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Answer for the clue "Character in computerville ", 4 letters:

Alternative clues for the word byte

Usage examples of byte.

Vppon the border in the necke of the couer, were two halfe rings, suppressed in the border by transuersion, one of them iust against another, which were holden in the biting teeth of two Lysarts, or byting Dragons of greene emerauld, bearing out from the couer.

They stoode with their serpentlike feete vpon the lower part of the couer vnder the necke, betwixt the which and the lower vessell, was one quantitie, and from his vpper gracilament descending, he ioyned with the turned in sime of the circumferent lymbus or verdge, where they did closely byte togither.

Its capacity was most meaningfully expressed not in giga-, tera-, peta-, exa-, or even zettabytes, but in yottabytes, or sextillions of bytes.

Forty billion bytes of data were sequentially driven out of the Teradyne tester, through an array of woven cables, into the back of the probecard, through the microneedles, and into the F1 chip under test.

Vppon the brimme of the hollow vessell, whose compasse was a foote moreouer about, then the subiacent of it, with their heades lifted vp vpon their Vipers feete, with a conuenient and decent intercalation, there were placed sixe little scaly Dragons, of pure shining Golde, with such a deuise, that the water comming from the teates of the Ladies, did fall directly vppon the euacuated and open crowne of the head of the Dragons, afore spoken of, with their winges spredde abroad, and as if they had been byting, they did cast vp and vomit the same water whiche fell beyonde the roundnes of the Ophict, into a receptorie of Porphyr, and rounde, whiche were both more higher then the flatnesse of the pauement before spoken of: where there was a little Channell going rounde about betwyxt the Ophit and the Porphyrite, in breadth one foote and a halfe, and in depth two foote.

It held a pair of Covenant memory blocks, brick-shaped chunks of some superdense material that could store who knew how many gazillion bytes of information.

In appearance it was not unlike a great chambered nautilus, pink, nacreous, and just translucent enough that any listener would be instantly detected and swallowed by the ferocious bytes that cruised these sacred streams.

Just what I need, a computer herd talking about bits and bytes and macros.

Cut-Through switching the switch copies only the Destination Address which is the first 6 bytes after the preamble into its buffer.

The number it gave me doesnt match the figure I get when I add up all of the bytes used by the displayed files.

Bytes Gridley besieging the fortress with hostile manifestations of the most singular character.

Jeffrey Horton at a coffee-and-crullers franchise cafe called Hot Bytes, where every tabletop had a large supertwist LCD built into it - an old technology, but one that made it difficult for anyone to read over your shoulder as you sipped and surfed.

Its own capacity is four terabytes, four times ten to the twelfth bytes.

Even without power, the bytes would remain stable until the actual crystal structure began to break downfive, ten thousand years.

You can literally load subject matter into the human brain as though you were squirting bytes into a memory core.