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Answer for the clue "Lucky, in France ", 5 letters:

Usage examples of faste.

The aforesaid solemnity was observed upon the 29th of November: which day was wholly spent in fasting, prayer, and giving of thanks.

And shortly of this proces for to trete, So doghty was hir housbonde and eek she, That they conquered manye regnes grete In the orient, with many a faire citee, Apertenaunt unto the magestee Of Rome, and with strong hond held hem ful faste, Ne nevere myghte hir foomen doon hem flee, Ay whil that Odenakes dayes laste.

And thus she said to him, as ye may hear: As she that had her heart on Troilus So faste set, that none might it arace.

And with that word, the arwes in the caas Of the goddesse clateren faste and rynge, And forth she wente, and made a vanysshynge, For which this Emelye astoned was, And seyde, "What amounteth this, allas!

Faste have I priked," quod he, "for youre sake, By cause that I wolde yow atake, To riden in this myrie compaignye.

Valerian gan faste unto hire swere That for no cas, ne thyng that myghte be, He sholde nevere mo biwreyen here, And thanne at erst to hym thus seyde she, "I have an Aungel which that loveth me, That with greet love, wher so I wake or sleepe, Is redy ay my body for to kepe.

Upon his beere ay lith this innocent Biforn the chief auter, whil masse laste, And after that, the abbot with his covent Han sped hem for to burien hym ful faste, And whan they hooly water on hym caste, Yet spak this child, whan spreynd was hooly water, And song "O Alma redemptoris mater.

Now was ther thanne a justice in that toun, That governour was of that regioun, And so bifel this juge hise eyen caste Upon this mayde, avysynge hym ful faste As she cam forby, ther as this juge stood.

But that science is so fer us biforn, We mowen nat, although we hadden sworn, It over-take, it slit awey so faste.

This wine of Spaine creepeth subtilly -- In other wines growing faste by, Of which there riseth such fumosity, That when a man hath drunken draughtes three, And weeneth that he be at home in Cheap, He is in Spain, right at the town of Lepe, Not at the Rochelle, nor at Bourdeaux town.

With that hir coverchief on hir heed she breyde, And over hise litel eyen she it leyde, And in hir arm she lulleth it ful faste, And into hevene hir eyen up she caste.

The fomy steedes on the golden brydel Gnawynge, and faste the armurers also With fyle and hamer prikynge to and fro.

Aboute his chaar ther wenten white alauntz, Twenty and mo, as grete as any steer, To hunten at the leoun or the deer, And folwed hym, with mosel faste ybounde, Colored of gold, and tourettes fyled rounde.

He cleped it `Valerie and Theofraste,' At whiche book he lough alwey ful faste.

Sir Thopas drow abak ful faste, This geant at hym stones caste Out of a fel staf-slynge.