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Answer for the clue "Small integer ", 3 letters:

Alternative clues for the word ten

Usage examples of ten.

CHAPTER 26 They Ride the Mountains Toward Goldburg Five days the Fellowship abode at Whiteness, and or ever they departed Clement waged men-at-arms of the lord of the town, besides servants to look to the beasts amongst the mountains, so that what with one, what with another, they entered the gates of the mountains a goodly company of four score and ten.

I mind was inside the bar of San Lucar, and he and I were boys about a ten year old, aboord of a Dartmouth ship, and went for wine, and there come in over the bar he that was the beginning of it all.

Desgranges gives a case of a fish-spine in the abdominal cavity, and ten years afterward it ulcerated through an abscess in the abdominal wall.

This created a problem because Florida law clearly requires all overseas absentee ballots to be postmarked by Election Day and received within ten days after the election.

He admitted that he had lived in Tulsa for more than ten years but still voted by absentee ballot in Madison County in every election, though he was no longer a legal resident there.

Assuming one-twentieth gee, that meant the rock had been accelerating for only ten or eleven minutes.

A short time after his accession, he conferred on his son Diadumenianus, at the age of only ten years, the Imperial title, and the popular name of Antoninus.

Grannie wants you to go down to Acme Films at ten fifteen when they will screen all the film we have of Red Army people who work for the Karlshorst Security Control Area.

Of the dark world, ten thousand spheres diffuse Their lustre through its adamantine gates.

This agent may be administered in doses of from five to ten drops, largely diluted in water or gruel.

Our favorite mode of administering both veratrum and aconite is to add ten drops of the tincture to ten or fifteen teaspoonfuls of water, of which one teaspoonful may be administered every hour.

The specific treatment, which should not be omitted, consists in administering doses of ten drops of the tincture of the muriate of iron in alternation with teaspoonful doses of the Golden Medical Discovery, every three hours.

Temporary relief may be given by administering one-quarter of a grain of morphine, or ten to twenty drops of chloroform in a teaspoonful of glycerine, slightly diluted, taken in one dose.

With a sad heart she turned her steps to the prison-gate, but here she was denied admittance, and for ten days she found the prison-door closed against her.

June, 1896, great stress was laid on the fact of the difference in the admixture of inks found on letters contemporaneous with the date of the will, and it was asserted also that the ink with which the will was written was not in existence at the time it was alleged to have been made, June 14, 1873, and probably not earlier than ten years later.