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Word definitions for scapegoat in dictionaries

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
n. 1 In the Mosaic Day of Atonement ritual, a goat symbolically imbued with the sins of the people, and sent out alive into the wilderness while another was sacrificed. 2 Someone punished for the error or errors of someone else. vb. 1 (context transitive ...

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
n. someone punished for the errors of others [syn: whipping boy ]

Wikipedia Word definitions in Wikipedia
Scapegoat is an American rock group formed in 1999, in Charlotte, North Carolina and one of the first bands signed to Tragic Hero Records . Scapegoat is credited with bringing attention and recognition to the North Carolina rock music scene .

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Scapegoat \Scape"goat`\, n. [Scape (for escape) + goat.] (Jewish Antiq.) A goat upon whose head were symbolically placed the sins of the people, after which he was suffered to escape into the wilderness. --Lev. xvi. 10. Hence, a person or thing that is ...

Usage examples of scapegoat.

He had given good proof of his manhood in the past by standing five-and-twenty years scapegoat for Ben Aboo between him and his people, making him rich by his extortions, keeping him safe in his seat, and thereby saving him from the wooden jellab which Abd er-Rahman, the Sultan, kept for Kaids that could not pay.

Your scapegoat, who sins against them and oppresses them and brings them by bitter tortures to the dust and death.

And good men lay perishing in his prisons, and children, starved to death, lay in their graves, and he himself, his servant and scapegoat, whose brains he had drained, whose blood he had sweated, stood before him there like an old lion, who had been wandering far and was beaten back by his cubs.

Either Ted was his accomplice, or he made him a scapegoat, just like he did with Matthew.

He suspected that the emperor had not summoned him to find a scapegoat, but simply to learn more about the Tuigan.

Nevertheless, Chanar was blaming the Shou, hoping to provide the khahan with a convenient scapegoat for what appeared to be a disastrous decision.

He knew the savagery that moved them, the frustrations that demanded a scapegoat, the consciousness of guilt, of wrongdoing, of failure that cried out for an external soul to punish, that created one on demand.

He understood their need for a scapegoat to take the blame for their sins, and he also understood their desires for someone better than themselves to represent their finest aspirations.

She was the bait inside the trap, the distraction, the scapegoat for all their sins.

In political terms, because of the intolerability of holding this rage within the self, it is projected into a designated other--the scapegoat race or religion that becomes the hated enemy.

This process is equally striking in individual psychosis and in group-dependent psychosis, where traditional forms of moral behavior cease to function in relation to the scapegoat group.

If they are looking for a scapegoat we might as well grow horns and start eating garbage.

He would have made an excellent scapegoat and saved a deal of trouble.

Glancing through newspapers and speaking to friends, he immediately recognized he was being made a scapegoat for the events at Bull Run.

Joint Committee, dominated by grim-jawed Republicans, had a convenient scapegoat in Robert Patterson.