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Answer for the clue "Inspire, as with ideas ", 5 letters:

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Imbue is the fourth full-length studio album by The Early November , released on May 12, 2015.

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
v. spread or diffuse through; "An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration"; "music penetrated the entire building" [syn: permeate , pervade , penetrate , interpenetrate , diffuse ] fill, soak, or imbue totally; "saturate the bandage with ...

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Imbue \Im*bue"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Imbued ; p. pr. & vb. n. Imbuing .] [L. imbuere; pref. im- in + perh. a disused simple word akin to L. bibere to drink. Cf. Imbibe .] To tinge deeply; to dye; to cause to absorb; as, clothes thoroughly imbued with black. ...

Usage examples of imbue.

The wine served, a rich burgundy, was of the finest quality, and afterward they all sipped the traditional Benedictine liqueur, a strange-tasting, herbed cordial which Sir Anthony claimed was imbued with secret healing qualities.

Confucianism naturally imbued Japanese scholars with a greater or lesser degree of enthusiasm for the civilization of China: some became outright Sinophiles, and although other Confucian scholars of the early Tokugawa period, including Hayashi Razan, had gone beyond their study of Chinese philosophy to investigate Shinto and the Japanese tradition, Yamaga Soko was the first thinker of stature to claim the superiority of Japanese culture and ethical values over those of China.

Her magic, the natural, irresistible glamourie of all nymphs, was very like his own special powers of enchantment, which enabled him to imbue even the most absurd falsehoods with the credibility of irrefutable fact.

But then the Guamanians were more religious and more conservative, and fundamentalism, with its millennial apprehensions, had imbued these last few months with the anticipation and the dread of Judgment Day.

Others, less deeply imbued with the mysteries of the Evil cult, forgot the terrible entity whose powers they had come to beg in return for their homage and, reverting to their normal thoughts, saw themselves caught and ruined in some ghastly scandal, believing those blinding shafts of light from the great Hispano to herald the coming of the police.

Over paranoid years Morphy had imbued it with psychic energy and vast chessic wisdom.

A supposed difference is that the vibrator has been specifically designed for sexual purposes, whereas the shoe is a nonsexual object that has been imbued with erotic qualities by the fetishist.

Incomparably the most valuable acquisition which the American Catholic Church has received has been the company of devoted and gifted young men, deeply imbued with the principles and sentiments of the High-church party in the Episcopal Church, who have felt constrained in conscience and in logic to take the step, which seems so short, from the highest level in the Anglican Church into the Roman, and who, organized into the Order of the Paulist Fathers, have exemplified in the Roman Church so many of the highest qualities of Protestant preaching.

When all the weapons of one unit were thus treated, they moved on to the next and repeated the process, passing down the ranks of uneasy soldiers, the Druid imbuing the iron of their weapons with his magic while the king reassured them of the need, warning them at the same time to be ready, advising them that an attack was at hand.

Russian one, imbued with combative spirit and faith in the future, but a Schopenhauerian variant weighed down by the belief that existence is only a realm of unrelieved suffering.

Whereby was known that we had viewed The union of our earth and skies Renewed: nor less alive renewed Than when old bards, in nature wise, Conceived pure beauty given to eyes, And with undyingness imbued.

I think as it progressed that he became gradually more and more imbued with a growing suspicion that I might know more about the disappearance of Valla Dia than my attitude indicated, for I presently became aware of a delicately concealed espionage.

And nevertheless, the leading lines of their organization, and the spirit which animates them, are imbued with a strong family likeness.

Notwithstanding the prevalent notion that the French poets are the sympathetic heirs of classic culture, it appears to me that they are not so imbued with the true classic spirit, art, and mythology as some of our English poets, notably Keats and Shelley.

Imbued with that conviction, one of the men, thinking he had found a good opportunity of fulfilling the wishes of the priest, came up to me as I was standing at the extreme end of the forecastle, and pushed me so roughly that I was thrown over.