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Answer for the clue "Ad -- attack ", 7 letters:

Usage examples of hominem.

What Dixon would call the argumentum ad hominem seems justifiable here.

Frenchman, finding himself puzzled by the learning of his antagonist, had recourse to the argumentum ad hominem, by laying his hand upon his sword, and declaring that he was ready to lose the last drop of his blood in opposition to such a damnable scheme.

But I shall take the liberty to employ, on this occasion, the argumentum ad hominem.

I might answer by the argumentum ad hominem, and ask what should be done if a perfect kangaroo were seen to come out of the womb of a bear?

Horum esse alterum Convictolitavem, florentem et illustrem adulescentem, alterum Cotum, antiquissima familia natum atque ipsum hominem summae potentiae et magnae cognationis, cuius frater Valetiacus proximo anno eundem magistratum gesserit.

Since ad hominem seems to be the mode of argument here, my own observation is that these particular critics seem to gravitate to the past phylogenetic structure that corresponds with the ontogenetic structure in themselves that is immediately prior to their failed personal integration.

Erat autem ad cuius imaginem faciebat, ad filii scilicet, qui homo futurus certior et verior imaginem suam fecerat dici hominem, qui tunc de limo formari habebat, imago veri et similitudo.

Quod si di placabiles et aequi delicta potentium non statim fulminibus persequuntur, quanto aequius est hominem hominibus praepositum miti animo exercere imperium?

Videmus duplicem statum, non confusum sed coniunctum in una persona deum et hominem Iesum.

Christum, quam etiam ipsum hominem adnuntiat deum, tam hominem descripsit Iesum Christum, quam etiam deum quoque descripsit Christum dominum.

Illi, ut erat imperatum, circumsistunt hominem atque interficiunt: at equites Aedui ad Caesarem omnes revertuntur.

And your response was first to ignore it, and then to make an ad hominem attack.

The ad hominem fallacy consists of attempting to refute an argument by impeaching the character of its proponent.

When they are asked to produce it or cite some reference, the usual response is ridicule or some ad hominem attack imputing motives.