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Answer for the clue "Like the joke about the Iowa farmer? ", 5 letters:

Alternative clues for the word corny

Usage examples of corny.

Corny happened to be in command of the Bronx, while he was himself nominally a prisoner of war.

Another time a rock barely missed his head as he rounded the cornier of a hall.

The vast majority of boys are too farty and horny and corny all the time.

It was corny, yes, a funhouse fake meant to test the bladders of small children and give teenage girls a reason to squeal and cuddle for protection in the arms of their smirking boyfriends.

Devine spoke with Chet Premminger about servicing the plane, she leaned on the hood, staring at what was left of the sunset, a few crimson and orange ribbons in the west, with mesas and gentle mountains silhouetted black like on corny picture postcards.

Highly providential was the appearance on the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was blissfully unconscious but for that man in the gap turning up at the eleventh hour the finis might have been that he might have been a candidate for the accident ward or, failing that, the bridewell and an appearance in the court next day before Mr Tobias or, he being the solicitor rather, old Wall, he meant to say, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a chap when it got bruited about.

So now he submitted miserably as Fay surveyed him up and down, switched off his blinking headlamp ("That coalminer caper is corny, Gussy.

An assortment of six-inch-high capital letter T's, made from cloth, mounted under glass, along with a corny photo of the seventeen-year-old Cozzano, pigskin tucked under one arm, other arm held out like a jouster's lance to straight-arm an imaginary linebacker from Arcola or Rantoul.

Since Isidore is younger, were he to be the viewpoint character we would perhaps have something on the order of The Graduate, in which everyone over thirty is corrupt and an instrument of the Establishment, and young, free, innocent love wins out -- an oddly corny theme for such a supposedly adult movie.

Government had the kindness to provide me with, believe it or not, a tape of the Andrews Sisters singing this corny but well-loved number .

The Voltarians, with all this nonsense about sources and accu­racy, were definitely on the wrong road: even the corniest weekly in Podunk could give them lessons.

Lincoln, Simulacrum he operates a little business that produces corny electronic organs -- and, later on, human-like robots which ultimately become more of an irritation than a threat.

Turn on the TV, listen to radio, you should hear how corny the pizza commercials, the beer ads with the Cherman accents from Central Casting, the Martians eating potato powder and sounding like they came from the Moon.

She mocked their clumsy fumblings, their corny dialogue, their absurd self-importance.

The Executioner had come to realize that he was fighting a holy war, corny as it sounded.