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Answer for the clue "Knife covering ", 6 letters:

Alternative clues for the word sheath

Word definitions for sheath in dictionaries

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Sheath \Sheath\, n. [OE. schethe, AS. sc[=ae eth], sce['a eth], sc[=e eth]; akin to OS. sk[=e eth]ia, D. scheede, G. scheide, OHG. sceida, Sw. skida, Dan. skede, Icel. skei[eth]ir, pl., and to E. shed, v.t., originally meaning, to separate, to part. ...

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
n. a protective covering for a knife or sword an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part [syn: case ] a dress suitable for formal occasions [syn: cocktail dress ]

Usage examples of sheath.

But one thing is clear: atman seeks to realize Brahman, to be united with the Absolute, and it travels in this life on a pilgrimage where it is born and dies, and is born again and dies again, and again, and again, until it manages to shed the sheaths that imprison it here below.

At each end the cell tapers to a point from which the sarcolemma appears to continue as a fine thread, and this, by attaching itself to the inclosing sheath, holds the cell in place.

Attached to the belt by a loop was an ivory-handled flint knife in a rawhide sheath, and suspended from another loop, the lower section of a hollow black aurochs horn, a drinking cup that was a talisman of the Aurochs Hearth.

The axon is like a thin line running down the axis of the interrupted cylinder formed by the myelin sheath.

Jessica felt the cold sheath of the crysknife beneath her bodice, thought of the long chain of Bene Gesserit scheming that had forged another link here.

The overcaptain bolted upright at the table, his blade clearing the sheath, his face twisted in anger.

Syndrome, the breakout contractions were premature, the tentacle sheaths not filled completely with fluid, so the pressure would rupture the membranes.

She strained against Ki, her arms clutching him tightly around his back, while inside, Ki could feel his urgency burgeoning with every surge of her satiny sheath.

I waited until she turned into Frobisher Street before I slipped Chubby the little sheath of notes under the table and we went into the private bar together.

Inside, wrapped in the waterproof sheath of a bamboo culm, was her new travel permit.

As the eland subsided and was still, he laid aside the musket and drew the knife from its sheath on his belt.

I ran easily and sweetly, my T-shirt sticking and unsticking to my sweaty back, my feet cased in Nike Victory 9s that, sprung with argon pockets and flexing sheaths of smart elastomers, could probably have run better by themselves.

LeClaire perfected the process of pocketing self-writing code and embedding it into the mind, protected by a sheath of psionic barriers that would survive riping.

It remained unused, gathering dust while it lay in wait, encased in the old leather of its sheath, until it once again rested in the hand of its rightful owner, the first male child born to the Royal bloodline in 13 or 14 generations.

Then he turned his perusal solely upon his rival, espying no scabbard or pistol, only an empty sheath where a knife should have been.