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Alternative clues for the word stem

Usage examples of stem.

While it is indeed possible to derive stem cells from aborted embryos, it is seldom done for two reasons.

Its stem and leaves yield, when wounded, an acrid milky juice which is popularly applied for destroying warts, and corns.

It was shown in the last chapter that the stolons or runners of certain plants circumnutate largely, and that this movement apparently aids them in finding a passage between the crowded stems of adjoining plants.

You may trace a common motive and force in the pyramid-builders of the earliest recorded antiquity, in the evolution of Greek architecture, and in the sudden springing up of those wondrous cathedrals of the twelfth and following centuries, growing out of the soil with stem and bud and blossom, like flowers of stone whose seeds might well have been the flaming aerolites cast over the battlements of heaven.

At the edge of the woods, the tall stems of goldenrod, low masses of blue ageratum, black-eyed Susans, and lavender asters, all tangled with binding vines of pink morning glory just closing its flowers.

The Hemp Agrimony grows with us in moist, shady places, with a tall reddish stem, and with terminal crowded heads of dull lilac flowers.

I hastened to the aperture, and under the crustations of coral, covered with fungi, syphonules, alcyons, madrepores, through myriads of charming fish--girelles, glyphisidri, pompherides, diacopes, and holocentres--I recognised certain debris that the drags had not been able to tear up--iron stirrups, anchors, cannons, bullets, capstan fittings, the stem of a ship, all objects clearly proving the wreck of some vessel, and now carpeted with living flowers.

Zoo klaagde zij voort met lossamenhangende zinnen, in haar nervoziteit geprikkeld door een avond eenzaam gemijmer in een overwarme kamer, steeds terugkomende op haar doelloos leven, dat zij voortsleepte als een vervelenden last, en er klonk iets in hare stem als verweet zij dit alles aan hem, aan Henk, aan haar zwager.

En toch was er iets in zijn stem, in zijn blik, dat haar aantrok, in zijne vertrouwelijke gemoedelijke wijze van zijn, dat haar van steun sprak, zoodat zij soms het vage verlangen gevoelde, haar hoofd als moede op zijn schouder te leggen.

These heavily optimized fake stem cells biological robots in all but name spawn like cancer, ejecting short-lived anucleated secondary cells.

When the bark of the main stems is wounded, a gum will exude, and may be collected: it possesses astringent and mildly aperient properties.

For the same reason, artichokes in Italy are sold with their stems and outer leaves, tomatoes are still attached to their vines, and zucchini are displayed with their flowers intact.

In the same way, auxins will concentrate on the lower side of a stem held horizontally, curving the tip upward.

The solitary flowers are produced on rather long stems from the axils of the leaves.

The leaves, which are rather larger than a shilling, fleshy, cupped, and glaucous, are curiously arranged on the stems, somewhat reflexed, and otherwise twisted at their axils, presenting a flattened but pleasing appearance.