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Alternative clues for the word air

Usage examples of air.

At any rate she had a jesting air, and the bystanders noticed that she pronounced the words of her abjuration with a smile.

Val died, his gardens were abloom with chrysanthemums, the air golden, the oaks in his yard sculpted against a hard blue sky.

A mosquito bite, a cut, or the slightest abrasion, serves for lodgment of the poison with which the air seems to be filled.

Conal now sat on its sculpted door, and absently traced a slender finger along an air intake, glowering at the envelope.

Their theory is confirmed by the cases in which two mixed substances occupy a greater space than either singly, especially a space equal to the conjoined extent of each: for, as they point out, in an absolute interpenetration the infusion of the one into the other would leave the occupied space exactly what it was before and, where the space occupied is not increased by the juxtaposition, they explain that some expulsion of air has made room for the incoming substance.

The evening air had cooled considerably, and Ace sat hunched close to the campfire.

She ached to be outside in the fresh air, to be dressed in her oldest jeans, turning over spades full of soft loamy earth, feeling the excitement and pleasure of siting the bulbs, of allowing her imagination to paint for her the colourful picture they would make in the spring, in their uniform beds set among lawn pathways and bordered by a long deep border of old-fashioned perennial plants.

The panic backed up into his throat, leaving an acidy taste in his mouth and a lump obstructing his air.

In the commons Sir Robert Peel threw himself, acrimoniously, and with all his energy, into this controversy, and used all the exploded arguments of the protectionists with the air of one who for the first time urged them upon the house.

Then, for the first time, I felt acutely the coolness, motion, and dampness of the surrounding air.

In the strategic confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, the adequacy of air defences was a vital issue.

Although I had much ado to refrain from laughing at the vexation and disappointment which appeared on all their faces, I succeeded in preserving my serious air.

She pulled her shawl closer around her against the chilly air and returned to the adobe house.

Fortune had made an actor of him, and he looked wretched enough, while I, the adventurer, had a prosperous air.

Sure that the sigh of Ammon came from air within the adytum beneath, Ravion had gone to the temple and burned a special preparation.