Mac computers is also available.
There is no restriction on the size of the file which AirDrop will accommodate. Apple users report AirDrop transmissions of video documents larger than 10 GB.
- Make sure that both devices have AirDrop turned on and are within 30 feet (9 meters) of each other.
- If AirDrop on the receiving device is set up to receive items from contacts only, make sure that both devices are signed in to iCloud. Also make sure that the email address or phone number associated with your Apple ID is in the Contacts app of the receiving device.
An airdrop is a re-supply tactic created during World War II.
Usage examples of "airdrop".
Designed to airdrop supplies to troops in the field, the pallets would make perfect bottoms.
Naturally, predictably, the Canadian airdrops began in Estonia, Byelorussia, Azerbaijan.
Pakistan had twelve nuclear-tipped missiles and a single airdropped bomb.
The first day there'll be humanitarian airdrops, all of them in the south, C-17s.
The airdrops would help a lot of people stay alive, but would do nothing to address the causes of the crisis.
The major problem was that all re-supply efforts had to be accomplished through the use of airdrops that had to take a dangerous route out of Israel, risking GIR interception.
They prepared the landing facilities at the nearby airfield for the 11th Airborne to make one of the major airdrops of the Pacific campaign.