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n. A bringing up to date, especially of the Roman Catholic Church by the Second Vatican Council of 1962-65; modernization.


Aggiornamento , "A bringing up to date", was one of the key words used during the Second Vatican Council both by bishops and the clergy attending the sessions, and by the media and Vaticanologists covering it. It was used to mean a spirit of change and open-mindedness. It was the name given to the pontifical program of John XXIII in a speech he gave on January 25, 1959.

Usage examples of "aggiornamento".

Da sei mesi mi arrivano aggiornamenti settimanali di quel bollettino e ho ricevuto tre telefonate dalla Federal Cancer Institute che si accertava che mi ricordassi di esaminare ogni golden retriever cercando un tatuaggio di laboratorio e, qualora l'avessi trovato, di riferirlo immediatamente.

The other motive (now so confused with the primitivist one, even in the mind of any one of the reformers): aggiornamento: bringing up to date: that has its own grave dangers, as has been apparent throughout history.

Ti sarà for­nita una radio, costruita secondo i principi del 24°: ti per­metterà di ottenere un aggiornamento completo sugli ulti­mi avvenimenti, e, cosa ancora più importante, di impara­re bene.