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Alternative clues for the word cosa

Usage examples of cosa.

She lay alone in the small room that Lij Mikhael had ordered for her, and listened to the drums beating and the shouts of laughter and bursts of singing from the Galla encampment amongst the cosa flora trees.

It was at about this time that the infamous gang wars and underworld intrigues were reaching the climax which would see the firm establishment of the Cosa Nostra families.

Now wise to the ways of his world, he successfully evaded the reach of the law thereafter and was formally initiated into a Cosa Nostra family somewhere around his 21st year.

DiGeorge could not remember a time since the Maranzano-Genovese wars of the thirties when there had been such a high attrition rate within a Cosa Nostra family.

DiGeorge filed a mental note to raise the issue with the Commissione, the national Cosa Nostra ruling council, at the first opportunity.

The Cosa Nostra, yeah, it gave you the clothes on your back and the food in your belly and yeah, your old man is loyal to a thing like this and if you had any sense, you,d be too instead of smart-mouthing it.

Frank de Sabatino had been crossed off the Christmas-card list of LCN La Cosa Nostra in Miami and for his own protection had been sent over to the UK as part of the federal witness protection program.

I went into orders they were saying the existence of the Cosa Nostra was a myth, like the bogyman.

También la carta que el pobre muchacho dejó explicaba todas las cosas.

Entre otras cosas, yo tenía un reloj, un casco de corcho, una brújula y una Biblia.

En algún tiroteo con los zumacos se portó como un hombre, pero otra cosa fue cuando los ejércitos se enfrentaron y empezó el cañoneo y cada hombre sintió que cinco mil hombres se habían coaligado para matarlo.

El anfitrión, que en achaques de hospitalidad es mucho hombre, aceptó un Corona extralargo, y, entre pitada y pitada, chanza va y chanza viene, parló como un oráculo, y dijo tantas y tales cosas que nuestro Ricardo, apesadumbrado y mohíno, hubo de contramarchar a Villa Castellammare, que no corriera más ligero si veinte mil feísimos demonios le persiguiesen.

Marino vio la rosa, como Adán pudo verla en el Paraíso, y sintió que ella estaba en su eternidad y no en sus palabras y que podemos mencionar o aludir pero no expresar y que los altos y soberbios volúmenes que formaban en un ángulo de la sala una penumbra de oro no eran (como su vanidad soñó) un espejo del mundo, sino una cosa más agregada al mundo.

Una volta sco­perta la natura dell'analogo di Noys, che cosa avrebbe po­tuto fare?

E per prima cosa vidi che tutte le provviste della nave erano intatte e che l'acqua non le aveva danneggiate, e siccome non disdegnavo l'idea di mangiare, andai nella cambusa e mi riempii le tasche di gallette e le mangiai mentre ero impegnato in altre faccende, poiché non avevo tempo da perdere.