a compromise solution/agreement
▪ The president was under increasing pressure to reach a compromise solution with his political opponents.
a credit agreement (=an arrangement to allow or receive credit)
▪ People sometimes sign credit agreements and then realize they can’t afford the payments.
a disarmament treaty/agreement
▪ There will be US-Russian talks on a new disarmament treaty.
a lease agreement
▪ The organization has signed a lease agreement on a 50-acre site.
a loan agreement (=that says how much the loan will be, how much you will pay back each month etc)
▪ Read the terms of your loan agreement carefully.
a peace treaty/agreement/accord
▪ The formal signing of the peace agreement took place in Lisbon on May 31.
a trade agreement
▪ On April 3 a new trade agreement between Romania and the USA was signed.
amicable settlement/agreement
▪ The two parties have reached an amicable settlement.
bilateral relations/trade/agreements/negotiations etc
▪ bilateral negotiations between Israel and Syria
break an agreement
▪ This action broke the international agreement of 1925.
draw up a contract/agreement
▪ Some people draw up a contract when they get married.
enforce an agreement
▪ The president called for UN action to enforce the agreement.
express agreement/consent/authority etc
▪ He is not to leave without my express permission.
formal agreement
▪ a formal agreement between the countries
franchise agreement
▪ a franchise agreement
gentleman's agreement
murmur of agreement/surprise/regret etc (=one that expresses a particular feeling)
▪ There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd.
negotiate an agreement/contract etc
▪ Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week.
nod your approval/agreement etc (=show your approval etc by nodding)
▪ Corbett nodded his acceptance.
non-aggression pact/treaty/agreement etc
▪ The countries will come together next week to sign a new non-aggression treaty.
prenuptial agreement
prior agreement
▪ We will not disclose this information without your prior agreement.
ratify a treaty/an agreement/a decision etc
▪ We hope that the republics will be willing to ratify the treaty.
reach agreement/consensus (=agree about something)
▪ The experts seem unable to reach consensus on this point.
reach an agreement/compromise/settlement (=decide on an arrangement that is acceptable to both groups)
▪ Substantial progress was made toward reaching an agreement.
tacit agreement
▪ a tacit agreement between the three big companies
tripartite agreement/talks etc
▪ a tripartite agreement between France, Britain, and Germany
verbal agreement/instructions etc
written agreement/reply/statement/report etc
▪ Please send a cheque with written confirmation of your booking.
▪ Gradually the new global masterplan is falling into place: a series of massive bilateral trade agreements are being struck.
▪ Further bilateral and multilateral agreements were also envisaged to ensure that each country's armed forces participated in joint anti-drug initiatives.
▪ A few other countries have adhoc bilateral agreements with particular neighbours.
▪ Trade in agricultural products would be covered by bilateral agreements.
▪ A bilateral co-operation agreement, covering trade, education, cultural affairs and aviation was signed during the visit.
▪ The Senate move was part of a broader bipartisan agreement on how the politically sensitive investigation will proceed.
▪ Industrial disputes and negotiations, and union and collective agreements and recent redundancies.
▪ The collective bargaining agreement between the educational employer and educational employees, if any, has expired. 5.
▪ During 1989, the company decided to end its collective bargaining agreement with the chapels of the National Union of Journalists.
▪ Tomorrow, talks are scheduled to begin on a new musicians contract to replace the collective bargaining agreement that expired Friday.
▪ The vendor will be required to warrant that no trade unions have been recognised and that there are no collective agreements.
▪ Fox was one of two player reps who voted against the collective bargaining agreement.
▪ Between 1976 and 1987, there were seven collective agreements.
▪ State laws, local board policies, and collective bargaining agreements set forth the specific reasons why teachers can be dismissed.
▪ Two years later the moratorium was confirmed, although it has never become a formal agreement.
▪ The meeting concluded without formal agreement.
▪ However, the numerous formal international agreements on the laws of war actually say nothing directly on nuclear weapons.
▪ Barneys says those stores marked the beginning of a beautiful friendship, a joint venture that only awaited a formal agreement.
▪ The formal agreement between the two parties is based purely upon an agreed discount rate.
▪ There was no formal written surrender agreement.
▪ It was a formal agreement between himself and Richard, signed in their mingled blood on 29 November 1963.
▪ More formal funding agreements are also required with local authorities and health authorities.
▪ There is general agreement that copyright is a good idea.
▪ Moreover, in many worldly situations there may not be general agreement about what is actually true and what is false.
▪ However, it is possible to identify a few fairly distinct elements upon which there was general agreement.
▪ There is a general agreement of how it came apart.
▪ There was general agreement that the struggle began much earlier - in the schools - and that before O-level.
▪ All but a few expressed general agreement with government actions.
▪ There is general agreement about the principle of allowing some measure of independence to the province.
▪ Here there is more general agreement.
▪ Most existing international agreements depend on governments to enforce rules on companies.
▪ All exotic animals, other than humans of course, are banned from this last wilderness by international agreement.
▪ CE/E Review international reciprocity agreements against revised policy.
▪ The Agency organized two international agreements, prepared since 1982 but signed in September 1986 as a result of the Chernobyl accident.
▪ The theory and practice of international agreements, viewed in a game theory context; 2.
▪ It broke the international agreement of 1925 and, in its 1937 constitution, made dejure claim over Northern Ireland.
▪ And if no mutual agreement is found today, we must wait whatever time it takes to reach one.
▪ Paul permits temporary abstinence also but only by mutual agreement.
▪ The land claims commission has settled more than 11,000 cases by mutual agreement on compensation.
▪ A contract can also be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties.
▪ Whatever personal designs Robert the Bruce might have on the throne, he was unlikely to achieve them without some mutual agreement.
▪ The rules of the game are seen as fixed at any point in time by mutual agreement and changeable through mutual agreement.
▪ Changes to borders can come about only by mutual agreement and consent.
▪ The limits are to be negotiated and the new agreement will take the form of a directive timed for 1987.
▪ Maybe it was because the season began with players bitterly divided over a new collective bargaining agreement.
▪ One reason to think it may is that the new agreements have turned national tariff-cutting programmes into international commitments.
▪ By September, after meetings with the legate and King Louis, a new agreement had been reached at Nonancourt.
▪ The new agreement with the Soviet Union is for one year, rather than five as in the past.
▪ The fact that the government was willing to sign a new peace agreement was its concession.
▪ Some employers reneged on agreements once the slump set in; a few new agreements were made.
▪ In tacit agreement, they separated before reaching the farm.
▪ The response - from tacit agreement to outrage - was enormous ....
▪ It was better to say nothing and to convey, by the quality of her silence, a level of tacit agreement.
▪ When as Chancellor he was preparing to enter in 1985, he said, tacit agreement had been reached with the Bundesbank.
▪ Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement.
▪ These criteria must be included in the written agreement.
▪ Your intruder alarm must not be altered or replaced without our prior written agreement. 6.
▪ Their services were modest, and collective written agreements with employers remained exceptional.
▪ The plan should form the basis of a written agreement with those having parental responsibility for the child.
▪ When written agreement is received from the client fax the draft advertisement to the agency.
▪ It is not essential to have a written agreement.
▪ In such cases a written agreement can strengthen your case and perhaps save you some money.
▪ Explain the reasons why partnership agreements often contain clauses relating to interest, bonuses, salaries and division of profits.
▪ Such matters are almost incapable of being satisfactorily defined within the partnership agreement itself.
▪ This chapter deals with more general aspects of partnership agreements.
▪ Under our model contracting may cause difficulties with dispensing, deputising, partnership agreements, profitability, and investment in premises.
▪ The partnership agreement should make it clear if this is not what is required.
▪ The current partnership agreement between Susan and Bob has the advantage of being simple.
▪ The partnership agreement should contain express mention of the following matters: 1.
▪ S.-brokered peace agreement in Bosnia as 2. 9 million people prepare to vote in national elections scheduled Saturday.
▪ Indeed, the Prime Minister sent a message of congratulation to President Christiani when the peace agreement was reached.
▪ The fact that the government was willing to sign a new peace agreement was its concession.
▪ It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.
▪ The issue now is to ensure that the ceasefire turns into a lasting peace agreement.
▪ It was hoped that the negotiations would produce a preliminary drafting of a conclusive peace agreement.
▪ Will people be prosecuted when their co-operation is needed to implement an eventual peace agreement?
▪ For the same reason, some one hiring goods under a hire purchase agreement is also excluded.
▪ As to negligence it was true that Moorgate Mercantile had been careless in failing to register their hire purchase agreement.
▪ Discounts: Discounts are available based on volume orders or blanket purchase agreements.
▪ It is normal practice for the definitive sale and purchase agreement to be drafted by the acquirer's solicitors.
▪ Chapter 07 deals with sale and purchase agreements in detail.
▪ Unravelling such arrangements can often be complicated, and would need to be provided for in the sale and purchase agreement.
▪ That issue was referred by the sale and purchase agreement to a named firm of chartered accountants to determine as experts.
▪ The heads of agreement can also be used to brief your lawyers prior to drafting the sale and purchase agreement.
▪ The sale agreement should contain a detailed set of rules governing preparation and agreement of the completion accounts.
▪ There are sales agreements in force, however.
▪ One party may seek to reject a point in the sale agreement because it was not covered in the heads of terms.
▪ The sale agreement itself can not be back-dated.
▪ The rules in the sale agreement governing the completion accounts should cover the main areas listed below.
▪ This did not apply to credit sale agreements for under £30.
▪ This may be in addition to any de minimis provisions negotiated by the vendor in the sale agreement.
▪ So, the agreement in Lee v. Butler can be described as a conditional sale agreement.
▪ The first of these aid and trade agreements was signed in 1975 and has been renewed four times.
▪ Buchanan successfully tapped the economic insecurity of blue-collar workers by slamming trade agreements embraced by most Republican leaders, including Dole.
▪ On the contrary the markets have been hit by a wave of instability unparalleled since the 1995 Marrakesh trade agreements.
▪ Emerson had written that the proposed trade agreement could help improve the border environment.
▪ The agreements expired in 1992 and were not renewed, because they afforded the kind of protection banned under international trade agreements.
▪ It is between good and bad trade agreements, and good and bad regulation.
▪ Sanouko Kpodzro, it was announced that agreement had been reached on the composition of the new government.
▪ At the end of their meeting it was announced that an agreement had been reached to restore full consular relations.
▪ The Redmond, Wash.-based powerhouse yesterday announced an agreement to buy Aha!
▪ The two companies have also announced an agreement to co-operate on local network management technologies.
▪ Republican congressional leaders and Florida lawmakers announced an agreement Thursday to spend up to $ 300 million on Everglades restoration.
▪ Microsoft and Intel yesterday announced a cross-licensing agreement aimed at making it easy to place voice and video calls on the Internet.
▪ The Sprint venture expects to announce agreements with other manufacturers later this month.
▪ Both sides claimed the other had broken a 1993 unwritten agreement to avoid targeting civilians.
▪ It subsequently accused Hong Kong of breaking a 1982 agreement on immigration and said it would handle returns on a case-by-case basis.
▪ It would clearly be wrong to restrict all imports from a country which broke one particular environmental agreement.
▪ It was made clear that if Janet were to break this agreement the therapist would discontinue contact with her.
▪ It broke the international agreement of 1925 and, in its 1937 constitution, made dejure claim over Northern Ireland.
▪ Did it break the agreement of joint publication?
▪ He broke agreements on a whim, relying on private bargains and connections.
▪ Around 40 percent of the businesses in each host country have concluded co-operation agreements as a direct result of the event.
▪ The meeting concluded without formal agreement.
▪ States which did not consider a customs union to be necessary could conclude agreements with the customs union on a free-trade zone.
▪ We have entered into agreements in good faith.
▪ Some had entered into employment agreements after their first year in law school.
▪ Similarly, business has to enter into agreements.
▪ Companies could enter into long-term leasing agreements without having the commitment show up on their balance sheets.
▪ The Post Office and its unions have entered into agreements which are designed to improve productivity.
▪ The city needs to legally evict the owners before it can enter into another lease agreement.
▪ It was illegal for him to enter into such an agreement.
▪ In a leveraged lease transaction, a third-party lender enters into the agreement.
▪ Delta is negotiating commercial agreements with big health care companies around the world who are seeking to bind haemoglobin into formulations.
▪ Also, Mazanec said, the county should have negotiated an agreement preventing Allied from importing trash from other counties.
▪ The institute has approached Fukuvi Chemicals to negotiate a marketing agreement to manufacture the product commercially.
▪ I never negotiated a corporate prenuptial agreement and never received a golden handshake.
▪ Its regional organizer has negotiated a company agreement with the Board, the main points of which are detailed above.
▪ Cameron and the school district sit down with a neutral third person to negotiate an agreement that both sides find acceptable.
▪ The California Department of Transportation negotiated franchise agreements with four private consortia to build toll highways.
▪ Once he had learned that it was proving impossible he reluctantly nodded his agreement to a majority verdict.
▪ Aimee nods agreement, gaily presenting me with options.
▪ So she nodded in agreement, but he didn't release her wrist.
▪ She nodded in agreement with whatever her uncle said.
▪ Rose pursed her lips but nodded agreement.
▪ The students nodded their silent agreement.
▪ Ruth nodded her agreement and he put out his hand and pulled her to her feet.
▪ I nodded in agreement, and I wondered aloud whether she did the same things with feelings.
▪ The conference failed to reach agreement, however, on the unrestricted granting of asylum to refugees.
▪ Barneys said the two parties could not reach agreement on financing, royalties, equity and trade name issues.
▪ Discussion between football representatives and Brussels continued as all sides attempted to reach an agreement.
▪ It was the desire of both the Congress and the administration to reach an agreement that would not be vetoed.
▪ It is easier for two parties to reach agreement than for three.
▪ He said he was not worried that the jury had failed to reach agreement after seven days.
▪ But they failed to reach agreement, and the speaker, Ruslan Khasbulatov, said impeachment proceedings would go forward.
▪ Critics and supporters alike acknowledge that it could take years to reach even a narrow agreement.
▪ In 1995 Moscow signed a $ 800m agreement to build a nuclear power plant in Bushehr.
▪ Decca gave in first, signing a royalty agreement in 1943.
▪ They signed two agreements on improving economic co-operation and removing visa requirements for diplomats and businessmen.
▪ Check this before signing an agreement.
▪ Formal signing of the two agreements is expected to take place early this year.
▪ His company has signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement with the telecommunications giant for a minimum of six years.
▪ He had been forced to sign a co-operation agreement in order to obtain a passport, although he had never actually collaborated.
a binding contract/promise/agreement etc
▪ An offer is something which is clearly intended if accepted to form a binding agreement.
▪ But Equitable was set on the Halifax deal and has signed a binding contract for the first half of its proposals.
▪ However, in many cases the parties may create a binding contract by agreement on the three matters already identified.
▪ If they can come to a binding agreement, the prisoners will both profess their innocence and be sentenced to two years.
▪ In general there was the invocation of one or more deities to bear witness that a binding contract was being undertaken.
▪ It was held there that the parties had made a binding contract, albeit with the price still outstanding.
▪ The successful bidder is under a binding contract to purchase the relevant property.
come to a decision/conclusion/agreement etc
▪ Conclusion With so many unanswered questions, it is an unwise man who comes to a conclusion.
▪ He has not yet come to a conclusion on that.
▪ He paused at a street corner and tried to come to a decision.
▪ In the restaurant he realized that he had come to a decision about things.
▪ Léonie stared at the two shops and came to a decision.
▪ She and o Pappous came to a decision.
▪ The Post Office says it hopes the two sides can come to an agreement at a branch meeting this evening.
▪ We had tea afterwards in a hotel in Berthing, but we failed to come to an agreement.
conclude an agreement/treaty/contract etc
▪ As an alternative to this bloc policy Khrushchev offered to conclude treaties of non-aggression and friendship with the states concerned.
▪ States which did not consider a customs union to be necessary could conclude agreements with the customs union on a free-trade zone.
enter into an agreement/contract etc
▪ Brunell and the team will enter into contract negotiations next week.
▪ David Holton and Hughes already have entered into an agreement with the local state attorney to settle criminal charges.
▪ How different it might have been if Edelman had proposed that politicians enter into a Contract With Children.
▪ It will be entering into contracts to both buy and sell specific currencies on or between specific dates.
▪ Similarly, business has to enter into agreements.
▪ Traders must consider domestic and foreign exchange control regulations when entering into contracts and seeking settlement.
▪ We have entered into agreements in good faith.
honour a promise/contract/agreement etc
▪ Moreover, Gosteleradio claimed that Interfax had never honoured an agreement to remit 50 percent of its earnings to Radio Moscow.
mutual agreement/consent
▪ A contract can also be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties.
▪ Any changes to these dates will be made by mutual agreement.
▪ During the meal, as if by mutual consent, they talked of other things, but it was difficult.
▪ Paul permits temporary abstinence also but only by mutual agreement.
▪ The land claims commission has settled more than 11,000 cases by mutual agreement on compensation.
▪ The rules of the game are seen as fixed at any point in time by mutual agreement and changeable through mutual agreement.
▪ This mutual agreement is usually reached through the process of offer and acceptance.
renege on an agreement/deal/promise etc
▪ Amid an increasingly hostile war of words, Finley has criticized Racicot for reneging on a promise to cooperate with federal authorities.
▪ They had been bitten too often by Congress reneging on agreements negotiated in good faith by the White House.
sign a bill/legislation/agreement into law
sign an agreement/contract/treaty etc
▪ Clients sign contracts to become participants and agree to adhere to a rigorous schedule.
▪ It took more than a month to find and sign a contract with another company to complete the remaining work.
▪ Kiptanui rushed off, saying he was going to make Kimeli sign a contract.
▪ Paup had wanted to sign a contract extension with Green Bay during the 1994 season, but the Packers never approached him.
▪ Pre-season David Campese signed a contract with commercial broadcaster Channel Ten.
▪ The lead police detective signed a contract with a television movie production company.
▪ You must stop your ears whenever you are asked to sign a treaty selling your home.
tear up an agreement/a contract etc
▪ Congress could not come up with an agreement on a spending plan for next year.
▪ Eventually all the parties signed the agreement.
▪ I thought we had an agreement that you would keep me informed about any changes in the programme.
▪ Officials said there was widespread agreement on the need to promote growth by cutting government spending.
▪ Tara nodded her head in agreement.
▪ There is general agreement among doctors that pregnant women should not smoke.
▪ They made a secret agreement not to tell anyone about their plans.
▪ Under the Geneva agreement, a French force was supposed to remain in South Vietnam until July 1956.
▪ The 1834 agreement resolved a Supreme Court suit brought by New Jersey in 1829.
▪ The dividing line between the two forms of agreement is often fine.
▪ The institute has approached Fukuvi Chemicals to negotiate a marketing agreement to manufacture the product commercially.
▪ The meeting concluded without formal agreement.
▪ These aspects, if articulated at all, must therefore be governed by informal agreements.
▪ Though the contract has not been signed, it has been drawn up and the agreement is solid.