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Covenant may refer to:

The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary
Covenant \Cov"e*nant\ (k?v"?-nant), n. [OF. covenant, fr. F. & OF. convenir to agree, L. convenire. See Convene .] A mutual agreement of two or more persons or parties, or one of the stipulations in such an agreement. Then Jonathan and David made a covenant. ...

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
noun COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ ADJECTIVE express ▪ If the employer requires protection he should have the foresight to include an express covenant in the employment contract. implied ▪ There is in fact no implied covenant or warranty on the part of the ...

Usage examples of covenant.

On October 3, 1935, in defiance of the Covenant, his armies invaded the ancient mountain kingdom of Abyssinia.

If thy judgment be belepered with a corrupt opinion about the covenant, thy affections and actions will quickly be belepered also: and therefore you ought to endeavour, according to your places, that nothing be spoken or written that may tend to the prejudice of the covenant.

The covenant being broken, he was no longer safe, and she bewitched him to death.

Princess Anne set in place an irrevocable covenant by which Cassan devolves to Gwynedd upon the death of her father, he having no sons.

In the character of Israel as a covenanted people, there shines out a special splendour.

But for the sterling spirituality of the Reformers there would never have been a Covenanted Reformation.

But now the perjured monarch employed all his craft and power to overthrow the whole Covenanted Reformation in Church and State.

Covenanters expected that, on the cessation of the persecution, there would be the restoration of the whole Covenanted Reformation in Church and State.

Revolution Church because of his testimony for the whole Covenanted Reformation.

Churches adhered to their National Covenants and the Solemn League and Covenant, and to the formularies prepared by the international Assembly at Westminster, the lovers of the Covenanted Reformation would not have had these portentous conditions to deplore to-day.

How could they loyally support a Constitution now so opposite to the ancient Scriptural and Covenanted Constitution of the realm?

It will be a good work for a covenanted king, to have a care that the gospel may be preached through the whole land.

God doth not lessen their obedience and allegiance to the king, but increaseth it, and maketh the obedience firmer: because we are in covenant with God, we should the more obey a covenanted king.

That a king covenanted with God should be much respected by his subjects.

Ye are receiving this day a crowned covenanted king, pray for saving grace to him, and that God would deliver him and us, out of the hand of these cruel enemies, and bless his government, and cause us to live a quiet and peaceable life under him in all godliness and honesty.