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Word definitions for incurred in dictionaries

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Incur \In*cur"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Incurred ; p. pr. & vb. n. Incurring .] [L. incurrere to run into or toward; pref. in- in + currere to run. See Current .] To meet or fall in with, as something inconvenient, harmful, or onerous; to put one's self ...

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
vb. (en-past of: incur )

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
v. make oneself subject to; bring upon oneself; become liable to; "People who smoke incur a great danger to their health" receive a specified treatment (abstract); "These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation"; "His ...

Usage examples of incurred.

By some acts of rapine or sacrilege, he had incurred a papal excommunication.

The Alban dictator had incurred general odium through having entrusted the fortunes of the State to three soldiers, and this had an evil effect upon his weak character.

The Latins were persuaded without much difficulty, although by that treaty Rome was the predominant State, for they saw that the heads of the Latin League were giving their adhesion to the king, and Turnus afforded a present example of the danger incurred by any one who opposed the king's wishes.

Men did not grieve more for their punishment than for the crime which had incurred it - that they should have conceived the idea, in that year above all, of betraying to one, who had been a ruthless tyrant and was now an exile and an enemy, a newly liberated country, their father who had liberated it, the consulship which had originated in the Junian house, the senate, the plebs, all that Rome possessed of human or divine.

They resisted, however, in spite of the odium: they incurred, and exercised all the powers they possessed both collectively and individually.

But the rashness of the other consul incurred a defeat at the hands of the Veientines, and it was only the arrival of Caeso Fabius with reinforcements that saved the army from destruction.

The decemvirs were openly charged with the murder of Siccius, the profligacy of Appius, and the disgrace incurred in the field.

If he had at once hazarded an engagement, I question whether, considering the temper of both the Romans and the enemy after the inauspicious leadership of the decemvirs, he would not have incurred a serious defeat.

By employing them in incursions and testing their courage in skirmishes, Horatius had trained them to put confidence in themselves instead of brooding over the disgrace incurred under the leadership of the decemvirs, and this had gone far to make them hope for ultimate success.

He was a man of sagacity, and foresaw the obloquy that would be incurred by the continuance in office of the present magistrates.

Quinctius the son of the Cincinnatus who as Dictator incurred such odium that it was made the pretext for disturbances.

Toil and danger were incurred for those objects from which profit and honour might be expected.

Quinctius on the ground of their ill-success at Veii, and they thought it a favourable opportunity for reviving the public feeling against them through the odium now incurred by Sempronius.

Canuleius, they impeached him upon the ground of the disgrace incurred in the Volscian war.

The consuls called gods and men to witness that Menenius by obstructing the levy was solely responsible for whatever defeat and disgrace at the hands of the enemy had already been incurred or was imminent.