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The Collaborative International Dictionary
a projective tariff

Tariff \Tar"iff\, n. [F. tarif; cf. Sp. & Pg. tarifa, It. tariffa; all fr. Ar. ta'r[=i]f information, explanation, definition, from 'arafa, to know, to inform, explain.]

  1. A schedule, system, or scheme of duties imposed by the government of a country upon goods imported or exported; as, a revenue tariff; a protective tariff; Clay's compromise tariff. (U. S. 1833).

    Note: The United States and Great Britain impose no duties on exports; hence, in these countries the tariff refers only to imports.

    Note: A tariff may be imposed solely for, and with reference to, the production of revenue (called a

    revenue tariff, or

    tariff for revenue, or for the artificial fostering of home industries (

    a projective tariff), or as a means of coercing foreign governments, as in case of

    retaliatory tariff.

  2. The duty, or rate of duty, so imposed; as, the tariff on wool; a tariff of two cents a pound.

  3. Any schedule or system of rates, changes, etc.; as, a tariff of fees, or of railroad fares.