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Alternative clues for the word crow

Word definitions for crow in dictionaries

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
Old English crawian "make a loud noise like a crow" (see crow (n.)); sense of "exult in triumph" is 1520s, perhaps in part because the English crow is a carrion-eater. Related: Crowed ; crowing .

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Word definitions in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a bird's/eagle's/crow's etc nest ▪ an abandoned bird's nest cock crowed ▪ A cock crowed in the distance. crow's feet crow's nest COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ ADJECTIVE hooded ▪ I knew that there is no death worse for ...

Usage examples of crow.

The author is prepared, after careful consideration, to accept and professionally indorse, with few exceptions, the conclusions as to the probable character of the decimating diseases of the passengers and crew of the MAY-FLOWER, so ably and interestingly presented by Dr.

This came as something of a relief to his crew, who hated to be aboard without him present.

As soon as the Fortitude is loaded, put a prize crew aboard her and shape her a course for English Harbour.

They could never have got aboard in the face of resistance by the whole crew.

In Spain any actress who shews her drawers on the stage is liable to a fine of a crown.

Eric thought they were the same thing, these two, and the old Chinese was the same, doing acupoint massage, and the repair crew passing fiber-optic cable down a manhole from an enormous yellow spool.

They winced when High Magus Adad slapped Marduk smartly across the face before setting the mitered crown on his head.

Most of the crew suffered from some degree of nausea while adapting to microgravity, and those especially affected, such as AH Tillman and Alex Dyachkov, are still prone to attacks if they spin around too quickly, or if they find themselves without an absolute reference point.

Having seen Jacopo fairly out of the harbor, Dantes proceeded to make his final adieus on board The Young Amelia, distributing so liberal a gratuity among her crew as to secure for him the good wishes of all, and expressions of cordial interest in all that concerned him.

After a few observations from Lords Brougham and Londonderry, the debate was adjourned till the following week, when the lord-chancellor stated that he should propose that power be given to the crown to allow the prince to take precedence next after any heir-apparent to the throne.

On days of general festivity, it was the custom of the ancients to adorn their doors with lamps and with branches of laurel, and to crown their heads with a garland of flowers.

Of course, an aerial warship will have to be big, for it will have to carry extra machinery to give it extra speed, and it will have to carry a certain armament, and a large crew will be needed.

He wore the jeweled gold crown Karigan had just seen resting on the body of Agates Sealender.

I will add with reference to myself, that these transactions show that, so far from being actuated by those motives of personal aggrandizement, with which I have been charged by persons of high station in another place, my object was, that others should occupy a post of honour, and that for myself I was willing to serve in any capacity, or without any official capacity, so as to enable the crown to carry on the government.

If I were the more agile jumper Hovan Du far outclassed me in climbing, with the result that he reached the rail and was clambering over while my eyes were still below the level of the deck, which was, perhaps, a fortunate thing for me since, by chance, I had elected to gain the deck directly at a point where, unknown to me, one of the crew of the ship was engaged with the grappling hooks.