Crossword clues for abolishes
vb. (en-third-person singular of: abolish)
Usage examples of "abolishes".
Or maybe it’s because man having passed into mob passes then into mass which abolishes mob by absorption, metabolism, then having got too large even for mass becomes man again conceptible of pity and justice and conscience even if only in the recollection of his long painful aspiration toward them, toward that something anyway of one serene universal light.
This phrase abolishes the Eleventh Commandment, Not to be Found Out, by authorizing Incest, Adultery, and Paederasty, which every one now practices with humiliating precautions, which perpetuate the schoolboy's enjoyment of an escapade, and make shame, slyness, cowardice and hypocrisy the conditions of success in life.
Whatever may be the ecclesiastical system, whether papal, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, or congregational, the State abuses its strength when, without the assent of the faithful, it abolishes their systems or imposes a new one upon them.
In the month of March, 1790,[45] it abolishes salt duties, internal customs-duties, taxes on leather, on oil, on starch, and the stamp of iron.
In February and March, 1791, it abolishes octrois and entrance-dues in all the cities and boroughs of the kingdom, all the excise duties and those connected with the excise, especially all taxes which affect the manufacture, sale, or circulation of beverages.
The stranger bursts the prison (a symbol of this enslaving world) and then systematically destroys the king by driving him insane, and in a public way that not only abolishes him but [also] turns the king into a laughingstock for the multitude that his reign has oppressed.
So this has to be the sequence: First the not-self not-you ideationless ex nihilo act that abolishes the replay determinism, the tape, and then (and only then) are you free to perform a new act.
Which is to say, solution A abolishes itself as it fails and not after it fails.
But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis.
But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis.
But not all of them together because there is a simple numerical point at which a mob cancels and abolishes itself, maybe because it has finally got too big for darkness, the cave it was spawned in is no longer big enough to conceal it from light and so at last whether it will or not it has to look at itself, or maybe because the amount of blood in one human body is no longer enough, as one peanut might titillate one elephant but not two or ten.
So commanding is his rule, so apparent his goodwill, so speedy his punishment for sins of disobedience, so influential his presence, that I have come to look up to him as the transcendent manifestation of that power which ordains life and all its privileges and abolishes all the noisesomeness of death.
That is, it abolishes the laws which could be broken, and substitutes laws that cannot.