Crossword clues for abruptly
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Abruptly \Ab*rupt"ly\, adv.
In an abrupt manner; without giving notice, or without the usual forms; suddenly.
adv. In an abrupt manner; without giving notice, or without the usual forms; suddenly; precipitously. (First attested in the late 16th century.)(R:SOED5: page=8)
Usage examples of "abruptly".
The gypsy stopped abruptly, and turned an eye, in which menace vainly struggled with good-humour, upon each of his brethren, as they submissively bowed to him and his protege, and poured forth a profusion of promises, to which their admonitor did not even condescend to listen.
They are like the colossal strides of approaching Fate, and this awfulness is twice raised to a higher power, first by a searching, syncopated phrase in the violins which hovers loweringly over them, and next by a succession of afrighted minor scales ascending crescendo and descending piano, the change in dynamics beginning abruptly as the crest of each terrifying wave is reached.
Standing up abruptly, he tumbled a startled Noel off his lap, catching her and setting her on her feet before she landed in aheap on the floor.
Behind him, Alec watched with alarm as the man stopped abruptly, then reached for the long knife at his belt.
To his considerable dissurprise, Alec stared at him for a moment, then turned on his heel and stalked abruptly away to stare out over the central pool, his back rigid as a blade.
Someone turned too abruptly, and a glass of red wine sloshed all over her white gown.
Next he was on gravel, gaining speed again, spinning up a swirl of dust behind him as he drove on toward the house and barn, their structures now in dusk, the alpenglow abruptly gone, the sun behind the mountains.
Sensing someone behind her, Christina turned abruptly, thinking it was Philip, but was surprised to find Amine looking shyly at her.
She stopped abruptly, a habit arising from a natural fear which possessed her when in attendance on the Archdeacon and his clerical visitors that she might be talking too much.
CHAPTER ONE BIG JOE, the tiger cat, poised for another playful spring at the tangle of cod line Asey Mayo was patiently unwinding in the woodshed of his Cape Cod home, abruptly changed his mind in mid - air.
On the opposite side of a narrow valley, through which runs Beaver Dam Creek, rises a bold, almost precipitous, bluff, and the road which the Confederates were compelled to take bends abruptly to the right when near the stream, thus exposing the flank of the assaulting party to a fire from the bluff.
But Dutch Ton stood up, took the letter from Axel, who was looking a bit disappointed to have his services broken off so abruptly, and tucked the paper into a gap in his coat.
Abruptly she tilted lifted the cup to her mouth unsteadily and gulped the contents, choking and coughing, then thrust it out toward Bayle for more.
Abruptly, Beano stood and bolted for the door, leaving the two policemen staring at each other across the table.
The road ended abruptly at a great hole in the ground, similar to that which they had seen at the shrine of Uray Caver, except that this one was begemmed with glistening creet platters, and everywhere about it were queer oblongs of god-metal scored with cryptic runes.